KIC 8462852: The Plot Thickens | Summary and Q&A

September 18, 2021
John Michael Godier
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KIC 8462852: The Plot Thickens


Tabby's Star, also known as KIC8462852, has exhibited inexplicable behavior with strange light curves and dimming events, leading to speculation about the existence of alien megastructures. However, further observations and data suggest alternative explanations such as fine dust and cold comets. Other stars with similar anomalies have also been discovered, deepening the mystery.

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Key Insights

  • 🙂 Tabby's Star, also known as KIC8462852, has long intrigued scientists due to its enigmatic light curves and irregular dips in brightness.
  • 🙂 Initially, the possibility of alien megastructures was considered as an explanation for the peculiar light curves, but subsequent observations and studies have proposed alternative explanations such as fine dust and cold comets.
  • 🤩 The long-term dimming events exhibited by Tabby's Star, contrary to its classification, suggest an increasing amount of dust surrounding the star, raising questions about its source and replenishment.
  • 🤩 Other stars with similar anomalies, including HD139139 and VVV WIT08, have been discovered, adding to the mystery and potential technological signatures.
  • 🏋️ The exploration of the possibility of extraterrestrial mining operations and stellar lifting provides speculative insights into the potential activities of advanced civilizations.
  • 👾 Asteroid mining and extracting raw materials from stars may be essential for future human space exploration and colonization, as well as potential activities of advanced alien civilizations.


this is an update in my continuing coverage of the mysterious star ksc8462852 or tabby star or more correctly boyajian's star for september of 2021 a blast from the past to be sure to say those words again long time listeners will remember that my very first video was on this star and then the story died down and it appeared to be a phenomenon of d... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What makes Tabby's Star so mysterious and intriguing to scientists?

Tabby's Star has unusual light curves, showing dips in brightness of up to 22%, which cannot be easily explained by natural phenomena. This has led to the speculation of alien megastructures as a possible cause for these anomalies.

Q: What are the alternative explanations for the irregular light curves of Tabby's Star?

Further observations and studies suggest that the irregular light curves can be attributed to the presence of fine dust and the disintegration of cold comets around the star. These explanations challenge the previous alien megastructure hypothesis.

Q: What is the significance of the long-term dimming events exhibited by Tabby's Star?

Tabby's Star has shown gradual dimming over the past century, indicating an increasing amount of dust surrounding the star. The source of this dust and its replenishment remain a mystery, as natural processes would take much longer to exhibit such effects.

Q: Are there other stars with similar anomalous behavior?

Yes, other stars such as HD139139 and VVV WIT08 have shown unusual light curves and dimming events, further deepening the mystery and raising questions about the nature of these anomalies.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Tabby's Star, also known as KIC8462852, has intrigued scientists and astronomers due to its strange light curves and dips in brightness of up to 22%, leading to speculation about alien megastructures.

  • Initial explanations for the peculiar light curves fell short, leading to the consideration of the alien hypothesis. However, subsequent ground observations and studies revealed the presence of fine dust as a possible cause.

  • The star has also exhibited long-term dimming events, contrary to its classification as a type F main sequence star, raising questions about the increasing amount of dust surrounding it and the source of its generation.

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