Summaries of John Michael Godier Videos 📚

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Alien Corner Reflectors and Repeaters thumbnail
Alien Corner Reflectors and Repeaters
John Michael Godier
The Slow Motion Supernova thumbnail
The Slow Motion Supernova
John Michael Godier
Alien Reanimation and the Modern Prometheus thumbnail
Alien Reanimation and the Modern Prometheus
John Michael Godier
Fermi Paradox: The Rare Galaxy Hypothesis thumbnail
Fermi Paradox: The Rare Galaxy Hypothesis
John Michael Godier
Hominid and Alien De-Extinction thumbnail
Hominid and Alien De-Extinction
John Michael Godier
These Night Sky Stars Are Going to Explode thumbnail
These Night Sky Stars Are Going to Explode
John Michael Godier
10 Unusual Scientific Discoveries for September, 2023 thumbnail
10 Unusual Scientific Discoveries for September, 2023
John Michael Godier
The Interstellar Meteoroid Stream thumbnail
The Interstellar Meteoroid Stream
John Michael Godier
10 Places in the Solar System Where Alien Life is Possible thumbnail
10 Places in the Solar System Where Alien Life is Possible
John Michael Godier
Can You Phone the Past? The Tachyonic Antitelephone thumbnail
Can You Phone the Past? The Tachyonic Antitelephone
John Michael Godier
Are Aliens Saying Hello? Fast Radio Bursts Update 01/5/2017 thumbnail
Are Aliens Saying Hello? Fast Radio Bursts Update 01/5/2017
John Michael Godier
Bracewell Probes and the Mystery of LDE's thumbnail
Bracewell Probes and the Mystery of LDE's
John Michael Godier
The Clarke Exobelt: Detecting Alien Satellites thumbnail
The Clarke Exobelt: Detecting Alien Satellites
John Michael Godier
10 Unsettling Solutions to the Fermi Paradox thumbnail
10 Unsettling Solutions to the Fermi Paradox
John Michael Godier
Stellar Encounters and Scholz's Star thumbnail
Stellar Encounters and Scholz's Star
John Michael Godier
The Habitability of Binary Star Systems thumbnail
The Habitability of Binary Star Systems
John Michael Godier
The Mystery of the Artificial Protocell thumbnail
The Mystery of the Artificial Protocell
John Michael Godier
Detecting Life on Europa From Earth thumbnail
Detecting Life on Europa From Earth
John Michael Godier
The Snows of Venus thumbnail
The Snows of Venus
John Michael Godier
The Primordial Black Hole Mass Extinction thumbnail
The Primordial Black Hole Mass Extinction
John Michael Godier
10 Mind Blowing Future Solar System Events thumbnail
10 Mind Blowing Future Solar System Events
John Michael Godier
10 Ways SETI Might Detect Alien Civilizations And What They Might Be Like thumbnail
10 Ways SETI Might Detect Alien Civilizations And What They Might Be Like
John Michael Godier
Interstellar Objects on the Moon? thumbnail
Interstellar Objects on the Moon?
John Michael Godier
When Matter Goes Horribly Wrong thumbnail
When Matter Goes Horribly Wrong
John Michael Godier
Fermi Paradox: Imperial Pragmatism thumbnail
Fermi Paradox: Imperial Pragmatism
John Michael Godier
Stars that Mysteriously Disappear thumbnail
Stars that Mysteriously Disappear
John Michael Godier
Fermi Paradox: The Alien Life Biological Terminator thumbnail
Fermi Paradox: The Alien Life Biological Terminator
John Michael Godier
Earth Frozen Over and the Habitability of Snowball Exoplanets thumbnail
Earth Frozen Over and the Habitability of Snowball Exoplanets
John Michael Godier
10 SETI Technosignatures We May Not Want to See thumbnail
10 SETI Technosignatures We May Not Want to See
John Michael Godier
10 Spooky Things the Universe Does that are Invisible thumbnail
10 Spooky Things the Universe Does that are Invisible
John Michael Godier
KIC 8462852: The Plot Thickens thumbnail
KIC 8462852: The Plot Thickens
John Michael Godier
More Oumuamua Strangeness thumbnail
More Oumuamua Strangeness
John Michael Godier
Technosignatures: Detecting Alien Terraforming thumbnail
Technosignatures: Detecting Alien Terraforming
John Michael Godier
Exoplanet Odyssey thumbnail
Exoplanet Odyssey
John Michael Godier
10 Bizarre Deep Space Astronomical Objects thumbnail
10 Bizarre Deep Space Astronomical Objects
John Michael Godier
Deadly Asteroids: 2018 LA Update for June 4, 2018 thumbnail
Deadly Asteroids: 2018 LA Update for June 4, 2018
John Michael Godier
Fermi Paradox: The Great Filter is Near thumbnail
Fermi Paradox: The Great Filter is Near
John Michael Godier
KIC 8462852 Update for 07/01/2017 thumbnail
KIC 8462852 Update for 07/01/2017
John Michael Godier
Cassini, Titan and the Methane Habitable Zone thumbnail
Cassini, Titan and the Methane Habitable Zone
John Michael Godier
Fermi Paradox: Degrading Civilizations thumbnail
Fermi Paradox: Degrading Civilizations
John Michael Godier
SETI Through Disappearing Stars thumbnail
SETI Through Disappearing Stars
John Michael Godier
Can Alien Civilizations Detect Us? thumbnail
Can Alien Civilizations Detect Us?
John Michael Godier
KIC 8462852 Boyajian's Star Update March 19, 2018 thumbnail
KIC 8462852 Boyajian's Star Update March 19, 2018
John Michael Godier
Escaping Asteroid and Comet Impacts and DE-STAR thumbnail
Escaping Asteroid and Comet Impacts and DE-STAR
John Michael Godier
Is the Universe Fine Tuned for Life? thumbnail
Is the Universe Fine Tuned for Life?
John Michael Godier
10 Obscure Unexplained Mysteries of the Universe thumbnail
10 Obscure Unexplained Mysteries of the Universe
John Michael Godier
10 Mysteries The James Webb Telescope Might Solve thumbnail
10 Mysteries The James Webb Telescope Might Solve
John Michael Godier
KIC 8462852 Alien Megastructure Star Update 4/10/16 thumbnail
KIC 8462852 Alien Megastructure Star Update 4/10/16
John Michael Godier
10 Interesting Scientific Discoveries for October, 2023 thumbnail
10 Interesting Scientific Discoveries for October, 2023
John Michael Godier
KIC 8462852 Boyajian's Star Update For 04/11/17 thumbnail
KIC 8462852 Boyajian's Star Update For 04/11/17
John Michael Godier
The Pulsar Habitable Zone thumbnail
The Pulsar Habitable Zone
John Michael Godier
The Primordial Supernova and the Missing Mass Extinctions thumbnail
The Primordial Supernova and the Missing Mass Extinctions
John Michael Godier
Kessler Syndrome and Detecting Irresponsible Aliens thumbnail
Kessler Syndrome and Detecting Irresponsible Aliens
John Michael Godier
The Apocalypse of Saturn thumbnail
The Apocalypse of Saturn
John Michael Godier
Returning Humans to the Moon: NASA and SpaceX Initiatives Update 02/28/17 thumbnail
Returning Humans to the Moon: NASA and SpaceX Initiatives Update 02/28/17
John Michael Godier
Will Titan Ever Become Habitable? thumbnail
Will Titan Ever Become Habitable?
John Michael Godier
The Dangerous Nature of Near Earth Asteroids thumbnail
The Dangerous Nature of Near Earth Asteroids
John Michael Godier
Fast Radio Burst 121102 Update For 09/02/17 thumbnail
Fast Radio Burst 121102 Update For 09/02/17
John Michael Godier
The Satellite Cold War and Spy Balloons thumbnail
The Satellite Cold War and Spy Balloons
John Michael Godier
Do Alien Civilizations Invariably Destroy Themselves? thumbnail
Do Alien Civilizations Invariably Destroy Themselves?
John Michael Godier
The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence in Radio thumbnail
The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence in Radio
John Michael Godier
The Extinction of the Alien Machines thumbnail
The Extinction of the Alien Machines
John Michael Godier
The Strange Mystery of the Asteroid That Wasn’t thumbnail
The Strange Mystery of the Asteroid That Wasn’t
John Michael Godier
Fermi Paradox: The Singularity and Dormant Civilizations thumbnail
Fermi Paradox: The Singularity and Dormant Civilizations
John Michael Godier
Fermi Paradox: The Zombie Apocalypse Universe thumbnail
Fermi Paradox: The Zombie Apocalypse Universe
John Michael Godier
10 Unsettling Solar System Possibilities thumbnail
10 Unsettling Solar System Possibilities
John Michael Godier
The Search for Planet Nine and an Announcement thumbnail
The Search for Planet Nine and an Announcement
John Michael Godier
10 Unsolved Mysteries of Titan thumbnail
10 Unsolved Mysteries of Titan
John Michael Godier
A New Tabby’s Star? VVV-WIT-07 Update for 11/24/18 thumbnail
A New Tabby’s Star? VVV-WIT-07 Update for 11/24/18
John Michael Godier
The Oceans of Ganymede thumbnail
The Oceans of Ganymede
John Michael Godier
Fermi Paradox: The Population Problem thumbnail
Fermi Paradox: The Population Problem
John Michael Godier
Another Interstellar Asteroid? 2015 BZ509 Update 05/21/2018 thumbnail
Another Interstellar Asteroid? 2015 BZ509 Update 05/21/2018
John Michael Godier
What Happens if Betelgeuse Explodes? thumbnail
What Happens if Betelgeuse Explodes?
John Michael Godier
The Faint Young Sun Paradox thumbnail
The Faint Young Sun Paradox
John Michael Godier
Three Scientific Papers on the UFO Phenomenon thumbnail
Three Scientific Papers on the UFO Phenomenon
John Michael Godier
Alien Pulsar Rings and Dyson Spheres thumbnail
Alien Pulsar Rings and Dyson Spheres
John Michael Godier
Can Life Itself Cause its Own Extinction? thumbnail
Can Life Itself Cause its Own Extinction?
John Michael Godier
Fermi Paradox: The AI Farm Hypothesis thumbnail
Fermi Paradox: The AI Farm Hypothesis
John Michael Godier
10 Spooky Objects that could Lurk in the Solar System thumbnail
10 Spooky Objects that could Lurk in the Solar System
John Michael Godier
Imaging Exoplanets and Exocivilizations thumbnail
Imaging Exoplanets and Exocivilizations
John Michael Godier
Could the Moon Have Once Been Habitable? thumbnail
Could the Moon Have Once Been Habitable?
John Michael Godier
The Mysteries of the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation thumbnail
The Mysteries of the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation
John Michael Godier
The Bizarre Alien Interior of Jupiter thumbnail
The Bizarre Alien Interior of Jupiter
John Michael Godier
Interstellar Asteroid A/2017 U1 Update for 11/17/2017 thumbnail
Interstellar Asteroid A/2017 U1 Update for 11/17/2017
John Michael Godier
Planet Nine thumbnail
Planet Nine
John Michael Godier
10 Mind Blowing Recent Space Discoveries thumbnail
10 Mind Blowing Recent Space Discoveries
John Michael Godier
10 Bizarre Ways You Could End Up Immortal thumbnail
10 Bizarre Ways You Could End Up Immortal
John Michael Godier
The Event Horizon Telescope Update 02/19/17 thumbnail
The Event Horizon Telescope Update 02/19/17
John Michael Godier
The Bizarre Mystery of White Holes thumbnail
The Bizarre Mystery of White Holes
John Michael Godier
10 Strange Mysteries of the Life of the Universe thumbnail
10 Strange Mysteries of the Life of the Universe
John Michael Godier
10 Disconcerting Fermi Paradox Scenarios thumbnail
10 Disconcerting Fermi Paradox Scenarios
John Michael Godier
The Alien Cleaned Genome Question thumbnail
The Alien Cleaned Genome Question
John Michael Godier
10 Interesting Observations of the James Webb Space Telescope For 2023 thumbnail
10 Interesting Observations of the James Webb Space Telescope For 2023
John Michael Godier
Are Mathematics Far Older Than We Thought? thumbnail
Are Mathematics Far Older Than We Thought?
John Michael Godier
Do We Have Hard Evidence for Alien Life? The Enigma of Allan Hills 84001 thumbnail
Do We Have Hard Evidence for Alien Life? The Enigma of Allan Hills 84001
John Michael Godier
Can We Colonize Alpha Centauri with Current Technology? thumbnail
Can We Colonize Alpha Centauri with Current Technology?
John Michael Godier
Could Earth Become A Rogue Planet? thumbnail
Could Earth Become A Rogue Planet?
John Michael Godier
The James Webb Space Telescope’s Search for Alien Agriculture thumbnail
The James Webb Space Telescope’s Search for Alien Agriculture
John Michael Godier
The Gliese 710 Close Encounter thumbnail
The Gliese 710 Close Encounter
John Michael Godier
A Detection of Life on Europa? And an Enceladus Update for 03/20/17 thumbnail
A Detection of Life on Europa? And an Enceladus Update for 03/20/17
John Michael Godier
Is the Universe Older than we Thought? thumbnail
Is the Universe Older than we Thought?
John Michael Godier
Life on Mars: The Ongoing Mystery of the Viking Life Detections thumbnail
Life on Mars: The Ongoing Mystery of the Viking Life Detections
John Michael Godier
10 Ways the Universe Might Catastrophically End thumbnail
10 Ways the Universe Might Catastrophically End
John Michael Godier
The Wow! Signal and the Mystery of TYC 1220-91-1 thumbnail
The Wow! Signal and the Mystery of TYC 1220-91-1
John Michael Godier
Will We Ever Fully Understand the Universe? thumbnail
Will We Ever Fully Understand the Universe?
John Michael Godier
10 Best Places in the Universe if you're a Human (collab with Paul Sutter) thumbnail
10 Best Places in the Universe if you're a Human (collab with Paul Sutter)
John Michael Godier
Would the Public Be Told if We Discovered Alien life? thumbnail
Would the Public Be Told if We Discovered Alien life?
John Michael Godier
8 New Alien Signal SETI Candidates thumbnail
8 New Alien Signal SETI Candidates
John Michael Godier
Event Horizon with John Michael Godier thumbnail
Event Horizon with John Michael Godier
John Michael Godier
10 Unusual Recent Scientific Discoveries thumbnail
10 Unusual Recent Scientific Discoveries
John Michael Godier
Fermi Paradox: ALL Intelligence is Artificial thumbnail
Fermi Paradox: ALL Intelligence is Artificial
John Michael Godier
KIC 8462852 Alien Megastructure Star Update 8/7/16 thumbnail
KIC 8462852 Alien Megastructure Star Update 8/7/16
John Michael Godier
Proxima Centauri b Update 9/19/2016 thumbnail
Proxima Centauri b Update 9/19/2016
John Michael Godier
Can We Dissolve The Fermi Paradox Without Discovering Aliens? thumbnail
Can We Dissolve The Fermi Paradox Without Discovering Aliens?
John Michael Godier
SETI and the Puzzling Case of the Star HD 139139 thumbnail
SETI and the Puzzling Case of the Star HD 139139
John Michael Godier
10 Ways We May Have Already Detected Alien Life thumbnail
10 Ways We May Have Already Detected Alien Life
John Michael Godier
The Unintended Consequences of Artificial Intelligence thumbnail
The Unintended Consequences of Artificial Intelligence
John Michael Godier
Have We Found Planet 9? thumbnail
Have We Found Planet 9?
John Michael Godier
Smashing Asteroids and the DART Mission thumbnail
Smashing Asteroids and the DART Mission
John Michael Godier
10 Spooky Alien Invasion Scenarios thumbnail
10 Spooky Alien Invasion Scenarios
John Michael Godier
Far Future Earth Could Get Flung Out Into the Oort Cloud thumbnail
Far Future Earth Could Get Flung Out Into the Oort Cloud
John Michael Godier
Detecting Alien Stellar Engines thumbnail
Detecting Alien Stellar Engines
John Michael Godier
10 Astroengineering Projects We May Some Day Try thumbnail
10 Astroengineering Projects We May Some Day Try
John Michael Godier
How Old Could the First Alien Civilizations Be? thumbnail
How Old Could the First Alien Civilizations Be?
John Michael Godier
Black Holes from Before The Universe Existed thumbnail
Black Holes from Before The Universe Existed
John Michael Godier
10 Strange Incidents Regarding Spacecraft thumbnail
10 Strange Incidents Regarding Spacecraft
John Michael Godier
KIC 8462852 Boyajian's Star Updated 03/03/2017 thumbnail
KIC 8462852 Boyajian's Star Updated 03/03/2017
John Michael Godier
Intentional Extinction thumbnail
Intentional Extinction
John Michael Godier
Why Some Stars Can’t Sustain Life thumbnail
Why Some Stars Can’t Sustain Life
John Michael Godier
Fermi Paradox: The Alien Police Action Scenario thumbnail
Fermi Paradox: The Alien Police Action Scenario
John Michael Godier
Are We the First Technological Civilization in the Solar System? thumbnail
Are We the First Technological Civilization in the Solar System?
John Michael Godier
The Protocols of Alien First Contact thumbnail
The Protocols of Alien First Contact
John Michael Godier
Fermi Paradox: The Time Problem thumbnail
Fermi Paradox: The Time Problem
John Michael Godier
Space Dust Exobiology and Exofossils thumbnail
Space Dust Exobiology and Exofossils
John Michael Godier
10 Obscure Solar System Locations That Could Host Alien Life thumbnail
10 Obscure Solar System Locations That Could Host Alien Life
John Michael Godier
KIC 8462852 Boyajian's Star Update for 10/07/2017 thumbnail
KIC 8462852 Boyajian's Star Update for 10/07/2017
John Michael Godier
Searching for Life with the James Webb Space Telescope thumbnail
Searching for Life with the James Webb Space Telescope
John Michael Godier
10 Bizarre but Possible Exotic Stars thumbnail
10 Bizarre but Possible Exotic Stars
John Michael Godier
Fermi Paradox: Are We Among the First Civilizations in the Universe? thumbnail
Fermi Paradox: Are We Among the First Civilizations in the Universe?
John Michael Godier
Fermi Paradox: Technological Extinction thumbnail
Fermi Paradox: Technological Extinction
John Michael Godier
10 Spooky Scientific Concepts and Discoveries thumbnail
10 Spooky Scientific Concepts and Discoveries
John Michael Godier
Did Life on Mars Self-Destruct? thumbnail
Did Life on Mars Self-Destruct?
John Michael Godier
Starman, The Future of the Space Roadster and Elon thumbnail
Starman, The Future of the Space Roadster and Elon
John Michael Godier
TRAPPIST - 1 Update 02/24/17 Tides without Moons! thumbnail
TRAPPIST - 1 Update 02/24/17 Tides without Moons!
John Michael Godier
Life on Io? thumbnail
Life on Io?
John Michael Godier
Transit SETI and the Galactic Internet thumbnail
Transit SETI and the Galactic Internet
John Michael Godier
The Aestivation Hypothesis thumbnail
The Aestivation Hypothesis
John Michael Godier
Alternative Life thumbnail
Alternative Life
John Michael Godier
The Day the Oxygen Went Away thumbnail
The Day the Oxygen Went Away
John Michael Godier
Fermi Paradox: Most Alien Civilizations are Aquatic thumbnail
Fermi Paradox: Most Alien Civilizations are Aquatic
John Michael Godier
Fermi Paradox: The Malevolent Alien Megabrain Scenario thumbnail
Fermi Paradox: The Malevolent Alien Megabrain Scenario
John Michael Godier
10 Future Technologies Useful for Space Colonization thumbnail
10 Future Technologies Useful for Space Colonization
John Michael Godier
Information Panspermia and Spreading Earths Throughout the Galaxy thumbnail
Information Panspermia and Spreading Earths Throughout the Galaxy
John Michael Godier
The 10 Most Earth-Like Exoplanets that Could Host Life thumbnail
The 10 Most Earth-Like Exoplanets that Could Host Life
John Michael Godier
Liquid Water on Mars? thumbnail
Liquid Water on Mars?
John Michael Godier
Is the Solar System Unique? thumbnail
Is the Solar System Unique?
John Michael Godier
KIC 8462852 Boyajian's Star Update for 08/10/17 thumbnail
KIC 8462852 Boyajian's Star Update for 08/10/17
John Michael Godier
Life on Ceres? thumbnail
Life on Ceres?
John Michael Godier
Fermi Paradox: All Alien Civilizations Become Nanotechnological thumbnail
Fermi Paradox: All Alien Civilizations Become Nanotechnological
John Michael Godier
Space-Faring Dinosaurs and The Scarcity of Intelligence thumbnail
Space-Faring Dinosaurs and The Scarcity of Intelligence
John Michael Godier
The Carrington Event of 1859 thumbnail
The Carrington Event of 1859
John Michael Godier
Tunguska, Asteroids and the Mystery of the Beta Taurids thumbnail
Tunguska, Asteroids and the Mystery of the Beta Taurids
John Michael Godier
Fermi Paradox: The Interdict Scenario thumbnail
Fermi Paradox: The Interdict Scenario
John Michael Godier
10 Ways We Might Detect Alien Life Other Than Radio thumbnail
10 Ways We Might Detect Alien Life Other Than Radio
John Michael Godier
10 Anti Great Filters That May Make Alien Life Common thumbnail
10 Anti Great Filters That May Make Alien Life Common
John Michael Godier
Technosignatures: Detecting Alien Asteroid Mining thumbnail
Technosignatures: Detecting Alien Asteroid Mining
John Michael Godier
A Visitor From Another Star System? A/2017 U1 Update for 10/27/17 thumbnail
A Visitor From Another Star System? A/2017 U1 Update for 10/27/17
John Michael Godier
Exoplanet Water Worlds and the Possibilities of Life thumbnail
Exoplanet Water Worlds and the Possibilities of Life
John Michael Godier
10 Spooky Solutions to the Simulation Hypothesis thumbnail
10 Spooky Solutions to the Simulation Hypothesis
John Michael Godier
Europa and Enceladus Update 04/13/17 thumbnail
Europa and Enceladus Update 04/13/17
John Michael Godier
Moving Worlds and Earth as a Rogue Planet thumbnail
Moving Worlds and Earth as a Rogue Planet
John Michael Godier
Life on Jupiter? thumbnail
Life on Jupiter?
John Michael Godier
The Day Technology Went Away thumbnail
The Day Technology Went Away
John Michael Godier
Could Aliens Have Visited Earth in the Distant Past? thumbnail
Could Aliens Have Visited Earth in the Distant Past?
John Michael Godier
Fermi Paradox: Can An Alien Civilization See Us? thumbnail
Fermi Paradox: Can An Alien Civilization See Us?
John Michael Godier
10 Strange Aspects of Planet Venus thumbnail
10 Strange Aspects of Planet Venus
John Michael Godier
Did Earth Start With an Interstellar Object? thumbnail
Did Earth Start With an Interstellar Object?
John Michael Godier
What if we had no Moon? thumbnail
What if we had no Moon?
John Michael Godier
10 Interesting Scientific Discoveries for February 2024 thumbnail
10 Interesting Scientific Discoveries for February 2024
John Michael Godier
Trappist 1 Update for 02/18/2018 thumbnail
Trappist 1 Update for 02/18/2018
John Michael Godier
Alien Pulsar Worlds and the Impossible Neutron Star thumbnail
Alien Pulsar Worlds and the Impossible Neutron Star
John Michael Godier
Did the Formation of the Moon Kick off Plate Tectonics? thumbnail
Did the Formation of the Moon Kick off Plate Tectonics?
John Michael Godier
10 Close Stars and What They are Like thumbnail
10 Close Stars and What They are Like
John Michael Godier
Life in Flammable Ice thumbnail
Life in Flammable Ice
John Michael Godier
Malicious Alien SETI Signals thumbnail
Malicious Alien SETI Signals
John Michael Godier
Why is Pluto emitting X-Rays? thumbnail
Why is Pluto emitting X-Rays?
John Michael Godier
Where Are the Time Travelers? thumbnail
Where Are the Time Travelers?
John Michael Godier
The Self-Confirming Alien SETI Signal thumbnail
The Self-Confirming Alien SETI Signal
John Michael Godier
Cosmic Archeology: Detecting Dead Civilizations through Necromarkers thumbnail
Cosmic Archeology: Detecting Dead Civilizations through Necromarkers
John Michael Godier
Life on Venus? Venera D Update of 01/14/2017 thumbnail
Life on Venus? Venera D Update of 01/14/2017
John Michael Godier
The Zoo Hypothesis thumbnail
The Zoo Hypothesis
John Michael Godier
Ice Shell Planets and Europa Plate Tectonics thumbnail
Ice Shell Planets and Europa Plate Tectonics
John Michael Godier
Is Oumuamua Artificial? 1I/2017 U1 Update for 12/12/17 thumbnail
Is Oumuamua Artificial? 1I/2017 U1 Update for 12/12/17
John Michael Godier
The Habitability of Super Earths thumbnail
The Habitability of Super Earths
John Michael Godier
Alien Life May Be Very Common: An RNA Breakthrough thumbnail
Alien Life May Be Very Common: An RNA Breakthrough
John Michael Godier
Signs of Life? Martian Microbial Mats thumbnail
Signs of Life? Martian Microbial Mats
John Michael Godier
Detecting Alien Baffles and Starshades thumbnail
Detecting Alien Baffles and Starshades
John Michael Godier
Seeding Life in the Universe: Directed Panspermia thumbnail
Seeding Life in the Universe: Directed Panspermia
John Michael Godier
10 Recent Developments in Astrobiology thumbnail
10 Recent Developments in Astrobiology
John Michael Godier
10 Strange Unexplained Mysteries of the Moon thumbnail
10 Strange Unexplained Mysteries of the Moon
John Michael Godier
10 Things About the Universe That we may Never Understand thumbnail
10 Things About the Universe That we may Never Understand
John Michael Godier
The Mystery of the Mirror Suns thumbnail
The Mystery of the Mirror Suns
John Michael Godier
Finding Helium and the Strange Case of Superfluidity thumbnail
Finding Helium and the Strange Case of Superfluidity
John Michael Godier
NASA's Europa Announcement and the mystery of Enceladus thumbnail
NASA's Europa Announcement and the mystery of Enceladus
John Michael Godier
LK-99 And the Promise of Room Temperature Superconductors thumbnail
LK-99 And the Promise of Room Temperature Superconductors
John Michael Godier
The Alien Invasion Terraforming Scenario thumbnail
The Alien Invasion Terraforming Scenario
John Michael Godier
The Coming Age of Alien Communications thumbnail
The Coming Age of Alien Communications
John Michael Godier
The Big Dud: Failed Universes and Anti-Dark Matter thumbnail
The Big Dud: Failed Universes and Anti-Dark Matter
John Michael Godier
SETI and Alien Quantum Communications thumbnail
SETI and Alien Quantum Communications
John Michael Godier
The Strange Possibilities of Wormholes thumbnail
The Strange Possibilities of Wormholes
John Michael Godier
Is Venus' Atmosphere Being Altered by Life? thumbnail
Is Venus' Atmosphere Being Altered by Life?
John Michael Godier
Is Planet Nine a Primordial Black Hole? thumbnail
Is Planet Nine a Primordial Black Hole?
John Michael Godier
Recent Developments in the Field of Asteroid Impacts thumbnail
Recent Developments in the Field of Asteroid Impacts
John Michael Godier
Gravitational Wave SETI thumbnail
Gravitational Wave SETI
John Michael Godier
Elon Musk and The SpaceX Plan to Colonize Mars thumbnail
Elon Musk and The SpaceX Plan to Colonize Mars
John Michael Godier
When Stars Eat Planets And The Future of Earth thumbnail
When Stars Eat Planets And The Future of Earth
John Michael Godier
Extragalactic Stars and Planets thumbnail
Extragalactic Stars and Planets
John Michael Godier
Finding Earth: Can Aliens Detect our Transits? thumbnail
Finding Earth: Can Aliens Detect our Transits?
John Michael Godier
KIC 8462852 Update for 07/15/2017 thumbnail
KIC 8462852 Update for 07/15/2017
John Michael Godier
UFOs/UAP, Grusch, the US Senate and Interstellar Materials thumbnail
UFOs/UAP, Grusch, the US Senate and Interstellar Materials
John Michael Godier
10 Interesting Scientific and Technology Discoveries for November, 2023 thumbnail
10 Interesting Scientific and Technology Discoveries for November, 2023
John Michael Godier
The Cosmic Ray Visual Phenomenon thumbnail
The Cosmic Ray Visual Phenomenon
John Michael Godier
Titan Life and the Waters of Dione thumbnail
Titan Life and the Waters of Dione
John Michael Godier
The Oh My God Particle thumbnail
The Oh My God Particle
John Michael Godier
Aliens and the Purple Earth thumbnail
Aliens and the Purple Earth
John Michael Godier
The Mysteries of Earth's Inner Core thumbnail
The Mysteries of Earth's Inner Core
John Michael Godier
Are Pulsars Really Natural? thumbnail
Are Pulsars Really Natural?
John Michael Godier
10 Reasons Aliens Won't Invade Earth thumbnail
10 Reasons Aliens Won't Invade Earth
John Michael Godier
10 Unsettling Future Technologies thumbnail
10 Unsettling Future Technologies
John Michael Godier
HD 140283: The Methuselah Star thumbnail
HD 140283: The Methuselah Star
John Michael Godier
10 Unsettling Astronomical Incidents and Phenomena thumbnail
10 Unsettling Astronomical Incidents and Phenomena
John Michael Godier
Can Other Galaxies Host Life? thumbnail
Can Other Galaxies Host Life?
John Michael Godier
Is the universe a hologram? thumbnail
Is the universe a hologram?
John Michael Godier
The Atmospheres of Terrestrial Worlds thumbnail
The Atmospheres of Terrestrial Worlds
John Michael Godier
Searching for Interstellar Meteorites on Earth thumbnail
Searching for Interstellar Meteorites on Earth
John Michael Godier
10 Ways Aliens Could Kill Us All thumbnail
10 Ways Aliens Could Kill Us All
John Michael Godier
KIC 8462852 Alien Megastructure Star Update 12/27/16 thumbnail
KIC 8462852 Alien Megastructure Star Update 12/27/16
John Michael Godier
Alien Civilizations and the Permanent State of Reset thumbnail
Alien Civilizations and the Permanent State of Reset
John Michael Godier
The Antisupernova and Dark Stars thumbnail
The Antisupernova and Dark Stars
John Michael Godier
Ancient Civilizations and Tiny Dyson Spheres thumbnail
Ancient Civilizations and Tiny Dyson Spheres
John Michael Godier
10 Interesting Scientific Discoveries for January 2024 thumbnail
10 Interesting Scientific Discoveries for January 2024
John Michael Godier
10 Reasons Aliens Might Invade Earth thumbnail
10 Reasons Aliens Might Invade Earth
John Michael Godier
What If Aliens Are Here? The UFO UAP Phenomenon thumbnail
What If Aliens Are Here? The UFO UAP Phenomenon
John Michael Godier
The Asteroid Winter thumbnail
The Asteroid Winter
John Michael Godier
10 Unpleasant Alien Civilization Scenarios thumbnail
10 Unpleasant Alien Civilization Scenarios
John Michael Godier
The Promise of Molecular Nanotechnology thumbnail
The Promise of Molecular Nanotechnology
John Michael Godier
Can We Cloak Earth From Alien Civilizations? thumbnail
Can We Cloak Earth From Alien Civilizations?
John Michael Godier
DART Update and The Mystery of the 38th Parallel Structures thumbnail
DART Update and The Mystery of the 38th Parallel Structures
John Michael Godier
Ross 128 Radio Signal Update 07/16/2017 thumbnail
Ross 128 Radio Signal Update 07/16/2017
John Michael Godier
Podcast Announcement! thumbnail
Podcast Announcement!
John Michael Godier
Did Dark Matter Kill the Dinosaurs? thumbnail
Did Dark Matter Kill the Dinosaurs?
John Michael Godier
Organics on Mars! Signs of Life? thumbnail
Organics on Mars! Signs of Life?
John Michael Godier
The Immortal Alien Civilization Paradox thumbnail
The Immortal Alien Civilization Paradox
John Michael Godier
Astrobotany and the Search for Alien Plants thumbnail
Astrobotany and the Search for Alien Plants
John Michael Godier
Could the Sun Contain a Primordial Black Hole? thumbnail
Could the Sun Contain a Primordial Black Hole?
John Michael Godier
The Corrupted Ancestor Simulation Theory thumbnail
The Corrupted Ancestor Simulation Theory
John Michael Godier
The Mysterious Interstellar Object Oumuamua thumbnail
The Mysterious Interstellar Object Oumuamua
John Michael Godier
SETI and the Sun’s Siblings thumbnail
SETI and the Sun’s Siblings
John Michael Godier
The Kardashev Scale and Beyond thumbnail
The Kardashev Scale and Beyond
John Michael Godier
10 Mind Blowing Gravitational Lensing Events in Space thumbnail
10 Mind Blowing Gravitational Lensing Events in Space
John Michael Godier
Evidence of Alien Technology? Fast Radio Bursts update for 03/10/17 thumbnail
Evidence of Alien Technology? Fast Radio Bursts update for 03/10/17
John Michael Godier
Breaking News: Did We Just Discover 234 Alien Civilizations? thumbnail
Breaking News: Did We Just Discover 234 Alien Civilizations?
John Michael Godier
Shifting Worlds II: A Collaboration with Fraser Cain thumbnail
Shifting Worlds II: A Collaboration with Fraser Cain
John Michael Godier
The Tau Ceti Planets and Missing Debris Disks thumbnail
The Tau Ceti Planets and Missing Debris Disks
John Michael Godier
What is the James Webb Space Telescope Currently Looking at? thumbnail
What is the James Webb Space Telescope Currently Looking at?
John Michael Godier
The Galactic Habitability Zone thumbnail
The Galactic Habitability Zone
John Michael Godier
The Mysterious First Science of the James Webb Space Telescope thumbnail
The Mysterious First Science of the James Webb Space Telescope
John Michael Godier
10 Unsettling Artificial Intelligence Scenarios thumbnail
10 Unsettling Artificial Intelligence Scenarios
John Michael Godier
The Star that shouldn't exist and the Vanishing at TYC 8241 2652 thumbnail
The Star that shouldn't exist and the Vanishing at TYC 8241 2652
John Michael Godier
Artifact SETI: Message Blocks and Cheap Aliens thumbnail
Artifact SETI: Message Blocks and Cheap Aliens
John Michael Godier
Envisioning Aliens: Is the Kardashev Scale Obsolete? thumbnail
Envisioning Aliens: Is the Kardashev Scale Obsolete?
John Michael Godier
10 Strange Aspects of the Moon thumbnail
10 Strange Aspects of the Moon
John Michael Godier
Can the Universe Self-Destruct? thumbnail
Can the Universe Self-Destruct?
John Michael Godier
The Hunt for Metallic Hydrogen thumbnail
The Hunt for Metallic Hydrogen
John Michael Godier
10 of the Worst Extinction Events on Planet Earth thumbnail
10 of the Worst Extinction Events on Planet Earth
John Michael Godier
10 Alien First Contact Scenarios thumbnail
10 Alien First Contact Scenarios
John Michael Godier
Imagining Other Dimensions and Interdimensional Travel thumbnail
Imagining Other Dimensions and Interdimensional Travel
John Michael Godier
Detecting Alien Terraforming thumbnail
Detecting Alien Terraforming
John Michael Godier
NASA Exoplanet Announcement 06/19/17 thumbnail
NASA Exoplanet Announcement 06/19/17
John Michael Godier
Exoplanet Habitability Around Orange Dwarf Stars thumbnail
Exoplanet Habitability Around Orange Dwarf Stars
John Michael Godier
Trappist - 1 Update 04/05/17 thumbnail
Trappist - 1 Update 04/05/17
John Michael Godier
KIC 8462852 Boyajian's Star Update for 06/06/2017 thumbnail
KIC 8462852 Boyajian's Star Update for 06/06/2017
John Michael Godier
KIC 8462852 Alien Megastructure Star Update 10/06/2016 thumbnail
KIC 8462852 Alien Megastructure Star Update 10/06/2016
John Michael Godier
10 Enormous Cosmic Structures thumbnail
10 Enormous Cosmic Structures
John Michael Godier
Will A.I. kill us all? Maybe not . . . thumbnail
Will A.I. kill us all? Maybe not . . .
John Michael Godier
10 Spooky Possibilities of the Multiverse thumbnail
10 Spooky Possibilities of the Multiverse
John Michael Godier
An Interstellar Comet? C/2019 Q4 Comet Borisov thumbnail
An Interstellar Comet? C/2019 Q4 Comet Borisov
John Michael Godier
New Insights on Alien Alternative Biochemistry thumbnail
New Insights on Alien Alternative Biochemistry
John Michael Godier
Fermi Paradox: The Road to Intelligence Leads to Extinction thumbnail
Fermi Paradox: The Road to Intelligence Leads to Extinction
John Michael Godier
Two New SETI Biosignature Types thumbnail
Two New SETI Biosignature Types
John Michael Godier
The EmDrive. A Revolution? thumbnail
The EmDrive. A Revolution?
John Michael Godier
Alien Messages in The Cold and the Dark: Survival Machines thumbnail
Alien Messages in The Cold and the Dark: Survival Machines
John Michael Godier
Ross 128 Radio Signal Update for 07/23/2017 thumbnail
Ross 128 Radio Signal Update for 07/23/2017
John Michael Godier
Fermi paradox: Early in the Game thumbnail
Fermi paradox: Early in the Game
John Michael Godier
Colonizing and Terraforming Venus thumbnail
Colonizing and Terraforming Venus
John Michael Godier
K2-18b The Alien Exoplanet Biosphere Candidate thumbnail
K2-18b The Alien Exoplanet Biosphere Candidate
John Michael Godier
10 Strange Moons of the Solar System thumbnail
10 Strange Moons of the Solar System
John Michael Godier
Another You: Do We Exist in Other Universes? thumbnail
Another You: Do We Exist in Other Universes?
John Michael Godier
SETI and Mitigating Solar Flares thumbnail
SETI and Mitigating Solar Flares
John Michael Godier
Supernova SETI and Detecting Alien Blast Shields thumbnail
Supernova SETI and Detecting Alien Blast Shields
John Michael Godier
10 of the Milky Way's Most Interesting Stars thumbnail
10 of the Milky Way's Most Interesting Stars
John Michael Godier
The Red Dwarf Question thumbnail
The Red Dwarf Question
John Michael Godier
Do the Sentinelese Live in the Zoo Hypothesis? thumbnail
Do the Sentinelese Live in the Zoo Hypothesis?
John Michael Godier
Machine Civilizations thumbnail
Machine Civilizations
John Michael Godier
10 Unsettling Possibilities Regarding Alien Life thumbnail
10 Unsettling Possibilities Regarding Alien Life
John Michael Godier
10 Reasons Aliens Might Not Contact Earth thumbnail
10 Reasons Aliens Might Not Contact Earth
John Michael Godier
Colonizing Space with Habitats thumbnail
Colonizing Space with Habitats
John Michael Godier
A New Star in the Night Sky? KIC 9832227 Update 01/07/2017 and an announcement! thumbnail
A New Star in the Night Sky? KIC 9832227 Update 01/07/2017 and an announcement!
John Michael Godier
The Strange Spooky Possibilities of Neural Dust thumbnail
The Strange Spooky Possibilities of Neural Dust
John Michael Godier
Fermi Paradox: Slow Alien First Contact thumbnail
Fermi Paradox: Slow Alien First Contact
John Michael Godier
Futurism and Ancient History thumbnail
Futurism and Ancient History
John Michael Godier
Will the Galileo Project Solve the Fermi paradox? thumbnail
Will the Galileo Project Solve the Fermi paradox?
John Michael Godier
Interstellar Comet 2I/Borisov Update For October 12, 2019 thumbnail
Interstellar Comet 2I/Borisov Update For October 12, 2019
John Michael Godier
METI and the Arecibo Message thumbnail
METI and the Arecibo Message
John Michael Godier
Undiscovered Stars and Close Exoplanets thumbnail
Undiscovered Stars and Close Exoplanets
John Michael Godier
Technosignatures: Detecting Alien Antimatter Propulsion thumbnail
Technosignatures: Detecting Alien Antimatter Propulsion
John Michael Godier
Proxima B and Trappist - 1 Update 07/19/2017 thumbnail
Proxima B and Trappist - 1 Update 07/19/2017
John Michael Godier
New UAP/UFO Science and Astronomy on the Ocean Floor thumbnail
New UAP/UFO Science and Astronomy on the Ocean Floor
John Michael Godier
10 Unsettling Ways Humans Could Go Extinct thumbnail
10 Unsettling Ways Humans Could Go Extinct
John Michael Godier
Fast Radio Burst 121102 Update 01/15/18 thumbnail
Fast Radio Burst 121102 Update 01/15/18
John Michael Godier
Galactic Humanity and the Fermi Paradox Part II thumbnail
Galactic Humanity and the Fermi Paradox Part II
John Michael Godier
The Strange Mystery of Singularities And Evolving Universes thumbnail
The Strange Mystery of Singularities And Evolving Universes
John Michael Godier
Searching for Alien Fossils on Earth thumbnail
Searching for Alien Fossils on Earth
John Michael Godier
The Impossible Planet thumbnail
The Impossible Planet
John Michael Godier
What Exactly is Oumuamua? thumbnail
What Exactly is Oumuamua?
John Michael Godier
Two New Biosignature Gasses for Detecting Alien Life thumbnail
Two New Biosignature Gasses for Detecting Alien Life
John Michael Godier
SETI Through Cosmic Catastrophes thumbnail
SETI Through Cosmic Catastrophes
John Michael Godier
Fermi Paradox: Why Haven't Aliens Colonized Earth? thumbnail
Fermi Paradox: Why Haven't Aliens Colonized Earth?
John Michael Godier
Fermi Paradox: Alien Efficiency and Nodes thumbnail
Fermi Paradox: Alien Efficiency and Nodes
John Michael Godier
KIC 8462852 Alien Megastructure Star Update 9/3/16 Mystery Solved? thumbnail
KIC 8462852 Alien Megastructure Star Update 9/3/16 Mystery Solved?
John Michael Godier
10 Mind-Blowing Recent Astronomical Developments thumbnail
10 Mind-Blowing Recent Astronomical Developments
John Michael Godier
KIC 8462852 Update for 05/19/2017 thumbnail
KIC 8462852 Update for 05/19/2017
John Michael Godier
Fermi Paradox: Time and Distance thumbnail
Fermi Paradox: Time and Distance
John Michael Godier
Alien Communications with Gravitational Waves thumbnail
Alien Communications with Gravitational Waves
John Michael Godier
What Would an Alien Species Look Like? thumbnail
What Would an Alien Species Look Like?
John Michael Godier
Water Worlds, Desert Planets and ... Titan thumbnail
Water Worlds, Desert Planets and ... Titan
John Michael Godier
Proxima B Update 02/15/17 thumbnail
Proxima B Update 02/15/17
John Michael Godier
The Canterbury Swarm and the Taurids thumbnail
The Canterbury Swarm and the Taurids
John Michael Godier
10 Positive Alien Civilization Scenarios thumbnail
10 Positive Alien Civilization Scenarios
John Michael Godier
What Mysteries Lie in the Solar System's Oceans? thumbnail
What Mysteries Lie in the Solar System's Oceans?
John Michael Godier
The Quasar Galactic Extinction Event thumbnail
The Quasar Galactic Extinction Event
John Michael Godier
Detecting Alien Biofluorescence thumbnail
Detecting Alien Biofluorescence
John Michael Godier
10 Ways AI Could Quickly Change Everything thumbnail
10 Ways AI Could Quickly Change Everything
John Michael Godier
Fermi Paradox: The Vulnerable World Hypothesis thumbnail
Fermi Paradox: The Vulnerable World Hypothesis
John Michael Godier
The Origins of Language Predates Humans thumbnail
The Origins of Language Predates Humans
John Michael Godier
The Missing Baryon Problem and the Anti-Matter Discrepancy thumbnail
The Missing Baryon Problem and the Anti-Matter Discrepancy
John Michael Godier
10 SETI Messages That We May Not Want to Receive thumbnail
10 SETI Messages That We May Not Want to Receive
John Michael Godier
Kilonova GW 170817 Update 10/16/2017 thumbnail
Kilonova GW 170817 Update 10/16/2017
John Michael Godier
Human Evolution on Mars thumbnail
Human Evolution on Mars
John Michael Godier
10 Unusual Aspects of Planet Jupiter thumbnail
10 Unusual Aspects of Planet Jupiter
John Michael Godier
The Wow! Signal Was Probably Not a Comet thumbnail
The Wow! Signal Was Probably Not a Comet
John Michael Godier
Detecting Alien Solar Arrays thumbnail
Detecting Alien Solar Arrays
John Michael Godier
The Mysterious BLC1 Radio Signal Update for 1/12/21 thumbnail
The Mysterious BLC1 Radio Signal Update for 1/12/21
John Michael Godier
The Search for Life at Venus thumbnail
The Search for Life at Venus
John Michael Godier
Life on Dark Exoplanets thumbnail
Life on Dark Exoplanets
John Michael Godier
10 Astronomical Objects That Are Not Behaving As They Should thumbnail
10 Astronomical Objects That Are Not Behaving As They Should
John Michael Godier
Plutonium in a Star? An Alien Nuclear Waste Dump?  Przybylski’s Star Update 03/28/17 thumbnail
Plutonium in a Star? An Alien Nuclear Waste Dump? Przybylski’s Star Update 03/28/17
John Michael Godier
What's Really Going on with Fusion Energy thumbnail
What's Really Going on with Fusion Energy
John Michael Godier
Are We Martians? thumbnail
Are We Martians?
John Michael Godier
A.I., The Tool Using Fish and the Puzzling Case of the Mirror Test thumbnail
A.I., The Tool Using Fish and the Puzzling Case of the Mirror Test
John Michael Godier
A New Martian Biosignature? thumbnail
A New Martian Biosignature?
John Michael Godier
Interstellar Asteroid Oumuamua Update for 11/10/2018 thumbnail
Interstellar Asteroid Oumuamua Update for 11/10/2018
John Michael Godier
The Mystery of the Lunar Transient Phenomena thumbnail
The Mystery of the Lunar Transient Phenomena
John Michael Godier
The UFO/UAP Phenomenon: A Radical Development thumbnail
The UFO/UAP Phenomenon: A Radical Development
John Michael Godier
10 Unusual Scientific Discoveries for August 2023 thumbnail
10 Unusual Scientific Discoveries for August 2023
John Michael Godier
Planet Found! Ross 128 Update for 11/16/2017 thumbnail
Planet Found! Ross 128 Update for 11/16/2017
John Michael Godier
Habitable Planets Galore! Trappist -1 Update 02-22-17 thumbnail
Habitable Planets Galore! Trappist -1 Update 02-22-17
John Michael Godier
Have we Found Life at Venus? thumbnail
Have we Found Life at Venus?
John Michael Godier
10 Mind-blowing Interstellar Propulsion Systems thumbnail
10 Mind-blowing Interstellar Propulsion Systems
John Michael Godier
Unusual Stars Part 1: Stars That Do Not Yet Exist (collab with Paul M. Sutter) thumbnail
Unusual Stars Part 1: Stars That Do Not Yet Exist (collab with Paul M. Sutter)
John Michael Godier
SETI Searches for Interstellar Starships thumbnail
SETI Searches for Interstellar Starships
John Michael Godier
10 Indicators that Mars Might Harbor Life thumbnail
10 Indicators that Mars Might Harbor Life
John Michael Godier
Genetic Star Colonies and Human Panspermia thumbnail
Genetic Star Colonies and Human Panspermia
John Michael Godier
What If We Are Alone? thumbnail
What If We Are Alone?
John Michael Godier
LHS 1140b Exoplanet Update for 04/19/2017 thumbnail
LHS 1140b Exoplanet Update for 04/19/2017
John Michael Godier
Fermi Paradox: The Stone Age Milky Way thumbnail
Fermi Paradox: The Stone Age Milky Way
John Michael Godier
The META Radio Signal Detections thumbnail
The META Radio Signal Detections
John Michael Godier
The Berserker Hypothesis and the Dark Forest thumbnail
The Berserker Hypothesis and the Dark Forest
John Michael Godier
Fermi Paradox: Alien Civilizations Consume their Home Worlds thumbnail
Fermi Paradox: Alien Civilizations Consume their Home Worlds
John Michael Godier
The Silent Conversation - Nu-SETI thumbnail
The Silent Conversation - Nu-SETI
John Michael Godier
Alien Technosignature? The Mysterious Star VVV-WIT-08 thumbnail
Alien Technosignature? The Mysterious Star VVV-WIT-08
John Michael Godier
Detecting Alien Von Neumann Probes thumbnail
Detecting Alien Von Neumann Probes
John Michael Godier
Enceladus: Phosphorus and the Stuff of Life thumbnail
Enceladus: Phosphorus and the Stuff of Life
John Michael Godier
Abandoning Earth: The Galactic Technological Zone thumbnail
Abandoning Earth: The Galactic Technological Zone
John Michael Godier
Dyson’s Sunflowers and Europa thumbnail
Dyson’s Sunflowers and Europa
John Michael Godier
The Deep Biospheres thumbnail
The Deep Biospheres
John Michael Godier
Uplifting: Animals and Aliens Part II thumbnail
Uplifting: Animals and Aliens Part II
John Michael Godier
Enceladus and the Conditions for Life thumbnail
Enceladus and the Conditions for Life
John Michael Godier
10 Unusual Scientific Discoveries for July 2023 thumbnail
10 Unusual Scientific Discoveries for July 2023
John Michael Godier
UFO/UAP Update The July 26, 2023 Congressional Hearings thumbnail
UFO/UAP Update The July 26, 2023 Congressional Hearings
John Michael Godier
Detecting Alien Megatelescopes and Particle Accelerators thumbnail
Detecting Alien Megatelescopes and Particle Accelerators
John Michael Godier
The Great Filter thumbnail
The Great Filter
John Michael Godier
When do we become Cyborgs? The AI Quantum Biological Monster thumbnail
When do we become Cyborgs? The AI Quantum Biological Monster
John Michael Godier
The Death of Planet Earth thumbnail
The Death of Planet Earth
John Michael Godier
GJ 1132b Update for 04/07/17 Exoplanet Atmospheres thumbnail
GJ 1132b Update for 04/07/17 Exoplanet Atmospheres
John Michael Godier
The Strange Case of the Double Big Bang thumbnail
The Strange Case of the Double Big Bang
John Michael Godier
10 Spooky Alien Zoo Hypothesis Scenarios thumbnail
10 Spooky Alien Zoo Hypothesis Scenarios
John Michael Godier
10 Really Strange Meteorites thumbnail
10 Really Strange Meteorites
John Michael Godier
Dark Matter and the Mirror Universe thumbnail
Dark Matter and the Mirror Universe
John Michael Godier
The Alien Von Neumann Unicorn Machine thumbnail
The Alien Von Neumann Unicorn Machine
John Michael Godier
HD85512b: When Water Turns Deadly thumbnail
HD85512b: When Water Turns Deadly
John Michael Godier
10 Unsettling Alien Technosignatures that Could be Very Close thumbnail
10 Unsettling Alien Technosignatures that Could be Very Close
John Michael Godier
Anti-Worlds, Anti-Gravity Planets and Star Drives thumbnail
Anti-Worlds, Anti-Gravity Planets and Star Drives
John Michael Godier
Could a Human Catch an Alien Virus? thumbnail
Could a Human Catch an Alien Virus?
John Michael Godier
The Rise of the Alien Machines thumbnail
The Rise of the Alien Machines
John Michael Godier
Communicating with Animals and Aliens with AI thumbnail
Communicating with Animals and Aliens with AI
John Michael Godier
UFO/UAP/Technosignatures:  The Strange Case of the Palomar Transient thumbnail
UFO/UAP/Technosignatures: The Strange Case of the Palomar Transient
John Michael Godier
Should We Fear Alien Artificial Intelligence? thumbnail
Should We Fear Alien Artificial Intelligence?
John Michael Godier
The Coming Great Collision With the Andromeda Galaxy thumbnail
The Coming Great Collision With the Andromeda Galaxy
John Michael Godier
Is the Universe a Computer Simulation? Maybe not ... thumbnail
Is the Universe a Computer Simulation? Maybe not ...
John Michael Godier
10 Unsolved Mysteries of the Quantum Realm thumbnail
10 Unsolved Mysteries of the Quantum Realm
John Michael Godier
Carbon Monoxide and Astrobiology thumbnail
Carbon Monoxide and Astrobiology
John Michael Godier
Fermi Paradox: Rare Life thumbnail
Fermi Paradox: Rare Life
John Michael Godier
Theia and The Mysterious Flash of Light at NGC 2547 thumbnail
Theia and The Mysterious Flash of Light at NGC 2547
John Michael Godier
There is no now thumbnail
There is no now
John Michael Godier
The Strange Mystery of the Golden Stars thumbnail
The Strange Mystery of the Golden Stars
John Michael Godier
The Coming Age of Data Moons thumbnail
The Coming Age of Data Moons
John Michael Godier
Can You Get Hit By a Meteorite? thumbnail
Can You Get Hit By a Meteorite?
John Michael Godier
Planet Mercury is a Strange Alien World thumbnail
Planet Mercury is a Strange Alien World
John Michael Godier
Mars, Gale Crater and Hints of Life thumbnail
Mars, Gale Crater and Hints of Life
John Michael Godier
The Mysterious 1983 Flash at Jupiter’s Moon Io thumbnail
The Mysterious 1983 Flash at Jupiter’s Moon Io
John Michael Godier
Can The Present Affect the Past thumbnail
Can The Present Affect the Past
John Michael Godier
KIC 8462852 Boyajian's Star Update 05/21/2017 thumbnail
KIC 8462852 Boyajian's Star Update 05/21/2017
John Michael Godier
Machine Natural Selection and the AI Apocalypse thumbnail
Machine Natural Selection and the AI Apocalypse
John Michael Godier
Searching for Alien Probes in the Solar System thumbnail
Searching for Alien Probes in the Solar System
John Michael Godier
10 Bizarre Objects Launched into Space thumbnail
10 Bizarre Objects Launched into Space
John Michael Godier
Fermi Paradox: 10 Reasons to Assume we are Not Alone thumbnail
Fermi Paradox: 10 Reasons to Assume we are Not Alone
John Michael Godier
Proxima Centauri B Update 12/28/16 thumbnail
Proxima Centauri B Update 12/28/16
John Michael Godier
10 Ways We Might Colonize the Galaxy thumbnail
10 Ways We Might Colonize the Galaxy
John Michael Godier
The Enceladus Orbilander Mission thumbnail
The Enceladus Orbilander Mission
John Michael Godier
The Fifth Force of Nature thumbnail
The Fifth Force of Nature
John Michael Godier
James Webb Telescope Update and The Spy Satellite Mirrors thumbnail
James Webb Telescope Update and The Spy Satellite Mirrors
John Michael Godier
The Anti-Universe thumbnail
The Anti-Universe
John Michael Godier
Proxima Centauri B: Our Future Home? thumbnail
Proxima Centauri B: Our Future Home?
John Michael Godier
What Lies Between Galaxies? Ejected Stars, Rogue Planets and Exotic Matter thumbnail
What Lies Between Galaxies? Ejected Stars, Rogue Planets and Exotic Matter
John Michael Godier
The Antimatter Fountain thumbnail
The Antimatter Fountain
John Michael Godier
Will Earth's Magnetic Poles Flip and What Does it Mean? thumbnail
Will Earth's Magnetic Poles Flip and What Does it Mean?
John Michael Godier
Are We Among the First Civilizations in the Universe? thumbnail
Are We Among the First Civilizations in the Universe?
John Michael Godier
Alien Earth: The Hadean Eon and Life thumbnail
Alien Earth: The Hadean Eon and Life
John Michael Godier
10 Ways to Survive the Death of the Sun thumbnail
10 Ways to Survive the Death of the Sun
John Michael Godier
Astrovirology: Detecting Alien Viruses thumbnail
Astrovirology: Detecting Alien Viruses
John Michael Godier
Solar System Volcanoes and Iron Lava thumbnail
Solar System Volcanoes and Iron Lava
John Michael Godier
10 Strange Ways Time Travel Could Be Possible thumbnail
10 Strange Ways Time Travel Could Be Possible
John Michael Godier
Alternative Planets Within Habitable Zones thumbnail
Alternative Planets Within Habitable Zones
John Michael Godier
10 Interesting Scientific Discoveries for December 2023 thumbnail
10 Interesting Scientific Discoveries for December 2023
John Michael Godier
10 Ways Alien Life Could be Radically Different from Earth thumbnail
10 Ways Alien Life Could be Radically Different from Earth
John Michael Godier
All Alien Civilizations May Ponder the Fermi Paradox thumbnail
All Alien Civilizations May Ponder the Fermi Paradox
John Michael Godier
Fermi Paradox: The Nanotechnology Extinction Event thumbnail
Fermi Paradox: The Nanotechnology Extinction Event
John Michael Godier
Fermi Paradox: Intergalactic Civilizations thumbnail
Fermi Paradox: Intergalactic Civilizations
John Michael Godier
Proxima B Update for March 5, 2018 thumbnail
Proxima B Update for March 5, 2018
John Michael Godier
Not Of This Star System: Interstellar Object Updates thumbnail
Not Of This Star System: Interstellar Object Updates
John Michael Godier
Fermi Paradox: The Urability Problem and the Water Paradox thumbnail
Fermi Paradox: The Urability Problem and the Water Paradox
John Michael Godier
Trappist - 1 Update for 07/09/2017 thumbnail
Trappist - 1 Update for 07/09/2017
John Michael Godier
The Dangers of Near Earth Supernovas thumbnail
The Dangers of Near Earth Supernovas
John Michael Godier
Trappist - 1 Update 04/10/17 and an Announcement thumbnail
Trappist - 1 Update 04/10/17 and an Announcement
John Michael Godier
Searching for Alien Signals in High Energy Cosmic Rays thumbnail
Searching for Alien Signals in High Energy Cosmic Rays
John Michael Godier
The Oceans of Pluto thumbnail
The Oceans of Pluto
John Michael Godier
KIC 8462852 Boyajian's Star Update For 08/27/17 thumbnail
KIC 8462852 Boyajian's Star Update For 08/27/17
John Michael Godier
Venus is the Strangest Planet thumbnail
Venus is the Strangest Planet
John Michael Godier
SETI and a New Message to Alien Civilizations thumbnail
SETI and a New Message to Alien Civilizations
John Michael Godier
The Habitability of the Early Universe thumbnail
The Habitability of the Early Universe
John Michael Godier
Planet 9 Update for 10/15/2017 thumbnail
Planet 9 Update for 10/15/2017
John Michael Godier
Artificial Star Systems, Galaxies and Universes thumbnail
Artificial Star Systems, Galaxies and Universes
John Michael Godier
Dark Galaxies thumbnail
Dark Galaxies
John Michael Godier
Earth Organisms That Can Survive Space thumbnail
Earth Organisms That Can Survive Space
John Michael Godier
KIC 8462852 Update for 05/24/2017 thumbnail
KIC 8462852 Update for 05/24/2017
John Michael Godier
Blanets and Forsaken Worlds thumbnail
Blanets and Forsaken Worlds
John Michael Godier
Is The Universe Real? Or Is It a Computer Simulation? thumbnail
Is The Universe Real? Or Is It a Computer Simulation?
John Michael Godier
Planet Nine and Ten Update 06/26/2017 thumbnail
Planet Nine and Ten Update 06/26/2017
John Michael Godier
The Galileo Experiment and the Red Edge thumbnail
The Galileo Experiment and the Red Edge
John Michael Godier
The Atmospheres of Earth and Natural Nukes thumbnail
The Atmospheres of Earth and Natural Nukes
John Michael Godier
10 Strange Mysteries of Earth's Oceans thumbnail
10 Strange Mysteries of Earth's Oceans
John Michael Godier
10 Obscure but Amazing Space Missions thumbnail
10 Obscure but Amazing Space Missions
John Michael Godier
KIC 8462852 Boyajian's Star Update 09/10/17 thumbnail
KIC 8462852 Boyajian's Star Update 09/10/17
John Michael Godier
Fermi Paradox: The Impossible Earth hypothesis thumbnail
Fermi Paradox: The Impossible Earth hypothesis
John Michael Godier
An Interstellar Asteroid on Earth and the Coming Age of Interstellar Geology thumbnail
An Interstellar Asteroid on Earth and the Coming Age of Interstellar Geology
John Michael Godier
Asteroids from Earth and Meteorite Mysteries thumbnail
Asteroids from Earth and Meteorite Mysteries
John Michael Godier
10 Obscure Solutions to the Fermi Paradox thumbnail
10 Obscure Solutions to the Fermi Paradox
John Michael Godier
Interstellar Asteroid A/2017 U1 Update for 11/07/2017 thumbnail
Interstellar Asteroid A/2017 U1 Update for 11/07/2017
John Michael Godier
James Webb Space Telescope Update and a New Mystery thumbnail
James Webb Space Telescope Update and a New Mystery
John Michael Godier
Habitable Exomoons and the Habitable Edge thumbnail
Habitable Exomoons and the Habitable Edge
John Michael Godier
Stellar Classifications and Habitable Zones thumbnail
Stellar Classifications and Habitable Zones
John Michael Godier
KIC 8462852 Boyajian's Star Update for 08/30/17 thumbnail
KIC 8462852 Boyajian's Star Update for 08/30/17
John Michael Godier
Are We (and Aliens) Trapped in Our Galaxy? thumbnail
Are We (and Aliens) Trapped in Our Galaxy?
John Michael Godier
Signs of Life? Enceladus Update for July 1, 2018 thumbnail
Signs of Life? Enceladus Update for July 1, 2018
John Michael Godier
Fermi Paradox: The Phosphorus Question thumbnail
Fermi Paradox: The Phosphorus Question
John Michael Godier
KIC 8462852 Alien Megastructure Star Updated 01/25/17 thumbnail
KIC 8462852 Alien Megastructure Star Updated 01/25/17
John Michael Godier
Habitable Planets in Binary Star Systems thumbnail
Habitable Planets in Binary Star Systems
John Michael Godier
A Post-Biological Universe? thumbnail
A Post-Biological Universe?
John Michael Godier
TRAPPIST - 1 Update for 03/08/17 thumbnail
TRAPPIST - 1 Update for 03/08/17
John Michael Godier
The Interstellar Meteorite and Pieces of Theia thumbnail
The Interstellar Meteorite and Pieces of Theia
John Michael Godier

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