Alien Messages in The Cold and the Dark: Survival Machines | Summary and Q&A

May 10, 2023
John Michael Godier
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Alien Messages in The Cold and the Dark: Survival Machines


Interstellar travel poses significant challenges, including the vast loneliness of space and the limitations of current technologies. However, there are potential solutions such as robotic exploration, multi-generational ships, and the merging of biology and technology.

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Key Insights

  • 👾 Space is a hostile environment, making interstellar travel challenging and lonely.
  • 🗺️ Robotic exploration and multi-generational ships are the two main approaches to interstellar travel.
  • ✊ Challenges include mechanical failure, power source decay, and potential catastrophic system failures.
  • 🙂 Concepts like suspended animation and faster-than-light travel, while popular in science fiction, have limitations in practical application.
  • 👽 Humans have always planned for survival, leaving instructions and messages for others, which may also be true for alien civilizations.
  • 🥳 HD 101065, or Przybylski’s Star, shows strange chemical profiles, including potential transuranic elements, which could indicate a candidate technosignature.
  • 🤩 The star may hold valuable elements or be a dumping site for nuclear waste, but further investigation is required.
  • 🤩 The concept of a von Neumann survival machine suggests creating a 3D printer-like device that can produce any resources needed for survival in a star system.
  • 🤩 The absence of radio beacons in our own star system does not exclude the possibility of their existence in other star systems.


Space is hostile. The vast expanses of interstellar space provide some of the darkest but also coldest places possible in the universe. Any conception of loneliness we have on this planet, whether it be wintering over in an antarctic ice station, sitting on a submarine passing through point nemo, or orbiting high above in the international space st... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What are the two main approaches to interstellar travel?

The first approach is robotic exploration, where robots are sent to complete the mission without experiencing loneliness. The second approach is multi-generational ships, resembling self-sufficient cities, where people live their entire lives without leaving the ship until reaching the destination.

Q: What are the challenges of interstellar travel?

The challenges include mechanical failure of spacecraft, decay of power sources, and the risk of catastrophic system failures. Additionally, the limitations of suspended animation and faster-than-light travel make long-distance space travel difficult for biological beings.

Q: Is interstellar travel possible with current technologies?

Interstellar travel with current technologies is limited. Advancements in power systems, such as hydrogen fusion, and the development of resilient spacecraft are needed to make interstellar travel a possibility.

Q: How can humans ensure their survival in space?

To ensure survival in space, humans engage in careful planning. Throughout history, humans have left instructions and messages for others, whether through cave paintings, signs, or oral traditions. In space exploration, astronauts leave medical kits and may leave stocked defunct stations and spacecraft for emergency purposes.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Space is vast, dark, and cold, presenting extreme loneliness and limited resources.

  • Two main approaches to interstellar travel are robotic exploration and multi-generational ships.

  • Challenges include mechanical failure, nuclear decay of power sources, and the risk of catastrophic system failures.

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