10 Interesting Scientific Discoveries for January 2024 | Summary and Q&A

January 25, 2024
John Michael Godier
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10 Interesting Scientific Discoveries for January 2024


Exciting scientific discoveries in January 2024 include a shark that smelled in stereo, penguins' four-second naps, a color-changing nebula, an ice supervolcano on Pluto, ancient frozen valleys in Antarctica, the highest energy pulsar, potential road paving on the moon, the usefulness of shipwrecks, a rare pristine star system, and the mysterious energetic cosmic rays.

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Key Insights

  • šŸ‘ƒ Shark species evolved the ability to smell in stereo, enhancing their hunting capabilities.
  • šŸ–ļø Penguin naps play a crucial role in protecting their eggs from seabird predators.
  • šŸ¤© Changing colors exhibited by a nebula near VVV-WIT-12 suggests the presence of a young, newly formed star with variability.
  • šŸ„¶ Pluto's ice supervolcano, Kiladze crater, offers insights into its subsurface ocean and potential habitability.
  • šŸŽ Antarctica's frozen valleys present a glimpse of its paleogene period and ancient topography.
  • ā“ The discovery of an ultra-energetic pulsar challenges current understandings of cosmic phenomena.
  • šŸ«  Laser-melting lunar soil indicates the potential for creating paved roads on the moon.
  • šŸ›Ÿ Shipwrecks serve as oases for marine life in fishing areas, contributing to conservation efforts.
  • šŸŖ The HD 110067 star system hosts six planets in resonance, giving insights into planet formation and sub-Neptune worlds.


Science marches onward and upward, and theĀ  new year promises no shortage of developmentsĀ Ā  in science so here are ten interestingĀ  scientific discoveries for January of 2024. Number 10. The Shark that Smelled in Stereo 365 Million years ago a shark evolved theĀ  ability to smell essentially in stereo,Ā Ā  making it the first member of the shark famil... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How do sharks use their sense of smell underwater?

Sharks can smell dissolved molecules in seawater, particularly blood, but their range is limited to about a quarter of a mile. It is not significantly different from most fish species, and shark attacks are relatively rare.

Q: How do penguins protect their eggs during incubation?

Male chinstrap penguins take frequent, four-second naps throughout the day to stay alert and watch out for egg-hunting seabirds like Skuas.

Q: Why is the nebula near VVV-WIT-12 changing colors?

The changes in color are likely due to a very young, newly formed star exhibiting variability, reflecting off the nebula and causing variations in brightness.

Q: What is the significance of an ice supervolcano on Pluto?

The Kiladze crater suggests cryovolcanic activity on Pluto, possibly ejecting enormous amounts of material rich in frozen ammonia and water, similar to the hypothesized subsurface ocean of liquid on Pluto.

Q: What unique discovery has been made about Antarctica's topography?

Researchers have identified preserved valleys, fjord structures, and former rivers under the East Antarctic Ice sheet, dating back 34 million years, which provides insight into the region's past.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • A shark species from 365 million years ago evolved the ability to smell in stereo, similar to the way humans perceive depth with two eyes.

  • Male chinstrap penguins take four-second naps throughout the day to stay alert and protect their eggs from predators.

  • A nebula near VVV-WIT-12 is changing colors for unknown reasons, and further study with the Vera Rubin Observatory may unveil more insights into star formation in nebulas.

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