Fermi Paradox: The Time Problem | Summary and Q&A

December 22, 2022
John Michael Godier
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Fermi Paradox: The Time Problem


The content explores the concept of time in the search for extraterrestrial life and the potential factors contributing to the lack of contact with alien civilizations.

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Key Insights

  • 👽 The passage of time poses challenges for alien civilizations in understanding their origins and biological origins.
  • 👽 The great filter concept suggests that the lack of contact with alien civilizations may be due to their short lifespan or our inability to exist at the same time as them.
  • 🛟 The prevalence of microbial life in the universe may indicate that intelligent life is rare.
  • 👽 Detecting alien civilizations may be costly, and efficiency is crucial in determining which signals to send.
  • 💨 The future may bring changes to our perception of time and the way we search for extraterrestrial life.
  • 😚 The proximity of alien civilizations and the statistical implications of detecting them at close distances.
  • 🕵️ The time problem extends to intergalactic distances and the difficulty of detecting life in other galaxies.


Imagine if you were a member of an alien civilization. Looking around you, you might see things that an earthling might find very strange. Trees with black leaves, a red dwarf sun in the sky, and a planet that exists in one half perpetual darkness and in another punishing constant light. You might live in the twilight, the area of this world that s... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What are some potential reasons for the lack of contact with alien civilizations?

There are several potential reasons, including the possibility that technological civilizations have a short lifespan, the concept of the "ships passing in the night" scenario, where civilizations exist at different times, and the rare occurrence of intelligent life coupled with rare technological survival.

Q: Is it possible that our understanding of time may change in the future?

Yes, it is conceivable that as our civilization evolves, our perception and understanding of time may shift. With advancements in technology and potential alterations to our biology, our concept of time may become different from what it is currently.

Q: Could the prevalence of microbial life in the universe explain the lack of contact with intelligent civilizations?

It is proposed that planets with biospheres and simple life forms may be common, but the development of intelligent life is rare. Ancient alien civilizations may only take an interest in exoplanets when they detect techno signatures, meaning that they would not be aware of civilizations like ours that have recently emerged.

Q: How does the distance between galaxies affect SETI?

Due to the vastness of intergalactic distances, it becomes challenging to detect or interact with civilizations in other galaxies. Additionally, when observing galaxies far in the past, the time required for life to arise may not have been sufficient for it to be visible on a galactic scale.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The content discusses the difficulties faced by alien civilizations in understanding their origins and biology due to the passage of time.

  • The potential existence of a "great filter" that prevents the long-term survival of technological civilizations is considered as a potential reason for the lack of contact with alien civilizations.

  • The time problem within SETI is explored, focusing on the uncertainty surrounding the timescales on which alien civilizations operate and the cost versus benefit of detecting alien civilizations.

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