A.I., The Tool Using Fish and the Puzzling Case of the Mirror Test | Summary and Q&A

December 18, 2023
John Michael Godier
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A.I., The Tool Using Fish and the Puzzling Case of the Mirror Test


Animals and humans that can recognize themselves in a mirror pass the mirror test, but the criteria for self-recognition is not only limited to visual awareness. The test raises questions about the nature of self-awareness in animals, the possibility of convergent evolution, and the potential for machines to pass the mirror test.

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Key Insights

  • ๐Ÿคจ The mirror test is a behavioral technique used to determine self-recognition in animals, but its limitations and biases have raised questions about its effectiveness and applicability.
  • ๐Ÿคณ Visual self-awareness is not the sole criteria for passing the mirror test, as animals may recognize themselves through different senses or behaviors.
  • ๐Ÿ† The mirror test has demonstrated that some animals that are not expected to be visually self-aware, such as manta rays and cleaner wrasses, can still pass the test.
  • ๐Ÿคณ The mirror test has implications for the understanding of self-recognition in animals, the potential for convergent evolution, and the differentiation between sentient and sapient beings.
  • ๐Ÿคณ Machines, including AI systems, can pass versions of the mirror test, but their self-recognition capabilities differ from those of animals and humans.
  • ๐Ÿคจ The mirror test raises fundamental questions about the nature of self-awareness, the possibility of creating conscious entities in machines, and the distinctions between biological and artificial intelligence.
  • ๐Ÿ’ญ The mirror test also highlights the importance of assessing actions, emotions, and thoughts against individual standards, suggesting a deeper level of self-awareness and evaluation.


In 1970 psychologist Gordon Gallup Jr. devised a test to determine if an animal is capable of visual self-recognition. Known as the Mirror self-recognition or MSR test, this behavioral technique has proven to be beyond problematic because while it was never expected that all animals would exhibit it, on the contrary, it turned out that many of the ... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: Which animals have passed the mirror test?

Animals such as great apes, dolphins, orcas, certain birds like magpies and pigeons, and even a specific species of fish called cleaner wrasses have passed the mirror test.

Q: How do animals that are not visually self-aware recognize themselves?

Animals may recognize themselves through other sensory cues or behaviors. For example, birds may distinguish their own songs, and cleaner wrasses may use cleaning symbiosis as a form of self-recognition.

Q: Are dogs capable of self-recognition?

Dogs, which rely more on smell and sound than vision, generally fail the mirror test. However, individual dogs may still understand their reflection or recognize their own scent, suggesting limited forms of self-recognition.

Q: Can machines pass the mirror test?

Machines, particularly AI systems, can pass the mirror test to some extent. However, their ability to recognize a change in their reflection does not indicate true self-awareness or sapience. It primarily demonstrates machine learning capabilities.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The mirror test, a method for determining self-recognition in animals, has shown that only a few species, including great apes, dolphins, and certain birds, can recognize themselves in a mirror.

  • Surprisingly, some species like manta rays and cleaner wrasses, which are not visually self-aware, have passed the mirror test.

  • The mirror test is not solely reliant on visual self-awareness, as animals may recognize themselves through other senses or behaviors, such as bird songs or cleaning symbiosis in fish.

  • The mirror test has implications for understanding the nature of self-recognition in animals, the differences between sentient and sapient beings, and the potential for machines to exhibit self-awareness.

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