Detecting Alien Terraforming | Summary and Q&A

May 13, 2019
John Michael Godier
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Detecting Alien Terraforming


Detecting signs of alien technological civilization, such as terraforming, may be possible through changes in planetary atmospheres and unique atmospheric ratios.

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Key Insights

  • 📡 Technosignatures expand the search for signs of alien technological civilization beyond traditional methods like radio and laser signals.
  • 🫥 Changes in planetary atmospheres, such as those observed during terraforming, could serve as visible technosignatures.
  • 🫢 Greenhouse gases and optimal ratios of atmospheric gases on habitable worlds may indicate intentional terraforming efforts.
  • 👽 Alien civilizations may observe the spread of colonization and terraforming activities over time.


Over the last five years, a lot of thought within SETI has been put into the concept of technosignatures and widening the search for them beyond radio and laser. This is the idea of seeing some sign not just of alien life itself, but actually detecting the signatures of alien technological civilization. This can range from unnatural signatures of w... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How do scientists detect signs of alien technological civilization beyond radio waves?

Technosignatures, which involve detecting the signatures of alien technology, can be detected through various methods like changes in planetary atmospheres and greenhouse gas emissions.

Q: Is terraforming Mars a visible process that alien civilizations could detect?

Yes, if an alien civilization is monitoring our star system, they could observe the changing atmosphere of Mars over centuries and reasonably suspect terraforming as an explanation.

Q: What are some specific atmospheric gases that might indicate terraforming?

Greenhouse gases like CFCs and optimal rises in carbon dioxide and oxygen levels similar to habitable worlds may suggest terraforming activity.

Q: Besides changes in planetary atmospheres, what other signs of terraforming might alien civilizations observe?

Alien civilizations might notice an unnatural grouping of habitable worlds in our solar system and nearby star systems, as well as the spread of colonization and terraforming activities over the centuries.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Over the years, SETI has explored the concept of technosignatures, which involves detecting the signatures of alien technological civilization beyond radio and laser signals.

  • One potential technosignature is terraforming, and changes in Mars' atmosphere would be a visible indication of this process.

  • Alien civilizations may use greenhouse gases like CFCs for terraforming, and unusual, optimal ratios of atmospheric gases on habitable worlds may indicate intentional cloning of atmospheres.

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