10 Ways SETI Might Detect Alien Civilizations And What They Might Be Like | Summary and Q&A

December 16, 2018
John Michael Godier
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10 Ways SETI Might Detect Alien Civilizations And What They Might Be Like


There are various technosignatures that could indicate the presence of an alien civilization, including Dyson swarms, odd chemicals in their atmosphere, outgoing signals, star movers, and planet migrators. Other potential signs include terraformers, star ticklers, von Neumann bio printers, and living machines.

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Key Insights

  • 🀩 Technological activities of an alien civilization can be inferred based on their energy needs and utilization, atmospheric compositions, communication methods, and manipulation of stars.
  • πŸ™‚ Advanced civilizations may have the capability to collect immense amounts of energy using Dyson swarms or manipulate natural sources of light to communicate with other civilizations.
  • 🀩 The intentional terraforming of worlds and the migration of planets to adapt to changing star conditions could be signs of an alien civilization's presence.
  • 🀩 Aliens might manipulate stars to facilitate space travel, colonization, or protect their star systems from dangerous stars.


One of the biggest problems facing the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence is that we really have little idea of what one would look like. This makes the prospect of detecting them difficult, after all, how do you look for something that you haven’t ever seen before? But there are clues, mainly based on things our own civilization does, or cou... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How can the presence of a Dyson swarm indicate an advanced alien civilization?

A Dyson swarm, detected through the study of light curves of stars, suggests an energy-hungry civilization capable of collecting immense amounts of energy from a star. They could potentially devastate planets from light-years away with the energy they collect, as well as use it for computing, space exploration, or advanced scientific experiments.

Q: What are some potential signs of intentional terraforming efforts by an alien civilization?

Intentional terraforming could be indicated by the presence of odd chemicals in an alien civilization's atmosphere. They may have pushed their home world too far, causing climate change that needs to be mitigated artificially. Alternatively, they could introduce artificial chemicals to induce a powerful greenhouse effect and terraform their worlds more efficiently.

Q: How might an advanced alien civilization communicate with other civilizations?

Proactive aliens can create visibility in the galaxy through various methods. This includes the construction of giant objects that transit across the face of their star, such as louver arrangements or opaque shapes that nature wouldn't produce. They might also introduce unusual elements into stars' spectra or time their signals with anticipated astronomical events to communicate with other civilizations.

Q: What advantages could an alien civilization gain from moving stars?

Moving stars, although a highly speculative technology, could be advantageous for an advanced exocivilization. They could arrange stars into ideal positions for travel between colonized systems or bring passing stars closer for colonization purposes. Additionally, they may move or engineer dangerous stars to be less of a threat, creating a galaxy devoid of certain types of stars and altering their emissions.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Technological activities of an alien civilization can be detected through the study of light curves of stars, such as Dyson swarms that indicate a highly advanced and energy-hungry civilization.

  • Odd chemicals in the atmosphere may point to climate change mitigation or intentional terraforming efforts by an alien civilization.

  • Various methods of communication, including powerful radio beacons or manipulation of natural sources of light, can indicate the presence of proactive aliens.

  • Advanced civilizations might manipulate stars to facilitate space travel, colonization, or protect their own star systems.

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