10 Unsettling Alien Technosignatures that Could be Very Close | Summary and Q&A

May 25, 2022
John Michael Godier
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10 Unsettling Alien Technosignatures that Could be Very Close


There are potential signs of alien technology close to home, including unidentified objects in photographic plates, the mysterious Wow signal, long delayed echoes in radio signals, depleted asteroids, potential artifacts on the moon, hidden messages in DNA, the possibility of a previous technological civilization on Earth, the threat of AI-powered alien civilizations, the plausibility of UAPs being von Neumann probes, and the mysteries of dark matter and parallel universes.

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Key Insights

  • 🤩 There are potential signs of alien technology close to Earth, challenging the focus on distant stars in the search for extraterrestrial intelligence.
  • 👽 Historical astronomical observations and phenomena, such as photographic plates and radio echoes, can provide clues about possible alien technosignatures.
  • 👽 Depleted asteroids or artifacts on the moon may reveal evidence of past alien civilizations in our solar system.
  • 👽 DNA SETI and the Silurian Hypothesis propose unconventional ways to search for signs of past or hidden manipulation by alien civilizations.
  • 👽 The threat posed by AI-enabled alien civilizations could impact the outcome of the Fermi Paradox.
  • ⏮️ UAPs may have multiple possible origins, including both extraterrestrial and previous terrestrial civilizations.


When thinking about SETI and alien life, we tend to look to the distant stars themselves with our radio and optical telescopes assuming that all alien life will be located far away. But there is also a subset of thinking within SETI that maybe it might be fruitful to look closeby, just in case because there are some plausible ways aliens could be h... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What are the potential implications if the photographic plates indeed show artificial satellites from before the launch of Sputnik?

If confirmed, the presence of artificial satellites before the dawn of the space age would raise intriguing questions about the existing technology at that time. It would require further investigation to determine who put them there, how they achieved geosynchronous orbit, and their purpose.

Q: How could DNA be used to search for potential messages or manipulation from alien civilizations?

DNA SETI proposes that early visitors to Earth may have embedded messages or evidence of manipulation within our own genome. By searching for unnatural sequences in our DNA, we may find indications of past intervention. However, this is a speculative approach with limited likelihood.

Q: What is the Silurian Hypothesis, and how could it explain the absence of evidence regarding previous technological civilizations on Earth?

The Silurian Hypothesis suggests that Earth may have witnessed a technological civilization in its deep past, but no evidence of it has been preserved in the geologic record. Due to the limited preservation of human artifacts and the eventual destruction caused by natural processes, traces of past human-like civilizations could be absent from the historical record.

Q: How could the Von Neumann probe concept explain the presence of unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP)?

The concept of von Neumann probes posits self-replicating probes that could be sent to distant star systems, potentially including the Earth. These probes could utilize advanced technology, such as 3D printing, to create UAP-like objects for exploration, offering a scientifically plausible explanation for their presence.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Astronomical photographic plates from 1950 show objects consistent with artificial satellites, years before the launch of Sputnik. The origin and purpose of these objects remain unknown, potentially raising questions about the existence of alien technology in our proximity.

  • The Wow signal, a strong radio signal from 1977, may have originated from a closer distance than previously thought. The frequency shift and high power suggest a possible close or nearby source, challenging our assumptions about its origin.

  • Long Delayed Echoes (LDEs) in radio signals have been observed, suggesting the possibility of artificial influence from space. The inconsistent nature of LDEs makes it difficult to determine the distance and source of these echoes.

  • Ancient asteroids or interstellar objects in our solar system may hold evidence of past alien civilizations. Depleted asteroids or artifacts deposited by Jupiter could be potential indicators of transient alien presence.

  • The moon may preserve artifacts left by passing alien civilizations, offering the possibility of finding evidence of past technological visitors. Subsurface searches and archeological techniques could be employed to explore this potential.

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