Technosignatures: Detecting Alien Terraforming | Summary and Q&A

October 11, 2017
John Michael Godier
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Technosignatures: Detecting Alien Terraforming


Altering planetary atmospheres could be a useful tool for advanced alien civilizations in terraforming uninhabitable planets like Mars. Detecting altered atmospheres on exoplanets could indicate the presence of alien civilizations.

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Key Insights

  • 🪐 Atmospheric alteration could be a crucial tool in terraforming uninhabitable planets.
  • 👽 Detecting altered atmospheres on exoplanets could provide evidence of alien civilizations.
  • 👽 Mars and Venus, as potential candidates for terraforming in the future, could attract the attention of alien civilizations due to their unusual habitable conditions.
  • 👽 Chemicals like CFCs could indicate the presence of an alien civilization polluting their atmosphere or a terraformed planet.
  • 👽 The discovery of altered exoplanet atmospheres would require further investigation to determine the nature of an alien civilization.
  • 👨‍🔬 Advanced observational equipment, such as the James Webb Space Telescope, enhances our ability to study exoplanet atmospheres and search for altered chemical signatures.
  • 🪐 Counterintuitively habitable planets could indicate the presence of a civilization and prompt further exploration.


For us, altering the composition of our atmosphere is a matter of pollution, an unfortunate byproduct of our current technology. But, for an advanced alien civilization, and someday ourselves, atmospheric alteration could be one of the most useful tools in a terraforming tool kit, that is to say to take an uninhabitable planet, such as Mars, and tu... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How could altering planetary atmospheres be useful for alien civilizations?

For advanced civilizations, atmospheric alteration is a terraforming tool to transform uninhabitable planets into habitable ones.

Q: How can we detect atmospheres that are altered by life or technology?

Observational equipment like the James Webb Space Telescope and spectroscopy techniques can help detect altered atmospheres on exoplanets, indicating the presence of alien civilizations.

Q: Would alien civilizations be aware of Earth's life through our television signals?

It's unlikely since we have been broadcasting for only a hundred years. However, Earth's oxygen-rich atmosphere screams life, making it potentially detectable by other civilizations.

Q: What would alien civilizations conclude from the counterintuitively habitable state of Mars and Venus?

The presence of strange, habitable planets in our solar system could indicate the existence of a civilization. More investigation would be warranted to gather information and confirm alien activities.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Atmospheric alteration can transform uninhabitable planets into habitable ones, potentially making them visible to other civilizations in the universe.

  • Observational equipment like the James Webb Space Telescope allows us to study exoplanet atmospheres and detect alterations caused by life or technology.

  • Terraforming Mars and Venus in the future could create counterintuitively habitable planets and attract the attention of alien civilizations.

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