Summaries of Web Dev Cody Videos 📚

Watch your favorite videos and the summaries on Glasp

Why you’ll need topics to decouple your software systems thumbnail
Why you’ll need topics to decouple your software systems
Web Dev Cody
Rendering Posts using Javascript | Beginner's Series to Full Stack Web Development thumbnail
Rendering Posts using Javascript | Beginner's Series to Full Stack Web Development
Web Dev Cody
BEGINNER Javascript Practice - Iteration & Strings - Filtering out characters from a string thumbnail
BEGINNER Javascript Practice - Iteration & Strings - Filtering out characters from a string
Web Dev Cody
What are my thoughts on Bun? thumbnail
What are my thoughts on Bun?
Web Dev Cody
What is a Javascript Closure? thumbnail
What is a Javascript Closure?
Web Dev Cody
How I rate limit without third party services thumbnail
How I rate limit without third party services
Web Dev Cody
How do server side authentication sessions work (express & cookies) thumbnail
How do server side authentication sessions work (express & cookies)
Web Dev Cody
I'm hosting a hackathon for my community next week (with $2,500 total cash prizes) thumbnail
I'm hosting a hackathon for my community next week (with $2,500 total cash prizes)
Web Dev Cody
Trying to answer interview questions a subscriber was asked for junior full stack position thumbnail
Trying to answer interview questions a subscriber was asked for junior full stack position
Web Dev Cody
This is what bad code looks like thumbnail
This is what bad code looks like
Web Dev Cody
Why I'm switching from Postgres to a real-time database thumbnail
Why I'm switching from Postgres to a real-time database
Web Dev Cody
Practice with building React components with Tailwind and Typescript thumbnail
Practice with building React components with Tailwind and Typescript
Web Dev Cody
Adding CSS Transitions to the React Image Slider thumbnail
Adding CSS Transitions to the React Image Slider
Web Dev Cody
My misunderstanding of next.js confused me during my live stream thumbnail
My misunderstanding of next.js confused me during my live stream
Web Dev Cody
What is Automated Testing and Test Drive Development TDD thumbnail
What is Automated Testing and Test Drive Development TDD
Web Dev Cody
I made a free next.js template using lucia auth (oauth, email, magic link, forgot password) thumbnail
I made a free next.js template using lucia auth (oauth, email, magic link, forgot password)
Web Dev Cody
Why I don't enjoy using typescript or static languages much thumbnail
Why I don't enjoy using typescript or static languages much
Web Dev Cody
What approach do I take to learn new tech thumbnail
What approach do I take to learn new tech
Web Dev Cody
How do software systems achieve zero downtime on new deploys? thumbnail
How do software systems achieve zero downtime on new deploys?
Web Dev Cody
This aws lambda issue was impossible to debug thumbnail
This aws lambda issue was impossible to debug
Web Dev Cody
Software developers are officially cooked thumbnail
Software developers are officially cooked
Web Dev Cody
Here's an overview of all my revenue generating side projects thumbnail
Here's an overview of all my revenue generating side projects
Web Dev Cody
Refactoring code for my Next.js Application (keeping things DRY) thumbnail
Refactoring code for my Next.js Application (keeping things DRY)
Web Dev Cody
How to make a pull request on an open source project thumbnail
How to make a pull request on an open source project
Web Dev Cody
A Practical Example of Performance Optimizations in Node.JS | Looking at HashLips NFT Art Engine thumbnail
A Practical Example of Performance Optimizations in Node.JS | Looking at HashLips NFT Art Engine
Web Dev Cody
How to use Cypress to write E2E Tests over a Registration Page thumbnail
How to use Cypress to write E2E Tests over a Registration Page
Web Dev Cody
Adding GitHub Actions to your project will help you out thumbnail
Adding GitHub Actions to your project will help you out
Web Dev Cody
How I hosted my Astro website thumbnail
How I hosted my Astro website
Web Dev Cody
Stop using typescript env variables wrong thumbnail
Stop using typescript env variables wrong
Web Dev Cody
Live coding a Speed Typing Game in Javascript, HTML, and CSS thumbnail
Live coding a Speed Typing Game in Javascript, HTML, and CSS
Web Dev Cody
A subscriber spent 8 hours debugging this code thumbnail
A subscriber spent 8 hours debugging this code
Web Dev Cody
Why recursion is critical when solving "medium" leet code interview problems thumbnail
Why recursion is critical when solving "medium" leet code interview problems
Web Dev Cody
CSS Battle - #16 Eye of the Tiger thumbnail
CSS Battle - #16 Eye of the Tiger
Web Dev Cody
How to Prevent Burnout as a Software Engineer thumbnail
How to Prevent Burnout as a Software Engineer
Web Dev Cody
Trying battlesnakes for the first time thumbnail
Trying battlesnakes for the first time
Web Dev Cody
Serverless might bankrupt you (and how to deploy to a VPS instead) thumbnail
Serverless might bankrupt you (and how to deploy to a VPS instead)
Web Dev Cody
Fetching a Single Post | Begginer's Guide to Full Stack Development thumbnail
Fetching a Single Post | Begginer's Guide to Full Stack Development
Web Dev Cody
I think I was wrong about AWS Amplify thumbnail
I think I was wrong about AWS Amplify
Web Dev Cody
I found this awesome AI chat widget template project thumbnail
I found this awesome AI chat widget template project
Web Dev Cody
No joke, I'm switching to remix after this bug thumbnail
No joke, I'm switching to remix after this bug
Web Dev Cody
An overview of how blue-green deployments work (with AWS examples) thumbnail
An overview of how blue-green deployments work (with AWS examples)
Web Dev Cody
Tracking when people view a build order (next, prisma, tailwind) part 9 thumbnail
Tracking when people view a build order (next, prisma, tailwind) part 9
Web Dev Cody
This is why your site might need a cookie banner thumbnail
This is why your site might need a cookie banner
Web Dev Cody
Building a Small Express / Vanilla Js Project using Test Driven Development thumbnail
Building a Small Express / Vanilla Js Project using Test Driven Development
Web Dev Cody
This is why we use continuous integration thumbnail
This is why we use continuous integration
Web Dev Cody
I compiled a Rust project for the first time thumbnail
I compiled a Rust project for the first time
Web Dev Cody
This is probably the most useful software design pattern thumbnail
This is probably the most useful software design pattern
Web Dev Cody
This is why accessibility is important in your web applications thumbnail
This is why accessibility is important in your web applications
Web Dev Cody
MERN Stack Live Coding | Part 4 thumbnail
MERN Stack Live Coding | Part 4
Web Dev Cody
Adding Authentication to React Routes thumbnail
Adding Authentication to React Routes
Web Dev Cody
How to infinitely scale a multiplayer game server thumbnail
How to infinitely scale a multiplayer game server
Web Dev Cody
I gave up on this React challenge problem, but it's a good one thumbnail
I gave up on this React challenge problem, but it's a good one
Web Dev Cody
Using External Stylesheets & Multiple Pages | Beginner's Series to Full Stack Web Development thumbnail
Using External Stylesheets & Multiple Pages | Beginner's Series to Full Stack Web Development
Web Dev Cody
Working on adding automated tests to my Email Newsletter app thumbnail
Working on adding automated tests to my Email Newsletter app
Web Dev Cody
Simplest 2021 roadmap to become a full stack web developer thumbnail
Simplest 2021 roadmap to become a full stack web developer
Web Dev Cody
Learn the useContext Hook in React thumbnail
Learn the useContext Hook in React
Web Dev Cody
Working on my Next.js starter kit thumbnail
Working on my Next.js starter kit
Web Dev Cody
React's useEffect is giving me an existential crisis thumbnail
React's useEffect is giving me an existential crisis
Web Dev Cody
This is the weirdest pitfall about Next.js server actions thumbnail
This is the weirdest pitfall about Next.js server actions
Web Dev Cody
Working on the Course Platform full stack app (t3 stack, mantine, prisma, typescript) thumbnail
Working on the Course Platform full stack app (t3 stack, mantine, prisma, typescript)
Web Dev Cody
Why understanding concurrency in Go is so important thumbnail
Why understanding concurrency in Go is so important
Web Dev Cody
Trying out a CoffeeScript like language called Civet thumbnail
Trying out a CoffeeScript like language called Civet
Web Dev Cody
Rendering ONE MILLION buttons on a single page (with realtime updates) thumbnail
Rendering ONE MILLION buttons on a single page (with realtime updates)
Web Dev Cody
How to build & deploy a MERN stack web application (typescript, mongo, express, react, node) thumbnail
How to build & deploy a MERN stack web application (typescript, mongo, express, react, node)
Web Dev Cody
Why I use docker for my web dev projects thumbnail
Why I use docker for my web dev projects
Web Dev Cody
This is why you get CORS errors sometimes thumbnail
This is why you get CORS errors sometimes
Web Dev Cody
How to make resilient web applications with retries thumbnail
How to make resilient web applications with retries
Web Dev Cody
Check out this awesome 3d ring I made 6 years ago thumbnail
Check out this awesome 3d ring I made 6 years ago
Web Dev Cody
I might be enjoying Remix more than Next thumbnail
I might be enjoying Remix more than Next
Web Dev Cody
I got 10x faster performance from this simple Node.js refactor thumbnail
I got 10x faster performance from this simple Node.js refactor
Web Dev Cody
What VSCode shortcuts do I use to be efficient at coding thumbnail
What VSCode shortcuts do I use to be efficient at coding
Web Dev Cody
Here is a more challenging react interview exercise thumbnail
Here is a more challenging react interview exercise
Web Dev Cody
How I’m training a custom stable diffusion model using replicate thumbnail
How I’m training a custom stable diffusion model using replicate
Web Dev Cody
This is why webhooks are important thumbnail
This is why webhooks are important
Web Dev Cody
Building and Deploying a T3 Stack Application thumbnail
Building and Deploying a T3 Stack Application
Web Dev Cody
CSS Battle - #5 Acid Rain thumbnail
CSS Battle - #5 Acid Rain
Web Dev Cody
How I manage my time to publish so much content thumbnail
How I manage my time to publish so much content
Web Dev Cody
Build your products 10x faster with this low-code platform thumbnail
Build your products 10x faster with this low-code platform
Web Dev Cody
MERN Stack Live Coding | Part 5 thumbnail
MERN Stack Live Coding | Part 5
Web Dev Cody
Adding a World Switcher Feature to the Minecraft Hosting System | DevLog #7 thumbnail
Adding a World Switcher Feature to the Minecraft Hosting System | DevLog #7
Web Dev Cody
100k sites compromised - It’s time to rethink this ecosystem thumbnail
100k sites compromised - It’s time to rethink this ecosystem
Web Dev Cody
How do I plan out my software development projects (talks about agile development) thumbnail
How do I plan out my software development projects (talks about agile development)
Web Dev Cody
How would I design a URL shortener application (interview question prep) thumbnail
How would I design a URL shortener application (interview question prep)
Web Dev Cody
How to Email Contact Us Form Data using thumbnail
How to Email Contact Us Form Data using
Web Dev Cody
Streaming components in Next is pretty interesting thumbnail
Streaming components in Next is pretty interesting
Web Dev Cody
How to use S3 Object Tagging (with IAM policy example) thumbnail
How to use S3 Object Tagging (with IAM policy example)
Web Dev Cody
Building a Subscription Based SaaS with my Favorite Tech Stack (Next.js, Stripe, Convex, Clerk) thumbnail
Building a Subscription Based SaaS with my Favorite Tech Stack (Next.js, Stripe, Convex, Clerk)
Web Dev Cody
How to code a HANGMAN GAME with PYTHON thumbnail
How to code a HANGMAN GAME with PYTHON
Web Dev Cody
Javascript for Complete Beginners: Objects thumbnail
Javascript for Complete Beginners: Objects
Web Dev Cody
I'm finally moving away from Next-Auth thumbnail
I'm finally moving away from Next-Auth
Web Dev Cody
Can you solve this beginner React interview practice problem? thumbnail
Can you solve this beginner React interview practice problem?
Web Dev Cody
I'm now VPS red pilled (and protecting with CloudFlare) thumbnail
I'm now VPS red pilled (and protecting with CloudFlare)
Web Dev Cody
Helping a subscriber build his own react on boarding component thumbnail
Helping a subscriber build his own react on boarding component
Web Dev Cody
my application became 2x better overnight thumbnail
my application became 2x better overnight
Web Dev Cody
How to Code a Web Crawler using NodeJs thumbnail
How to Code a Web Crawler using NodeJs
Web Dev Cody
Building stuff, answering question, the usual (T3 Stack, React) thumbnail
Building stuff, answering question, the usual (T3 Stack, React)
Web Dev Cody
Why use NodeJs over other Languages & Runtimes thumbnail
Why use NodeJs over other Languages & Runtimes
Web Dev Cody
This is why you need a centralized logger on your software systems thumbnail
This is why you need a centralized logger on your software systems
Web Dev Cody
BEGINNER Javascript Problems - Loop & Iterations - Counting Characters in String thumbnail
BEGINNER Javascript Problems - Loop & Iterations - Counting Characters in String
Web Dev Cody
Just working on a Next.js Side Project thumbnail
Just working on a Next.js Side Project
Web Dev Cody
Why ChatGPT won't make you obsolete thumbnail
Why ChatGPT won't make you obsolete
Web Dev Cody
Map - Array Methods - Javascript Tutorial thumbnail
Map - Array Methods - Javascript Tutorial
Web Dev Cody
I'm converting my starter kit promo site to just Hono thumbnail
I'm converting my starter kit promo site to just Hono
Web Dev Cody
Why I like to decouple my React views from my logic thumbnail
Why I like to decouple my React views from my logic
Web Dev Cody
Goodbye Nextra thumbnail
Goodbye Nextra
Web Dev Cody
Yes, I’m probably wasting my time even building this api framework, but now I can deploy it 😂 thumbnail
Yes, I’m probably wasting my time even building this api framework, but now I can deploy it 😂
Web Dev Cody
This is why testing is hard thumbnail
This is why testing is hard
Web Dev Cody
Agile doesn't suck, you're just bad at it thumbnail
Agile doesn't suck, you're just bad at it
Web Dev Cody
This is how you can run async jobs in Next.js with server actions thumbnail
This is how you can run async jobs in Next.js with server actions
Web Dev Cody
How to host a website on digital ocean with nginx thumbnail
How to host a website on digital ocean with nginx
Web Dev Cody
How do I learn new programming languages, frameworks, or libraries? thumbnail
How do I learn new programming languages, frameworks, or libraries?
Web Dev Cody
What is Full Stack Development | Beginner's Series to Full Stack Web Development thumbnail
What is Full Stack Development | Beginner's Series to Full Stack Web Development
Web Dev Cody
Animating HTML DOM Elements using GSAP thumbnail
Animating HTML DOM Elements using GSAP
Web Dev Cody
This React challenge is fair game for a junior web dev interview thumbnail
This React challenge is fair game for a junior web dev interview
Web Dev Cody
Setting up Auth and Mantine AppShell | Course Platform Part 2 thumbnail
Setting up Auth and Mantine AppShell | Course Platform Part 2
Web Dev Cody
The most important function to write performant next.js apps thumbnail
The most important function to write performant next.js apps
Web Dev Cody
A lesson in refactoring react code: cleaning up a modal component thumbnail
A lesson in refactoring react code: cleaning up a modal component
Web Dev Cody
How you can use custom hooks to abstract your react code thumbnail
How you can use custom hooks to abstract your react code
Web Dev Cody
Trying Chakra UI For the First Time | Learning Session thumbnail
Trying Chakra UI For the First Time | Learning Session
Web Dev Cody
Why a SEPARATE TABLE is more secure thumbnail
Why a SEPARATE TABLE is more secure
Web Dev Cody
The WRONG way to toggle classes in React thumbnail
The WRONG way to toggle classes in React
Web Dev Cody
Writing a dApp using Solidity, Truffle, Ganache, MetaMask | Part 1 thumbnail
Writing a dApp using Solidity, Truffle, Ganache, MetaMask | Part 1
Web Dev Cody
You need this tool when learning Kubernetes thumbnail
You need this tool when learning Kubernetes
Web Dev Cody
Why I often write unit tests before writing javascript thumbnail
Why I often write unit tests before writing javascript
Web Dev Cody
Why it's important to learn how to break down problems thumbnail
Why it's important to learn how to break down problems
Web Dev Cody
How to use Redux and Redux Thunk with React Tutorial thumbnail
How to use Redux and Redux Thunk with React Tutorial
Web Dev Cody
Why serverless is sometimes GOATED (removing 1,000 image backgrounds in seconds) thumbnail
Why serverless is sometimes GOATED (removing 1,000 image backgrounds in seconds)
Web Dev Cody
The important things to know about React state and renders thumbnail
The important things to know about React state and renders
Web Dev Cody
Coding in Node & Javascript using TDD | Cypress TDD | Part 4 thumbnail
Coding in Node & Javascript using TDD | Cypress TDD | Part 4
Web Dev Cody
How to use read and write streams in node.js for BIG CSV files thumbnail
How to use read and write streams in node.js for BIG CSV files
Web Dev Cody
This is how you can debug performance issues in your node applications thumbnail
This is how you can debug performance issues in your node applications
Web Dev Cody
How to Design a Notification System for your Application thumbnail
How to Design a Notification System for your Application
Web Dev Cody
Why learning the javascript debugger will save you time thumbnail
Why learning the javascript debugger will save you time
Web Dev Cody
Trying to learn Go for the first time thumbnail
Trying to learn Go for the first time
Web Dev Cody
Helping a subscriber learn Jest and mocking a bit thumbnail
Helping a subscriber learn Jest and mocking a bit
Web Dev Cody
Building a text adventure RPG using OpenAI and LangChain thumbnail
Building a text adventure RPG using OpenAI and LangChain
Web Dev Cody
Let's build something simple with Next.js thumbnail
Let's build something simple with Next.js
Web Dev Cody
Deploying a AWS Serverless REST API thumbnail
Deploying a AWS Serverless REST API
Web Dev Cody
Practicing TDD using Jest and Node (JavaScript) for calorie tracker cli tool thumbnail
Practicing TDD using Jest and Node (JavaScript) for calorie tracker cli tool
Web Dev Cody
How to setup a public accessible S3 bucket thumbnail
How to setup a public accessible S3 bucket
Web Dev Cody
Just a chat about SQL and NoSQL and DynamoDB thumbnail
Just a chat about SQL and NoSQL and DynamoDB
Web Dev Cody
PlanetScale killed their hobby plan (and how to migrate off) thumbnail
PlanetScale killed their hobby plan (and how to migrate off)
Web Dev Cody
Trying out Contentful, a Headless CMS thumbnail
Trying out Contentful, a Headless CMS
Web Dev Cody
I'm finally using Python in production (as a typescript developer) thumbnail
I'm finally using Python in production (as a typescript developer)
Web Dev Cody
Doing challenges using HTML / CSS thumbnail
Doing challenges using HTML / CSS
Web Dev Cody
Working on a T3 Community Next Application | Next, Tailwind, tRPC, Prisma thumbnail
Working on a T3 Community Next Application | Next, Tailwind, tRPC, Prisma
Web Dev Cody
How I build and deploy my Go applications (Templ & HTMX) thumbnail
How I build and deploy my Go applications (Templ & HTMX)
Web Dev Cody
Why throttled queues are important when building software systems thumbnail
Why throttled queues are important when building software systems
Web Dev Cody
Building a new SaaS product thumbnail
Building a new SaaS product
Web Dev Cody
Learning Drizzle ORM and working on a next14 project thumbnail
Learning Drizzle ORM and working on a next14 project
Web Dev Cody
How to share state between React Routes by Lifting State thumbnail
How to share state between React Routes by Lifting State
Web Dev Cody
How to setup a CI/CD pipeline using Github Actions by running automated jest unit tests thumbnail
How to setup a CI/CD pipeline using Github Actions by running automated jest unit tests
Web Dev Cody
Working on our Community Project Code Racer (Next, Tailwind, ShadCN/ui, prisma) thumbnail
Working on our Community Project Code Racer (Next, Tailwind, ShadCN/ui, prisma)
Web Dev Cody
Here is another great React practice problem (Tower of Hanoi) thumbnail
Here is another great React practice problem (Tower of Hanoi)
Web Dev Cody
Deploying my full stack app to railway (next, prisma, tailwind) part 6 thumbnail
Deploying my full stack app to railway (next, prisma, tailwind) part 6
Web Dev Cody
Using MongoDB to Store our Posts | Beginner's Guide to Full Stack Development thumbnail
Using MongoDB to Store our Posts | Beginner's Guide to Full Stack Development
Web Dev Cody
Why I suggest understanding the problems React and TailwindCSS solve thumbnail
Why I suggest understanding the problems React and TailwindCSS solve
Web Dev Cody
Trying another Junior challenge - tip calculator thumbnail
Trying another Junior challenge - tip calculator
Web Dev Cody
How we use DynamoDB streams to replicate data into Elasticsearch thumbnail
How we use DynamoDB streams to replicate data into Elasticsearch
Web Dev Cody
Javascript Practice Problems: The Spiral Grid thumbnail
Javascript Practice Problems: The Spiral Grid
Web Dev Cody
No GPT4 subscription?  Try this alternative GPT interface thumbnail
No GPT4 subscription? Try this alternative GPT interface
Web Dev Cody
V0 coded a calculator 30x faster than me thumbnail
V0 coded a calculator 30x faster than me
Web Dev Cody
How I deal with burnout as a web developer thumbnail
How I deal with burnout as a web developer
Web Dev Cody
Live refactoring a subscribers React SPA anime application thumbnail
Live refactoring a subscribers React SPA anime application
Web Dev Cody
Why abstractions are useful (storing openai conversations into a db) thumbnail
Why abstractions are useful (storing openai conversations into a db)
Web Dev Cody
This is the best library for building cli programs thumbnail
This is the best library for building cli programs
Web Dev Cody
This tool makes self hosting simple thumbnail
This tool makes self hosting simple
Web Dev Cody
Pop - Array Methods - Javascript Tutorial thumbnail
Pop - Array Methods - Javascript Tutorial
Web Dev Cody
⚔️ CSS Battle #1 - Push Button thumbnail
⚔️ CSS Battle #1 - Push Button
Web Dev Cody
Next.js MDX is pretty awesome thumbnail
Next.js MDX is pretty awesome
Web Dev Cody
Trying to add refresh token logic in next-auth thumbnail
Trying to add refresh token logic in next-auth
Web Dev Cody
How I Plan for System Refactorings using Diagrams | NFT-Magic DevLog 2 thumbnail
How I Plan for System Refactorings using Diagrams | NFT-Magic DevLog 2
Web Dev Cody
The take home assignment that got me hired 8 years ago - beginner react practice problem thumbnail
The take home assignment that got me hired 8 years ago - beginner react practice problem
Web Dev Cody
I'll teach whatever JavaScript Concept you need help on thumbnail
I'll teach whatever JavaScript Concept you need help on
Web Dev Cody
Can I pass this harder linkedin javascript quiz? thumbnail
Can I pass this harder linkedin javascript quiz?
Web Dev Cody
Javascript Practice Problems: Count Characters in String thumbnail
Javascript Practice Problems: Count Characters in String
Web Dev Cody
How to find PAC-MAN using TEMPLATE MATCHING with JAVASCRIPT thumbnail
Web Dev Cody
Why you'll need client components in Next.js thumbnail
Why you'll need client components in Next.js
Web Dev Cody
Here are the winners of the Hackathon thumbnail
Here are the winners of the Hackathon
Web Dev Cody
This is a good beginner React interview challenge question thumbnail
This is a good beginner React interview challenge question
Web Dev Cody
Coding a Color Sorting AI in Javascript thumbnail
Coding a Color Sorting AI in Javascript
Web Dev Cody
Why BigInt is useful in solving "medium" LeetCode interview questions thumbnail
Why BigInt is useful in solving "medium" LeetCode interview questions
Web Dev Cody
Why I suggest memorizing code as a beginner developer thumbnail
Why I suggest memorizing code as a beginner developer
Web Dev Cody
I trained my own AI voice model to teach my kid thumbnail
I trained my own AI voice model to teach my kid
Web Dev Cody
How I setup stripe in my Next.js side project thumbnail
How I setup stripe in my Next.js side project
Web Dev Cody
Working on my T3 Stack SaaS AI Icon Generator thumbnail
Working on my T3 Stack SaaS AI Icon Generator
Web Dev Cody
React Challenge - Can you Build a Multi-Select State Dropdown? thumbnail
React Challenge - Can you Build a Multi-Select State Dropdown?
Web Dev Cody
How do I stay motivated on my coding side projects thumbnail
How do I stay motivated on my coding side projects
Web Dev Cody
When should you abstract code away? (with basic React example) thumbnail
When should you abstract code away? (with basic React example)
Web Dev Cody
How to host a static website on AWS S3 thumbnail
How to host a static website on AWS S3
Web Dev Cody
Making graph visualizations of traversing p2p network discovery thumbnail
Making graph visualizations of traversing p2p network discovery
Web Dev Cody
This is why decoupling your software systems is important thumbnail
This is why decoupling your software systems is important
Web Dev Cody
I built an app using voice to text only thumbnail
I built an app using voice to text only
Web Dev Cody
This is the real purpose for react context thumbnail
This is the real purpose for react context
Web Dev Cody
Building an online multiplayer snowball throwing game (vanilla js, node, thumbnail
Building an online multiplayer snowball throwing game (vanilla js, node,
Web Dev Cody
My thoughts on the Next.js 14 release thumbnail
My thoughts on the Next.js 14 release
Web Dev Cody
How to self host a Next.js application (with Dockerfile overview) thumbnail
How to self host a Next.js application (with Dockerfile overview)
Web Dev Cody
This is how I recommend you learn Recursion in Javascript thumbnail
This is how I recommend you learn Recursion in Javascript
Web Dev Cody
CSS Battle - #34 Christmas Tree thumbnail
CSS Battle - #34 Christmas Tree
Web Dev Cody
Web Dev Cody
This MacOS app makes coding on my laptop fun again! thumbnail
This MacOS app makes coding on my laptop fun again!
Web Dev Cody
How to Code a Suggestions Component in React thumbnail
How to Code a Suggestions Component in React
Web Dev Cody
This challenge is a great react custom hook practice problem thumbnail
This challenge is a great react custom hook practice problem
Web Dev Cody
I was wrong, Bun is FASTER than node (but filled with bugs) thumbnail
I was wrong, Bun is FASTER than node (but filled with bugs)
Web Dev Cody
This is why I love drizzle ORM thumbnail
This is why I love drizzle ORM
Web Dev Cody
This is what web development looked like 10 years ago thumbnail
This is what web development looked like 10 years ago
Web Dev Cody
How Much Does It Cost to Run My SaaS Application? You Might Be Surprised thumbnail
How Much Does It Cost to Run My SaaS Application? You Might Be Surprised
Web Dev Cody
How I implement role based authorization to my T3 Stack application thumbnail
How I implement role based authorization to my T3 Stack application
Web Dev Cody
What does my typical work week as a web dev like thumbnail
What does my typical work week as a web dev like
Web Dev Cody
This is why learning typescript generics is important thumbnail
This is why learning typescript generics is important
Web Dev Cody
Why understanding interfaces is important (with useReducer example) thumbnail
Why understanding interfaces is important (with useReducer example)
Web Dev Cody
Playing around with React,Vite, Random App thumbnail
Playing around with React,Vite, Random App
Web Dev Cody
Is ChatGPT actually useful for coding? thumbnail
Is ChatGPT actually useful for coding?
Web Dev Cody
Debug Tips - finding an unresolved promise using console.log thumbnail
Debug Tips - finding an unresolved promise using console.log
Web Dev Cody
when you don't feel knowledgable enough to speak up thumbnail
when you don't feel knowledgable enough to speak up
Web Dev Cody
Live refactoring a subscriber's React code thumbnail
Live refactoring a subscriber's React code
Web Dev Cody
Coding a Feedback Modal using TailwindCSS thumbnail
Coding a Feedback Modal using TailwindCSS
Web Dev Cody
Why I removed google analytics (what how I track analytics now) thumbnail
Why I removed google analytics (what how I track analytics now)
Web Dev Cody
How many components can react render in 1 second? thumbnail
How many components can react render in 1 second?
Web Dev Cody
Comparing my M1 Air to my old MacBook Pro 2015 (for coding) thumbnail
Comparing my M1 Air to my old MacBook Pro 2015 (for coding)
Web Dev Cody
This react interview challenge was awesome to solve thumbnail
This react interview challenge was awesome to solve
Web Dev Cody
This is the best way to protect your APIs thumbnail
This is the best way to protect your APIs
Web Dev Cody
How I created JKnob with a VSCode Language Extension - an interpreted programming language thumbnail
How I created JKnob with a VSCode Language Extension - an interpreted programming language
Web Dev Cody
Beginner Javascript Practice: Coding an Accordion using CSS transitions thumbnail
Beginner Javascript Practice: Coding an Accordion using CSS transitions
Web Dev Cody
How does an application work | Beginner's Series to Full Stack Web Development thumbnail
How does an application work | Beginner's Series to Full Stack Web Development
Web Dev Cody
Designing the NFT Minting System | NFT-Magic DevLog 7 thumbnail
Designing the NFT Minting System | NFT-Magic DevLog 7
Web Dev Cody
An overview of recursion in JavaScript using a file system example thumbnail
An overview of recursion in JavaScript using a file system example
Web Dev Cody
Working on the Course Platform full stack app (t3 stack, mantine, prisma, typescript) thumbnail
Working on the Course Platform full stack app (t3 stack, mantine, prisma, typescript)
Web Dev Cody
Writing a dApp using Web3 and Solidity Contract, Truffle, Ganache, MetaMask | Part 2 thumbnail
Writing a dApp using Web3 and Solidity Contract, Truffle, Ganache, MetaMask | Part 2
Web Dev Cody
Live refactoring a subscribers Next.js application, plus giving my opinions thumbnail
Live refactoring a subscribers Next.js application, plus giving my opinions
Web Dev Cody
I've been trying to learn the browser performance profiler thumbnail
I've been trying to learn the browser performance profiler
Web Dev Cody
Adding Side Navigation to a Rect / Next.js Application | DevTubers Part 3 thumbnail
Adding Side Navigation to a Rect / Next.js Application | DevTubers Part 3
Web Dev Cody
Javascript for Complete Beginners: Looping thumbnail
Javascript for Complete Beginners: Looping
Web Dev Cody
My Favorite UI Library Always Pulls Through thumbnail
My Favorite UI Library Always Pulls Through
Web Dev Cody
We added a feedback API to our application thumbnail
We added a feedback API to our application
Web Dev Cody
How I added S3 Image Uploads to my Next.js App (using tRPC) thumbnail
How I added S3 Image Uploads to my Next.js App (using tRPC)
Web Dev Cody
Why You Need to Understand Re-rendering in React and useState Hook thumbnail
Why You Need to Understand Re-rendering in React and useState Hook
Web Dev Cody
This library simplifies building tailwind components thumbnail
This library simplifies building tailwind components
Web Dev Cody
A guide to using Next 14 (server actions, RSC, useFormState, useFormStatus) thumbnail
A guide to using Next 14 (server actions, RSC, useFormState, useFormStatus)
Web Dev Cody
The MOST Important Part of Building QUALITY Software thumbnail
The MOST Important Part of Building QUALITY Software
Web Dev Cody
Why I use Next.js for side projects now thumbnail
Why I use Next.js for side projects now
Web Dev Cody
Introduction to Full Stack Web Dev Crash Course - 4 Hour Tutorial thumbnail
Introduction to Full Stack Web Dev Crash Course - 4 Hour Tutorial
Web Dev Cody
Slice - Array Methods - Javascript Tutorial thumbnail
Slice - Array Methods - Javascript Tutorial
Web Dev Cody
Applying layered architecture to my t3 stack api thumbnail
Applying layered architecture to my t3 stack api
Web Dev Cody
React 18 strict mode helped me catch this useEffect bug thumbnail
React 18 strict mode helped me catch this useEffect bug
Web Dev Cody
Let's look into using HTML | Beginner's Series to Full Stack Web Development thumbnail
Let's look into using HTML | Beginner's Series to Full Stack Web Development
Web Dev Cody
A subscriber was asked these interview questions for a junior front end role (React) thumbnail
A subscriber was asked these interview questions for a junior front end role (React)
Web Dev Cody
I finally moved my SaaS off Amplify to SST, but it wasn't that easy thumbnail
I finally moved my SaaS off Amplify to SST, but it wasn't that easy
Web Dev Cody
How to use Redux Toolkit in your React Application to manage state thumbnail
How to use Redux Toolkit in your React Application to manage state
Web Dev Cody
My best advice for finishing projects thumbnail
My best advice for finishing projects
Web Dev Cody
How I'm doing authentication on my simple Go app (with Fiber) thumbnail
How I'm doing authentication on my simple Go app (with Fiber)
Web Dev Cody
Front End vs Backend Development - Which One do I Enjoy More? (as a Senior Full Stack Engineer) thumbnail
Front End vs Backend Development - Which One do I Enjoy More? (as a Senior Full Stack Engineer)
Web Dev Cody
Javascript for Complete Beginners: Arrays thumbnail
Javascript for Complete Beginners: Arrays
Web Dev Cody
Building a Email Newsletter Manager with T3 Stack thumbnail
Building a Email Newsletter Manager with T3 Stack
Web Dev Cody
This is what 2 weeks of open source collaboration can produce thumbnail
This is what 2 weeks of open source collaboration can produce
Web Dev Cody
Adding Integration test and e2e cypress tests on my newsletter app thumbnail
Adding Integration test and e2e cypress tests on my newsletter app
Web Dev Cody
How to implement Clean Architecture in Node.js (and why it's important) thumbnail
How to implement Clean Architecture in Node.js (and why it's important)
Web Dev Cody
What is the difference between React useState and useReducer? thumbnail
What is the difference between React useState and useReducer?
Web Dev Cody
Why I often use AWS lambda and serverless architecture thumbnail
Why I often use AWS lambda and serverless architecture
Web Dev Cody
This is how we generate thousands of pdfs in seconds at work thumbnail
This is how we generate thousands of pdfs in seconds at work
Web Dev Cody
Want to impress your friends? join the Hackathon! (7 days left) thumbnail
Want to impress your friends? join the Hackathon! (7 days left)
Web Dev Cody
Using Javascript to Create a Header | Beginner's Series to Full Stack Web Development thumbnail
Using Javascript to Create a Header | Beginner's Series to Full Stack Web Development
Web Dev Cody
This reminded myself of why I dislike Next.js thumbnail
This reminded myself of why I dislike Next.js
Web Dev Cody
How to use BEM for your CSS thumbnail
How to use BEM for your CSS
Web Dev Cody
What's planned for my channel in 2024? thumbnail
What's planned for my channel in 2024?
Web Dev Cody
Why I avoid react's uncontrolled inputs thumbnail
Why I avoid react's uncontrolled inputs
Web Dev Cody
Is SST even a good choice to deploy Next.js? thumbnail
Is SST even a good choice to deploy Next.js?
Web Dev Cody
Build a Second Brain App including AI Vector Search (Next.js, Shadcn, Typescript, Convex, Clerk) thumbnail
Build a Second Brain App including AI Vector Search (Next.js, Shadcn, Typescript, Convex, Clerk)
Web Dev Cody
From 2.5 million row reads to 1 (optimizing my database performance) thumbnail
From 2.5 million row reads to 1 (optimizing my database performance)
Web Dev Cody
Building out an emailer using Go & Templ & SQLite thumbnail
Building out an emailer using Go & Templ & SQLite
Web Dev Cody
I was wrong, just use typescript thumbnail
I was wrong, just use typescript
Web Dev Cody
refactoring my react code by making an empty state wrapper component thumbnail
refactoring my react code by making an empty state wrapper component
Web Dev Cody
How much 💰 has my first online course made since launch? thumbnail
How much 💰 has my first online course made since launch?
Web Dev Cody
Valentine's Day Special - Dropping Hearts in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript thumbnail
Valentine's Day Special - Dropping Hearts in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
Web Dev Cody
Why using the classnames library will clean up your react code thumbnail
Why using the classnames library will clean up your react code
Web Dev Cody
What are my thoughts on next.js app router vs pages router thumbnail
What are my thoughts on next.js app router vs pages router
Web Dev Cody
Prototyping a better build feature on my starcraft 2 build app  (next, prisma, tailwind) part 7 thumbnail
Prototyping a better build feature on my starcraft 2 build app (next, prisma, tailwind) part 7
Web Dev Cody
I tried using TailwindCSS for the first time and it is... thumbnail
I tried using TailwindCSS for the first time and it is...
Web Dev Cody
Is remix any good?  Let's try it out! thumbnail
Is remix any good? Let's try it out!
Web Dev Cody
Live Coding a Simon Game: HTML, CSS, Javascript thumbnail
Live Coding a Simon Game: HTML, CSS, Javascript
Web Dev Cody
Building online checkers using React and Websockets thumbnail
Building online checkers using React and Websockets
Web Dev Cody
Refactoring code in our Dungeon Crawl javascript game thumbnail
Refactoring code in our Dungeon Crawl javascript game
Web Dev Cody
How do you Submit an HTML Form?  How does it work? thumbnail
How do you Submit an HTML Form? How does it work?
Web Dev Cody
Beginner Javascript Tutorial - Wear a jacket CLI node tool thumbnail
Beginner Javascript Tutorial - Wear a jacket CLI node tool
Web Dev Cody
Live Coding a Horoscope App using React thumbnail
Live Coding a Horoscope App using React
Web Dev Cody
How to Design an Email Invite System thumbnail
How to Design an Email Invite System
Web Dev Cody
Adding features to a React shopping cart app | LIVE CODING thumbnail
Adding features to a React shopping cart app | LIVE CODING
Web Dev Cody
Live Coding a Next.js Heart Failure Symptoms Tracker App | Part 7 thumbnail
Live Coding a Next.js Heart Failure Symptoms Tracker App | Part 7
Web Dev Cody
Trying to setup a primary secondary deployment (learning about k8s) thumbnail
Trying to setup a primary secondary deployment (learning about k8s)
Web Dev Cody
What extensions do I use in VSCode? thumbnail
What extensions do I use in VSCode?
Web Dev Cody
Live Coding a Next.js Heart Failure Symptoms Tracker App | Part 4 thumbnail
Live Coding a Next.js Heart Failure Symptoms Tracker App | Part 4
Web Dev Cody
Coding a video calling app with React thumbnail
Coding a video calling app with React
Web Dev Cody
The app router can be annoying thumbnail
The app router can be annoying
Web Dev Cody
Users can submit author, title, etc now | full stack next, tailwind, prisma - part 3 thumbnail
Users can submit author, title, etc now | full stack next, tailwind, prisma - part 3
Web Dev Cody
This method chaining pattern is useful to learn thumbnail
This method chaining pattern is useful to learn
Web Dev Cody
HTML5 Game - Improving the Tank's Controls thumbnail
HTML5 Game - Improving the Tank's Controls
Web Dev Cody
Javascript for Complete Beginners: Functions thumbnail
Javascript for Complete Beginners: Functions
Web Dev Cody
Trying to Pair Program and make a ChatGPT Chrome Extension thumbnail
Trying to Pair Program and make a ChatGPT Chrome Extension
Web Dev Cody
How to paywall 💰 a private github repo thumbnail
How to paywall 💰 a private github repo
Web Dev Cody
This is why you need the key property in React thumbnail
This is why you need the key property in React
Web Dev Cody
Reviewing a subscriber's next.js project thumbnail
Reviewing a subscriber's next.js project
Web Dev Cody
Q/A for community project, maybe working on the project some thumbnail
Q/A for community project, maybe working on the project some
Web Dev Cody
The easiest way to setup google maps in next.js thumbnail
The easiest way to setup google maps in next.js
Web Dev Cody
Here's a project overview of my node rest framework you never asked for thumbnail
Here's a project overview of my node rest framework you never asked for
Web Dev Cody
Why prisma calls directly in Next is a MISTAKE thumbnail
Why prisma calls directly in Next is a MISTAKE
Web Dev Cody
My Favorite AI Tutorial Yet: Generate Images from Scribbles (Next.js, Tailwind, Convex, Replicate) thumbnail
My Favorite AI Tutorial Yet: Generate Images from Scribbles (Next.js, Tailwind, Convex, Replicate)
Web Dev Cody
How to code a GraphQL server with Express thumbnail
How to code a GraphQL server with Express
Web Dev Cody
the most important Next.js features to learn (in 8 minutes) thumbnail
the most important Next.js features to learn (in 8 minutes)
Web Dev Cody
Just building an express REST API with some Jest Testing | Part 1 thumbnail
Just building an express REST API with some Jest Testing | Part 1
Web Dev Cody
It's time to learn a little bit of Laravel thumbnail
It's time to learn a little bit of Laravel
Web Dev Cody
React's useEffect hook always confuses me thumbnail
React's useEffect hook always confuses me
Web Dev Cody
I hate React (...shhh don't tell anyone) thumbnail
I hate React (...shhh don't tell anyone)
Web Dev Cody
How to program PONG with PYTHON thumbnail
How to program PONG with PYTHON
Web Dev Cody
Trying to speed up a sortable react table at work thumbnail
Trying to speed up a sortable react table at work
Web Dev Cody
Why I use Convex over Supabase as my BaaS thumbnail
Why I use Convex over Supabase as my BaaS
Web Dev Cody
I may slowly convert to use Solid, SolidStart, and Civet (building a todo app for learning) thumbnail
I may slowly convert to use Solid, SolidStart, and Civet (building a todo app for learning)
Web Dev Cody
Building a Full Stack Paste Bin Clone - Next.js, React, MongoDB, Bootstrap Tutorial thumbnail
Building a Full Stack Paste Bin Clone - Next.js, React, MongoDB, Bootstrap Tutorial
Web Dev Cody
Python Tutorial: For Loop vs Map vs List Comprehensions thumbnail
Python Tutorial: For Loop vs Map vs List Comprehensions
Web Dev Cody
How to build real time chat app with Svelte thumbnail
How to build real time chat app with Svelte
Web Dev Cody
HTML5 Game - Shooting a Bullet thumbnail
HTML5 Game - Shooting a Bullet
Web Dev Cody
React hooks are unintuitive... or maybe I'm just dumb thumbnail
React hooks are unintuitive... or maybe I'm just dumb
Web Dev Cody
What testing do you need for web apps thumbnail
What testing do you need for web apps
Web Dev Cody
Create Next Layout and manage courses page | Part 3 thumbnail
Create Next Layout and manage courses page | Part 3
Web Dev Cody
How to Build a Student Letter Grade Converter - Beginner Javascript Practice thumbnail
How to Build a Student Letter Grade Converter - Beginner Javascript Practice
Web Dev Cody
CSS Battle is going down live tonight thumbnail
CSS Battle is going down live tonight
Web Dev Cody
Live Coding a Shopping Cart using React thumbnail
Live Coding a Shopping Cart using React
Web Dev Cody
The coolest Next.js feature I haven't used until now thumbnail
The coolest Next.js feature I haven't used until now
Web Dev Cody
I made a realtime web framework thumbnail
I made a realtime web framework
Web Dev Cody
I don't know how to use react-query because I didn't read all the docs 🤕 thumbnail
I don't know how to use react-query because I didn't read all the docs 🤕
Web Dev Cody
Why I'd never host my apps on a VPS thumbnail
Why I'd never host my apps on a VPS
Web Dev Cody
Coding an online marketplace using Clerk and T3 Stack (Next, React, Prisma, Tailwind) thumbnail
Coding an online marketplace using Clerk and T3 Stack (Next, React, Prisma, Tailwind)
Web Dev Cody
I'm starting a community project - reviewing my subscriber feedback thumbnail
I'm starting a community project - reviewing my subscriber feedback
Web Dev Cody
Practicing TDD with Jest & Javascript building a Calorie Tracker CLI tool (Nodejs) thumbnail
Practicing TDD with Jest & Javascript building a Calorie Tracker CLI tool (Nodejs)
Web Dev Cody
Updating Minecraft Properties Features - Building a Minecraft Server Hosting Company | Vlog #2 thumbnail
Updating Minecraft Properties Features - Building a Minecraft Server Hosting Company | Vlog #2
Web Dev Cody
How I setup pagination in my Next.js app (with Drizzle ORM) thumbnail
How I setup pagination in my Next.js app (with Drizzle ORM)
Web Dev Cody
Why I am using Prisma for my React side projects thumbnail
Why I am using Prisma for my React side projects
Web Dev Cody
When over abstracting react code goes too far thumbnail
When over abstracting react code goes too far
Web Dev Cody
Rendering HTML inside React is dangerous... here is how you can do it dangerously thumbnail
Rendering HTML inside React is dangerous... here is how you can do it dangerously
Web Dev Cody
Why the K.I.S.S Principal is probably the most important thumbnail
Why the K.I.S.S Principal is probably the most important
Web Dev Cody
So far I really like next.js app router and RSC thumbnail
So far I really like next.js app router and RSC
Web Dev Cody
My advice for becoming a web dev in 2023 thumbnail
My advice for becoming a web dev in 2023
Web Dev Cody
Turn Bad Code into Good Code (Javascript, TypeScript, Node, Jest, unit Testing) thumbnail
Turn Bad Code into Good Code (Javascript, TypeScript, Node, Jest, unit Testing)
Web Dev Cody
Building a real time chat application with Vue 3 (composition API) thumbnail
Building a real time chat application with Vue 3 (composition API)
Web Dev Cody
HTML5 Game - Moving a Tank thumbnail
HTML5 Game - Moving a Tank
Web Dev Cody
50k Subscribers Live Stream!  Working on a Classroom App | T3 Stack, Next, Tailwind, tRPC, Prisma thumbnail
50k Subscribers Live Stream! Working on a Classroom App | T3 Stack, Next, Tailwind, tRPC, Prisma
Web Dev Cody
This is how I write cleaner react code - live refactoring a subscribers react project thumbnail
This is how I write cleaner react code - live refactoring a subscribers react project
Web Dev Cody
Zero downtime with Kubernetes was harder than I expected thumbnail
Zero downtime with Kubernetes was harder than I expected
Web Dev Cody
I got my first DDoS (and what you can do to help prevent it) thumbnail
I got my first DDoS (and what you can do to help prevent it)
Web Dev Cody
They had 24 hour to submit this assignment (junior full stack interview) thumbnail
They had 24 hour to submit this assignment (junior full stack interview)
Web Dev Cody
Deploying my app into AWS using Terraform, Serverless, GitHubActions thumbnail
Deploying my app into AWS using Terraform, Serverless, GitHubActions
Web Dev Cody
How I structure my next.js applications thumbnail
How I structure my next.js applications
Web Dev Cody
Making editable notes column for build order table  (next, prisma, tailwind, react) part 8 thumbnail
Making editable notes column for build order table (next, prisma, tailwind, react) part 8
Web Dev Cody
Absolute vs Relative Positioning CSS Tutorial thumbnail
Absolute vs Relative Positioning CSS Tutorial
Web Dev Cody
MERN Stack Live Coding | Part 6 thumbnail
MERN Stack Live Coding | Part 6
Web Dev Cody
MERN Stack Live Coding | Part 2 thumbnail
MERN Stack Live Coding | Part 2
Web Dev Cody
How I added a feedback feature to my icon generator app thumbnail
How I added a feedback feature to my icon generator app
Web Dev Cody
Stop worrying about React Re-renders so much (an overview of the react profiler with refactoring) thumbnail
Stop worrying about React Re-renders so much (an overview of the react profiler with refactoring)
Web Dev Cody
How to setup google fonts in next 13 with tailwind css thumbnail
How to setup google fonts in next 13 with tailwind css
Web Dev Cody
I'm learning Go again because I'm bored thumbnail
I'm learning Go again because I'm bored
Web Dev Cody
CSS Battle #11 - Target #54 Black Lives Matter thumbnail
CSS Battle #11 - Target #54 Black Lives Matter
Web Dev Cody
How to easily deploy your nextjs application thumbnail
How to easily deploy your nextjs application
Web Dev Cody
This is why JavaScript proxies are important thumbnail
This is why JavaScript proxies are important
Web Dev Cody
Photo Album Next.js Tutorial (with Server Actions, Cloudinary, Shadcn) thumbnail
Photo Album Next.js Tutorial (with Server Actions, Cloudinary, Shadcn)
Web Dev Cody
This is why wrapping third party libraries is important (mocking next-auth sessions locally) thumbnail
This is why wrapping third party libraries is important (mocking next-auth sessions locally)
Web Dev Cody
Unit tests are not stupid, here is another argument for using them thumbnail
Unit tests are not stupid, here is another argument for using them
Web Dev Cody
Build a File Storage App with Role Based Authorization (Next.js, Shadcn, Typescript) thumbnail
Build a File Storage App with Role Based Authorization (Next.js, Shadcn, Typescript)
Web Dev Cody
Live Coding a Movie Ticket App with Vue thumbnail
Live Coding a Movie Ticket App with Vue
Web Dev Cody
Learning the Basics of Regex in Javascript thumbnail
Learning the Basics of Regex in Javascript
Web Dev Cody
BEGINNER Javascript Practice - Loops & Iteration - Histogram Character Count thumbnail
BEGINNER Javascript Practice - Loops & Iteration - Histogram Character Count
Web Dev Cody
Start Mastering Tailwind through this Fun Frontend Mentor Challenge thumbnail
Start Mastering Tailwind through this Fun Frontend Mentor Challenge
Web Dev Cody
Drag and Drop inside the Vue Tree Browser thumbnail
Drag and Drop inside the Vue Tree Browser
Web Dev Cody
Adding protected routes in Next (Next-Auth and getServerSideProps) thumbnail
Adding protected routes in Next (Next-Auth and getServerSideProps)
Web Dev Cody
An overview of the create T3 App (Next, Typescript, Tailwind, tRPC, Next-Auth) thumbnail
An overview of the create T3 App (Next, Typescript, Tailwind, tRPC, Next-Auth)
Web Dev Cody
A High Level Overview of Server Side Sessions for Authentication thumbnail
A High Level Overview of Server Side Sessions for Authentication
Web Dev Cody
BEGINNER Javascript Practice: Iteration & Arrays - Finding a Minimum Value in Array thumbnail
BEGINNER Javascript Practice: Iteration & Arrays - Finding a Minimum Value in Array
Web Dev Cody
The reason I'm getting into Web3 thumbnail
The reason I'm getting into Web3
Web Dev Cody
Playing around making a vanilla js websocket game thumbnail
Playing around making a vanilla js websocket game
Web Dev Cody
Don't blindly follow programming advice on tech social media thumbnail
Don't blindly follow programming advice on tech social media
Web Dev Cody
🤓  Becoming a full stack developer isn't that hard thumbnail
🤓 Becoming a full stack developer isn't that hard
Web Dev Cody
Why I think SSR is a better approach thumbnail
Why I think SSR is a better approach
Web Dev Cody
Why you should be using feature flags for your web applications thumbnail
Why you should be using feature flags for your web applications
Web Dev Cody
Introduction to Vue3 - Building a Stop Watch Timer (with Composition API) thumbnail
Introduction to Vue3 - Building a Stop Watch Timer (with Composition API)
Web Dev Cody
How to Implement Dark Mode in 5 Minutes | CSS Variables thumbnail
How to Implement Dark Mode in 5 Minutes | CSS Variables
Web Dev Cody
you need to write tests when this starts to happen thumbnail
you need to write tests when this starts to happen
Web Dev Cody
I built an AI Icon Generating SaaS in a day thumbnail
I built an AI Icon Generating SaaS in a day
Web Dev Cody
My Kubernetes cluster finally has Grafana Logging thumbnail
My Kubernetes cluster finally has Grafana Logging
Web Dev Cody
What I would have changed on my early coding journey thumbnail
What I would have changed on my early coding journey
Web Dev Cody
How to read command line arguments in Node thumbnail
How to read command line arguments in Node
Web Dev Cody
Working on a Classroom App | T3 Stack, Next, Tailwind, tRPC, Prisma thumbnail
Working on a Classroom App | T3 Stack, Next, Tailwind, tRPC, Prisma
Web Dev Cody
This is how I like to do image uploads on my full stack apps thumbnail
This is how I like to do image uploads on my full stack apps
Web Dev Cody
Giving Zustand a try to manage application state thumbnail
Giving Zustand a try to manage application state
Web Dev Cody
CSS Battle #44 Stripes thumbnail
CSS Battle #44 Stripes
Web Dev Cody
Successfully Break into the Software Industry: College vs Bootcamps, Soft Skills, Resumes thumbnail
Successfully Break into the Software Industry: College vs Bootcamps, Soft Skills, Resumes
Web Dev Cody
The newest hook to learn in Next.js 15 RC thumbnail
The newest hook to learn in Next.js 15 RC
Web Dev Cody
Chill Live coding and Q/A stream thumbnail
Chill Live coding and Q/A stream
Web Dev Cody
The last video on javascript promises you'll ever need to watch thumbnail
The last video on javascript promises you'll ever need to watch
Web Dev Cody
State of Javascript 2023 - everyone is unhappy thumbnail
State of Javascript 2023 - everyone is unhappy
Web Dev Cody
My favorite vscode themes I’ve used thumbnail
My favorite vscode themes I’ve used
Web Dev Cody
Sharing a distributed computing system design from a real software problem thumbnail
Sharing a distributed computing system design from a real software problem
Web Dev Cody
Replicating a Web Page in HTML and CSS thumbnail
Replicating a Web Page in HTML and CSS
Web Dev Cody
My list of advanced web development topics you should learn thumbnail
My list of advanced web development topics you should learn
Web Dev Cody
Filter - Array Methods - Javascript Tutorial thumbnail
Filter - Array Methods - Javascript Tutorial
Web Dev Cody
Coding on websocket game, answering questions, doing coding stuff thumbnail
Coding on websocket game, answering questions, doing coding stuff
Web Dev Cody
Working on the Classroom App | T3 Stack, Next, Tailwind, tRPC, Prisma thumbnail
Working on the Classroom App | T3 Stack, Next, Tailwind, tRPC, Prisma
Web Dev Cody
My Next.js starter kit is finally live, good luck thumbnail
My Next.js starter kit is finally live, good luck
Web Dev Cody
You should probably know Javascript well before learning React thumbnail
You should probably know Javascript well before learning React
Web Dev Cody
I'm starting to come around to liking React Testing Library thumbnail
I'm starting to come around to liking React Testing Library
Web Dev Cody
How I like to test my react components thumbnail
How I like to test my react components
Web Dev Cody
My biggest complaint about Next.js middleware thumbnail
My biggest complaint about Next.js middleware
Web Dev Cody
Host a Wordpress Blog in 8 Minutes on Digital Ocean with Docker thumbnail
Host a Wordpress Blog in 8 Minutes on Digital Ocean with Docker
Web Dev Cody
This is the most challenging React problem on my channel thumbnail
This is the most challenging React problem on my channel
Web Dev Cody
Building a Game with Javascript - Project Setup thumbnail
Building a Game with Javascript - Project Setup
Web Dev Cody
Build a Pair Programming Finder with Video & Screen Share (Next.js, Shadcn, Tailwind, Typescript) thumbnail
Build a Pair Programming Finder with Video & Screen Share (Next.js, Shadcn, Tailwind, Typescript)
Web Dev Cody
How I setup magic link sign in thumbnail
How I setup magic link sign in
Web Dev Cody
Coding a modal using Javascript, HTML, and CSS thumbnail
Coding a modal using Javascript, HTML, and CSS
Web Dev Cody
What I'm Learning: Minting a NFT collection on thumbnail
What I'm Learning: Minting a NFT collection on
Web Dev Cody
I loved solving this junior react interview challenge thumbnail
I loved solving this junior react interview challenge
Web Dev Cody

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