Are We Among the First Civilizations in the Universe? | Summary and Q&A

November 18, 2018
John Michael Godier
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Are We Among the First Civilizations in the Universe?


Exocivilizations may exist in the Milky Way, but we might not coexist with them due to timing. We could be early in the game, while future civilizations may emerge as the universe ages.

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Key Insights

  • ๐Ÿ–๏ธ Exocivilizations may exist in the Milky Way, but timing plays a crucial role in our ability to detect them.
  • โ“ The existence of extinct exocivilizations and their artifacts or remnants is a possibility worth exploring.
  • ๐Ÿ›Ÿ Unanswered scientific questions about the origins of life and the conditions for intelligent life affect our understanding of the Fermi Paradox.
  • ๐Ÿ›Ÿ Long-lived stars could allow life to evolve over longer periods, potentially leading to the emergence of intelligent life in the future.
  • โ“ Uplifting and colonization could enable contemporary civilizations to create their own intelligent species.
  • ๐Ÿคจ The possibility of transcending biology and becoming a machine civilization raises questions about the future of humanity.
  • ๐Ÿค• Timing and the age of the universe are important factors in considering the prevalence of civilizations in the Milky Way.


When discussing SETI and the Fermi Paradox the focus tends to be on distance, the idea that an alien civilization could exist in relatively close proximity to earth enough that we could detect them. So far we havenโ€™t found anything. But there is another aspect to the potential existence of exocivilizations; that they may be relatively common in the... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: Could exocivilizations have existed in the past and left artifacts or evidence of their existence?

It is possible that extinct exocivilizations once existed in the Milky Way and potentially left behind artifacts or evidence of their former presence. Exploring the galaxy may lead to the discovery of such remnants.

Q: Is it likely that we are among the earliest civilizations in the Milky Way?

It is a plausible scenario. Unanswered scientific questions about the ease of starting life chemically, the slow development of complexity, and the rarity of conditions for intelligent life suggest that we might be early in the game compared to other potential civilizations.

Q: Could future civilizations emerge as the universe ages?

Yes, the universe has the potential to last for immense amounts of time. Long-lived stars like red and orange dwarfs provide environments that allow life to evolve for longer periods. As the universe ages, there could be an explosion of intelligent life billions of years from now.

Q: Is it possible for us to create our own aliens through uplifting or colonization?

Yes, through uplifting or colonization, contemporary civilizations like ours could create artificially enhanced or adapted species that possess intelligence or are biologically suited to leave their home planet. This could result in the creation of "aliens" by humanity.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • SETI and the Fermi Paradox focus on the possibility of detecting alien civilizations in close proximity to Earth, but there is another aspect to consider: timing. Exocivilizations may have existed in the past or may emerge in the future, while we might not exist simultaneously with them.

  • The potential for detecting evidence of extinct exocivilizations exists as we explore the galaxy and find artifacts or remnants of their existence.

  • There are unanswered questions regarding the ease of starting life chemically, the speed of developing complexity, and the conditions necessary for intelligent life. These factors contribute to the possibility that we are among the earliest civilizations in the Milky Way.

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