Exoplanet Odyssey | Summary and Q&A

May 13, 2016
John Michael Godier
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Exoplanet Odyssey


NASA's recent announcement of 1,200 new exoplanets brings the total known to over 4,000, with estimates of 40 billion earth-like planets in the Milky Way alone.

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Key Insights

  • 👶 NASA's discovery of over 1,200 new exoplanets brings the total number known to over 4,000.
  • 🌍 Earth-like planets have been found, including Kepler 438b and Kepler 186f, which may have the potential for sustaining life.
  • 😅 Some exoplanets exhibit strange characteristics, such as Gliese 436b's burning hot water ice and TrES-2b's extreme darkness.
  • 💁 Some exoplanets, like "Hell Planet" (Kepler 78b), have extreme conditions that challenge our understanding of planetary formation.
  • 👻 The existence of potentially habitable earth-like planets suggests that the Milky Way and the universe as a whole may host a vast array of life.
  • 👨‍🔬 The search for exoplanets continues, with the possibility of even stranger and more familiar discoveries.
  • 🪐 Studying exoplanets provides insights into the diverse nature of planets and expands our understanding of the universe.


When I was a young astronomy enthusiast as a teenager in the early 90's, one of the biggest mysteries of the universe at the time was whether or not there were planets outside our solar system orbiting other stars. While everyone thought it was overwhelmingly likely, we had yet to see one. In the intervening years, that has all dramatically changed... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How many exoplanets have been discovered so far?

Over 4,000 exoplanets have been discovered, with NASA's recent announcement adding 1,200 new exoplanets.

Q: How many earth-like planets are estimated to be in the Milky Way galaxy?

Estimates suggest that there may be around 40 billion earth-like planets in the Milky Way galaxy, with approximately 11 billion orbiting sun-like stars within habitable zones.

Q: Are there any potentially habitable planets similar to Earth?

Kepler 438b and Kepler 186f are two earth-like planets that are located within the habitable zones of their respective stars. However, Kepler 438b is likely uninhabited due to superflare activity from its star.

Q: What are some of the unique characteristics of exoplanets?

Exoplanets like Gliese 436b are covered in burning hot water ice, while TrES-2b reflects only about 1 percent of the light that hits it due to its dark composition. "Hell Planet" (Kepler 78b) is a world of lava and extreme temperatures.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • NASA has discovered over 4,000 exoplanets, with a few dozen being earth-like and potentially capable of sustaining life.

  • They now believe that most stars in the universe likely have at least one planet.

  • Some of the most interesting discoveries include planets similar to Earth, such as Kepler 438b and Kepler 186f, as well as unique and strange exoplanets like Gliese 436b and "Hell Planet" (Kepler 78b).

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