Trappist - 1 Update 04/05/17 | Summary and Q&A

April 6, 2017
John Michael Godier
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Trappist - 1 Update 04/05/17


The Trappist - 1 system, with its seven potentially Earth-sized planets, challenges the previous consensus that Earth-like planets are common, suggesting that our planet may actually be rare in the universe.

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Key Insights

  • 🌍 Exoplanets have been confirmed and over 3000 have been discovered, indicating that Earth-like worlds may be common in the universe.
  • 🧑‍🏭 Contrary to previous beliefs, Earth is a rare planet, with specific factors contributing to its ability to support complex life.
  • 👻 The Trappist - 1 system offers the potential for liquid water and could host Earth-like planets, although it is uncertain how widespread these conditions may be.
  • 🪐 Climate modeling is crucial for predicting potentially habitable planets and comparing them to data collected in the future.
  • 💦 Trappist - 1e is the most promising candidate for liquid water among the three potential planets in the system.
  • 🪐 Tidally locked planets, like Trappist - 1e, would have distinct climate patterns, with only a portion of the planet suitable for liquid water.
  • 🌍 Earth-like worlds can exist in various conditions, including those with subsurface liquid water.


This is an update in my continuing coverage of the Trappist -1 system, a fascinating solar system that could host up to 7 roughly earth-sized planets where the conditions could be right for liquid water, and thus hold the potential for life. See my other videos on this channel for more back story. When I was a kid sitting in grade school science cl... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How many exoplanets have been discovered outside our solar system?

Since 1992, over 3000 exoplanets have been discovered, indicating that planets outside our solar system are quite common.

Q: What factors make Earth a suitable planet for complex life?

Factors like atmospheric composition, orbital stability, the presence of a moon, and the stability of the sun all contribute to Earth's ability to support complex life forms.

Q: Which planet in the Trappist - 1 system has the best chance of supporting liquid water?

According to a climate model by Eric Wolf, Trappist - 1e is the most likely planet to have liquid water among the three most promising candidates.

Q: Are the planets in the Trappist - 1 system likely to be similar to Earth?

Due to their proximity to their star, the planets in the Trappist - 1 system are probably tidally locked. This means that only a portion of the planets may have conditions suitable for liquid water, making them different from Earth.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • In the 1980s, it was believed that exoplanets existed, and Earth-like worlds could be abundant in the universe.

  • However, new understanding shows that Earth is a unique and rare planet, with specific factors allowing for the evolution of complex life.

  • Trappist - 1, a star system with seven potentially Earth-sized planets, offers the possibility of liquid water, and therefore, the potential for life.

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