Ice Shell Planets and Europa Plate Tectonics | Summary and Q&A

December 12, 2017
John Michael Godier
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Ice Shell Planets and Europa Plate Tectonics


Europa, one of our solar system's ice shell moons, may have the potential for alien biospheres due to the recent discovery of subduction in its ice. This finding has broader implications for astrobiology and suggests that plate tectonics could support life on ice shell worlds.

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Key Insights

  • 🎑 Europa, an ice shell moon in our solar system, may have subduction due to varying amounts of salt in its ice.
  • 🤨 The discovery of subduction on Europa suggests the potential for alien biospheres and raises the possibility of habitable ice shell planets in the universe.
  • 🤔 The exoplanet Hoth, discovered through gravitational microlensing, is thought to be an icy super-earth, but it is now frozen solid.
  • 🤕 Subsurface oceans may have once existed on Hoth, but the planet's extreme age and lack of sufficient heat likely led to its current frozen state.
  • 🥶 The evolution of life and how it would adapt to increasing cold on Hoth is a fascinating concept to consider.
  • 💡 The potential for Europan exoseafood and the idea of a human colony equipped with a deep fryer adds a whimsical twist to the discussion.
  • 🎑 Further research into ice shell moons and planets could provide valuable insights into astrobiology and the conditions necessary for life.


One of my favorite things to cover on this channel is our solar system’s multitude of ice shell moons where ice covers liquid water oceans, some of which could be habitable. Most interesting to me though is the sheer number we have, the outer solar system is full of liquid water, which means we have quite a few chances of finding alien biospheres i... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What is the significance of the discovery of subduction on Europa?

The discovery of subduction on Europa is significant because it suggests the possibility of interactions between the moon's surface and ocean below, which could deliver surface nutrients deep down and potentially support life.

Q: Could ice shell planets exist in the universe?

While there are no known examples in our solar system, it is possible that there could be entire habitable ice shell planets in the universe. The discovery of subduction on Europa indicates the potential for such planets to exist.

Q: How was the exoplanet Hoth discovered?

The exoplanet Hoth, officially known as OGLE-2005-BLG-390lb, was discovered accidentally during a gravitational microlensing observation. It is very distant and was given the name "Hoth" due to its icy nature.

Q: What is the significance of the old exoplanet Hoth?

The exoplanet Hoth is interesting because it may have once had subsurface oceans due to radioactive decay in its core. However, it is now likely frozen solid, and any potential life would have met an icy end.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Europa, an ice shell moon in our solar system, is believed to have subduction, similar to plate tectonics on Earth.

  • Subduction occurs due to varying amounts of salt in the ice on Europa, which alters density and allows interaction between the moon's surface and ocean below.

  • The discovery of subduction on Europa suggests the potential for alien biospheres and raises the possibility of habitable ice shell planets in the universe.

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