UFO/UAP Update The July 26, 2023 Congressional Hearings | Summary and Q&A

July 29, 2023
John Michael Godier
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UFO/UAP Update The July 26, 2023 Congressional Hearings


The US House of Representatives held open hearings on UFOs, with proposed legislation supported by Chuck Schumer, indicating a changing attitude towards the phenomenon.

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Key Insights

  • ❓ The UFO/UAP phenomenon has been stigmatized and marginalized within the scientific community, hindering serious investigation.
  • 🦻 Recent developments, such as the US House of Representatives hearings and proposed legislation, suggest a shifting attitude towards the UFO phenomenon.
  • 🦻 Witnesses' testimonies during the hearings highlight the potential aviation hazards posed by UAP encounters.
  • 👽 Claims of secretive back engineering programs suggest the existence of technology of potentially alien origin, although conclusive evidence is lacking.
  • 🤨 The classification practices of the Pentagon have been criticized, raising concerns about transparency and the withholding of evidence.
  • 🚨 Injuries sustained by individuals in connection with UFO encounters may serve as emerging evidence for further investigation.
  • ❓ The potential existence of von Neumann probes and their erratic behavior could explain some UFO sightings.


The UFO/UAP phenomenon represents a mystery  in science unlike any other. From one side,   the search for potentially alien life has been  limited in the overall scientific community to   everywhere except earth. There are reasons for  that, but they ultimately boil down to bias.   The search for extraterrestrial intelligence was  and is in the for... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: Why has the scientific community been resistant to investigating the UFO/UAP phenomenon?

The stigma and baggage associated with the UFO phenomenon, including dubious claims, have prevented a serious scientific inquiry into the matter.

Q: What evidence was presented during the hearings?

Witnesses shared their personal experiences and encounters with UAP, including unexplained sightings and potential hostile acts towards military aircraft.

Q: Are there any known cases of aviation accidents linked to UFOs?

The incident involving Captain Thomas Mantell, who fatally crashed while pursuing a UFO in 1948, serves as a historical example of how UFO encounters can pose risks to aviation.

Q: Is there any evidence of the US government's involvement in back engineering UFO technology?

While claims have been made about secretive programs aimed at back engineering crashed or abandoned UFOs, actual physical evidence supporting these claims is lacking.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The scientific community has long been biased against the search for extraterrestrial life, but recent developments, such as the hearings on UFOs and proposed legislation in the US, suggest a shift in perception.

  • Witnesses, including fighter pilots, testified about their encounters with unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP) and the potential hazards they pose to aviation.

  • Claims were made about the existence of secretive programs aimed at back engineering crashed or abandoned UFOs, although physical evidence is lacking.

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