10 Unsettling Ways Humans Could Go Extinct | Summary and Q&A

May 7, 2019
John Michael Godier
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10 Unsettling Ways Humans Could Go Extinct


Humans face extinction due to factors such as overpopulation, technological advancements, natural climate change, supervolcanoes, interstellar impactors, and unknown possibilities.

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Key Insights

  • πŸ₯Ί Population growth can lead to extinction due to both not enough and too much population growth.
  • πŸ’± Technological advancements have the potential to change human existence and may result in the extinction of Homo sapiens.
  • πŸ’± Various natural events, such as climate change, supervolcanic eruptions, and interstellar impactors, pose threats to human survival.
  • πŸ₯Ί The destructive power of Dyson Spheres, solar flares, and potential encounters with extraterrestrial AI or strange matter could lead to human extinction.


When we think of the very real possibility of humans going extinct, the usual culprits advanced are things like nuclear war and climate change, or even an asteroid impact. But there’s way more out there that could take us out. So here are ten unsettling ways humans could go extinct. Number 10. Not Enough Population Growth Overpopulation is always a... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How could overpopulation lead to human extinction?

If the global desire for fewer children continues and birth rates drop to below replacement levels, the human population could decline and eventually result in extinction over a matter of centuries.

Q: How can technological advancements impact human survival?

Technological augmentation, such as widespread cyborg enhancements, could blur the line between humans and technology, potentially leading to the extinction of the Homo sapiens species.

Q: What are the dangers associated with natural climate change?

While humans have the ability to slow down or prevent some climate change through greenhouse gas emissions, if Earth experiences a rapid or extreme shift in climate, it could threaten the survival of human civilization.

Q: Can interstellar impactors pose a threat to humanity?

Yes, the possibility of interstellar objects entering the solar system and colliding with Earth exists. Large interstellar objects hitting the planet at high speeds could cause catastrophic damage and potentially result in human extinction.

Q: How could solar flares cause human extinction?

Solar flares have the potential to disrupt or destroy human technology, leading to societal collapse, food shortages, and social upheaval. Our dependence on technology for survival could be our downfall in the aftermath of a solar flare event.

Q: What are the risks associated with Dyson Spheres?

Dyson Spheres, if used as weapons, could destroy planets and civilizations by harnessing the energy of stars. If a civilization possessed such a device, it could hold the rest of the galaxy hostage, potentially leading to the extinction of other species.

Q: Could encounters with extraterrestrial AI or strange matter result in human extinction?

If an extraterrestrial AI, designed for specific purposes, encounters Earth, it could potentially carry out its objective, such as converting the planet into raw materials. Additionally, the existence of strange matter could cause the conversion of Earth's matter and lead to its extinction.

Q: Is extinction possible from unforeseen consequences of science or bioengineering?

It is possible that mistakes in scientific advancements or bioengineering could inadvertently result in the creation of deadly viruses or other unknown consequences that could lead to human extinction.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Population growth can lead to both extinction due to not enough population growth or too much population growth.

  • Technological advancements could lead to a loss of human identity and result in the extinction of the Homo sapiens species.

  • Natural climate change, like ice ages or extreme heat, has the potential to cause human extinction.

  • Supervolcanoes, such as the Toba supervolcano, have the power to cause mass extinctions, including humans.

  • Interstellar impactors, both small and large, pose a threat to human civilization and could potentially cause extinction.

  • The construction of Dyson Spheres for energy generation could also be used as a weapon to destroy planets and civilizations.

  • Solar flares pose a danger to human technology, which could lead to societal collapse and potential extinction.

  • The unknown possibilities of encounters with extraterrestrial AI, strange matter, or bioengineered viruses may also result in human extinction.

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