SETI and the Sun’s Siblings | Summary and Q&A

September 18, 2018
John Michael Godier
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SETI and the Sun’s Siblings


In 2014, the star HD 162826 was discovered as the first known sibling of the sun, offering potential targets for SETI to search for life. While similar to the sun, this F8v star poses challenges with shorter lifespan and higher radiation. Other stellar siblings may exist, providing further opportunities to find exoplanets with biosignatures.

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Key Insights

  • 😎 The discovery of HD 162826 as a sibling of the sun brings potential targets for SETI to search for extraterrestrial signals or biosignatures.
  • 😎 F class stars like HD 162826 may have habitable zones further out than the sun, but their shorter lifespan and higher radiation present challenges for potential life.
  • 🛟 The speed of evolution in the transition from prokaryotic to eukaryotic life is unknown, raising questions about the prevalence of complex life in the universe.
  • 🤩 Exoplanets around stars like HD 162826 would require protective atmospheres to shield against high levels of ultraviolet radiation.
  • 🫥 The sibling nature of HD 162826 suggests the possibility of rocky planets and the transfer of life's precursors between solar siblings.
  • 🤘 The discovery of more stellar siblings could offer additional opportunities to search for exoplanets with signs of life or technology.
  • 🛟 The existence of a potential great filter in the jump to complex life raises uncertainty about the prevalence of intelligent life in the universe.


Before 2014, it had been suspected that the sun likely original formed along with other stars in a huge cloud of dust and gas, eventually forming an open star cluster. But this star forming region and the stars it created, including the sun, dispersed over time and have now spread out through the galaxy. But one thing is notable, if the sun and our... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How did scientists determine that HD 162826 is a sibling of the sun?

Scientists determined the sibling nature of HD 162826 through its chemical composition, which is eerily similar to the sun's. The higher metal richness of HD 162826 suggests it may have had more material for planet formation.

Q: Are there potential challenges for life on exoplanets around stars like HD 162826?

Exoplanets around stars like HD 162826 would require atmospheres, such as those with sufficient ozone layers, to shield them from high levels of ultraviolet radiation. However, certain adaptations, like life in oceans, caves, or lava tubes, could protect against radiation.

Q: Could life or its precursors have transferred between the sun and its siblings?

While highly speculative, it is possible that molecular precursors of life, or even life itself, could have transferred between the sun and its siblings when they were closer. This would have occurred early in the solar system's history.

Q: How many other stellar siblings of the sun might exist?

There could be thousands of other stellar siblings of the sun yet to be discovered. HD 162826 is just the first, and it opens up possibilities for searching exoplanets with biosignatures for signs of life or even technology.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The sun and its siblings likely formed from the same cloud of dust and gas, but dispersed over time. HD 162826 was discovered as the first known sibling of the sun, located only 110 light-years away.

  • HD 162826 is a type F8v star, similar to the sun but with shorter lifespan and higher radiation. The habitable zone, if it exists, would be further out from the star.

  • There is a potential great filter in the jump from prokaryotic to eukaryotic life, which took a long time on Earth. The speed of this jump on exoplanets is unknown, and their potential for life and intelligence remains uncertain.

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