Mars, Gale Crater and Hints of Life | Summary and Q&A

November 23, 2017
John Michael Godier
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Mars, Gale Crater and Hints of Life


A new study of Curiosity rover's findings on Mars reveals a past alien environment that may have been suitable for life, highlighting significant climate change. There are also indications of present water molecules, organics, and a possible methane signal.

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Key Insights

  • 🛟 Mars' Gale crater was once a lake, potentially suitable for life.
  • 🛟 Redox stratification in the ancient lake implies the potential coexistence of diverse microbial life and anaerobic bacteria.
  • 💱 Significant climate change occurred during the deposition of sedimentary deposits in the crater.
  • 💦 Water molecules, organics, and a methane signal hint at Mars' past and present habitability.
  • 🛟 Biodiversity and the impact of environmental changes on Martian life remain unconfirmed.
  • 🎟️ Exploring Mars with human missions and sample return could provide more definitive evidence.
  • 🦠 The study highlights Mars' dynamic nature and the possibility of undiscovered Martian microbes in subsurface aquifers.


On this channel I talk a lot about hypothetical environments where life might arise and gain a foothold. There are many of these, but unfortunately most are not yet within our reach as far as direct study of such environments goes. This will no doubt change in coming years as we launch new probes, but one current environment that once might have ha... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What is the significance of the study on Gale crater's findings?

The study provides insights into the past Martian environment, suggesting the possibility of life-sustaining conditions and demonstrating significant climate change. It also raises questions about the potential biodiversity and impacts of past Mars' life.

Q: How is the Black Sea's oxygen stratification relevant to Gale crater's ancient lake?

The Black Sea's upper oxygenated layer and lower anoxic layer resemble the two different environments in Gale crater's ancient lake. This stratification affects the diversity of life present, with aerobic organisms in the upper layers and anaerobic bacteria in the deeper layers.

Q: What do the water molecules, organics, and methane levels in Gale crater suggest?

The presence of water molecules and organic compounds in the soil indicates Mars' past and possibly present habitability. The methane signal, although not conclusive evidence for life, is interesting as methane is associated with biological processes.

Q: How can the question of past Martian life be answered?

Answering the question of past Martian life necessitates physically going to Mars and returning samples for comprehensive analysis. Remote probes can provide valuable data, but samples collected by humans would offer a more conclusive understanding.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Gale crater on Mars, formed billions of years ago, was once a lake that could have supported life.

  • The study analyzed data from Curiosity on sedimentary deposits near the shore and deep in the lake, revealing two different environments within the ancient lake.

  • Redox stratification, similar to the Black Sea on Earth, suggests the coexistence of diverse life in the upper layers and anaerobic bacteria in the deeper layers.

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