10 Obscure but Amazing Space Missions | Summary and Q&A

September 18, 2019
John Michael Godier
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10 Obscure but Amazing Space Missions


This video highlights ten lesser-known space missions, including landing on Venus and Mars, growing plants in space, visiting an unmanned spacecraft on the moon, and detonating a nuke in space.

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Key Insights

  • 😀 The Soviet Union had successful missions to Venus but faced numerous failures in Mars exploration.
  • 🌱 Sending seeds to space helps researchers understand the impact of zero gravity on plant growth.
  • ❓ Humans have managed to visit their own unmanned spacecraft on another celestial body.
  • 👾 Photographs of space probes landing on other worlds are incredibly rare but have been achieved.
  • 😘 Titan, a moon of Saturn, has a unique and potentially habitable environment with low temperatures.
  • 👾 A nuclear detonation in space can have unintended consequences, such as electromagnetic pulses.
  • 💁 Comet impacts can reveal insights into the composition and formation of celestial objects.


While experiments and missions in space sometimes get significant press attention, they also sometimes get generally forgotten, or get little coverage at the time leading to some amazing things that have happened in the course of human space exploration that you might not know about. So here are ten obscure but amazing past space missions. Number 1... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How did the Soviet Union manage to take photographs of Venus' surface despite its harsh conditions?

The Soviet Union built space probes specifically designed to withstand the extreme atmospheric pressure and high temperatures on Venus. These probes managed to capture photographs of the landscape before succumbing to the inhospitable conditions.

Q: Why did the Mars 3 lander fail after only transmitting for 20 seconds?

The exact cause of the failure is still unknown, but it is speculated that a planet-wide dust storm on Mars, which induced a coronal discharge, might have destroyed the communications system.

Q: What is the significance of sending seeds to space?

Sending seeds to space helps scientists understand the effects of space travel on plant growth and the potential for growing food in zero gravity. It is crucial research for future space colonization and long-duration missions.

Q: How did the Giotto spacecraft manage to photograph the nucleus of Halley's Comet?

The European Space Agency's Giotto spacecraft successfully photographed the nucleus of Halley's Comet in 1986 by being launched into close proximity to the comet. Despite surviving impact events and damage, Giotto provided valuable insights into comet composition.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The Soviet Union successfully landed probes on the surface of Venus, capturing photographs of the harsh environment with extreme atmospheric pressure and high temperatures.

  • Russia became the first to land a functioning lander on Mars, albeit only transmitting for 20 seconds due to a possible dust storm-induced failure.

  • NASA has been sending seeds to space since 1983 to study the effects on plants, with tomatoes being one of the extensively studied crops.

  • Astronauts from Apollo 12 visited the Surveyor 3 spacecraft on the moon, marking the first time humans encountered their own unmanned spacecraft on another world.

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