Alien Earth: The Hadean Eon and Life | Summary and Q&A

May 8, 2022
John Michael Godier
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Alien Earth: The Hadean Eon and Life


The Hadean Eon, a period in Earth's history characterized by extreme heat and molten surfaces, offers insights into the possibility of abiogenesis and the origins of life. Zircon crystals provide evidence of the conditions during this time and raise questions about the existence of multiple instances of life on Earth and other planets.

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Key Insights

  • 👽 The Hadean Eon provides a glimpse into Earth's early conditions and the possibility of alien-like environments.
  • 💦 Zircon crystals offer valuable information about the presence of water, atmosphere, and the potential for life during this time.
  • 🛟 Multiple instances of abiogenesis throughout Earth's history may explain the intermittent nature of life on the planet.
  • 🛟 The prevalence of hydrothermal vents, tidal pools, or other environments conducive to abiogenesis suggests that microbial life could be widespread in the universe.
  • ❓ The pathway to abiogenesis is still a mystery, with various theories proposing different conditions and mechanisms.
  • 🛟 The discovery of life on other planets or moons would significantly increase the likelihood of microbial life being abundant in the universe.
  • 😥 The Last Universal Common Ancestor (LUCA) points to the possibility of life originating in hydrothermal oceanic vents.
  • 🍽️ Earth's transition to its current state, including the emergence of plate tectonics, may have facilitated the development and survival of life.


In 2017 I was lucky enough to live very close to the path of totality of the great 2017 solar eclipse. I was able to view it in a secluded rural location far away from the parking lots full of crowds that had come in from all parts of the country, and indeed the world to see it. In my setting of a secluded backyard set amidst a forest, I was privy ... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How did the Hadean Eon differ from Earth's current state?

During the Hadean Eon, Earth's surface was hot and molten, with a different atmosphere and high atmospheric pressure. It was likely a complete water world before the formation of continents.

Q: How do zircon crystals provide insights into Earth's early conditions?

Zircon crystals, found on Earth and the moon, are resistant to degradation and can reveal the age and composition of the environment in which they formed. Their presence suggests the existence of an atmosphere and liquid water during the Hadean Eon.

Q: Is there evidence of multiple instances of abiogenesis on Earth?

The possibility of sputtering abiogenesis suggests that life may have arisen multiple times on Earth during periods of calm, only to be wiped out by subsequent impacts. Our brand of life on Earth may have been the lucky survivor.

Q: What are the implications of finding life on other planets or moons?

If life is discovered on other planets or moons, it suggests that microbial life is common in the universe. This would support the idea of multiple instances of abiogenesis and increase the chances of life existing elsewhere in the cosmos.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The Hadean Eon was a period in Earth's history when the planet's surface was hot and molten, resembling an alien world.

  • Zircon crystals found on Earth and the moon provide evidence of the conditions during the Hadean Eon, including the presence of water and an atmosphere.

  • The cool early Earth hypothesis suggests a pause in intense impacts, allowing for the emergence of life during a relatively calm period.

  • The presence of zircon crystals and the possibility of multiple instances of abiogenesis raise questions about the origins of life and the prevalence of microbial life in the universe.

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