Detecting Alien Baffles and Starshades | Summary and Q&A

May 5, 2017
John Michael Godier
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Detecting Alien Baffles and Starshades


Building costly radio beacons to contact alien civilizations is unlikely, but the use of baffles and starshades may provide a more affordable and detectable method.

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Key Insights

  • đŸ‘Ŋ Intentionally contacting alien civilizations through radio beacons is costly and has not been successful thus far.
  • 🙂 Suspended baffles can create distinct light patterns, potentially indicating the presence of advanced civilizations.
  • 👷 The construction and structure of baffles pose engineering challenges and require large amounts of matter.
  • 😎 Baffles can be used to cool planets facing uninhabitability due to a hotter sun and can potentially improve agriculture through redirected light.
  • đŸ‘Ŋ Detecting baffles and starshades may be more achievable than other methods in the search for alien civilizations.
  • ❓ The detection of baffles can be incorporated into routine astronomy observations.
  • đŸĻģ The upcoming James Webb Space Telescope may aid in the detection of civilizations utilizing baffles.


It turns out that intentionally telling the universe that your civilization exists might not be that easy. You could set up radio beacons that repeat and send out mathematical signals at the hydrogen line that would be unambiguous and tell anyone else that might be listening with a radio telescope that they are not alone. But to do it, you need ene... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: Why haven't radio beacons broadcasting signals from civilizations been detected?

Broadcasting such signals requires a substantial amount of energy, making it costly. Additionally, most of Earth's signals have been unintentional and do not meet SETI's verification criteria.

Q: How can baffles in front of stars indicate the presence of intelligent life?

Baffles can create distinctive, regular light dips in a star's light curve, observable through telescopes. Although Kepler didn't observe these, potential candidates like Boyajian's star exist.

Q: What challenges do baffles face in terms of construction and structure?

Building large baffles raises engineering questions, such as whether they should be monolithic or arranged as a cloud of smaller objects. Additionally, constructing large structures requires significant amounts of matter.

Q: How can baffles and starshades be used to moderate climate or improve agriculture?

By blocking some sunlight, baffles can cool planets facing runaway greenhouse effects. Starshades can also reflect a star's light to areas of the planet in darkness, potentially benefiting agriculture.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Intentionally telling the universe about the existence of a civilization through radio beacons is expensive and has not been detected yet.

  • Suspended baffles in front of stars can create distinctive light patterns that may indicate the presence of intelligent life, but engineering challenges and the need for large amounts of matter raise questions.

  • A new proposal suggests using baffles and starshades to block sunlight and cool planets facing uninhabitability due to a hotter sun, providing a detectable signal of advanced civilizations.

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