The Alien Von Neumann Unicorn Machine | Summary and Q&A

October 10, 2022
John Michael Godier
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The Alien Von Neumann Unicorn Machine


Evolution and technology allow for the creation of new species, including extinct animals, mythical creatures, and alien doppelgangers, with potential ethical concerns. Advanced 3D printing and virtual reality may revolutionize space colonization and blur the line between reality and fantasy.

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Key Insights

  • 🥺 Evolution and trial and error have led to diverse bioforms on Earth, but different exoplanet environments may create even more diversity.
  • ❓ Genetic manipulation has the potential to recreate extinct animals and even create fictional creatures.
  • 👾 Advanced 3D printing could revolutionize space colonization by allowing the printing of living examples of alien species.
  • 🤨 Virtual reality technology may reach a point where it becomes indistinguishable from reality, raising existential questions and blurring the line between real and virtual experiences.
  • ❓ Ethical concerns arise with the potential creation of genetically engineered species and the impact on ecosystems.
  • 🤨 The concept of a brain in a vat raises philosophical questions about the nature of reality and the purpose of existence.
  • 👽 Fictional scenarios such as creating doppelgangers or aliens infiltrating through technology may not be far-fetched.


We live on a planet with unbelievable biodiversity. There are insects with six legs, polar bears, sharks, opossums and eagles. Evolution on this world has taken so many different bioforms that we don’t even know about all of them yet, and indeed new species are found in the fossil record at breakneck speed with some years showing tens of discoverie... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: Is it possible to recreate extinct animals like dinosaurs?

While recent advancements in genetic manipulation have allowed for the recreation of some extinct animals like the mammoth, it is unlikely that dinosaurs can be brought back due to the lack of fresh DNA samples.

Q: Can genetic manipulation create fictional creatures like unicorns and werewolves?

In theory, with a complete understanding of genetics, it should be possible to genetically design and create fictional creatures as long as they are biologically viable and suited to their intended environment.

Q: How could advanced 3D printing be used for space colonization?

An advanced 3D printer, known as a von Neumann 3D printer, could be used to populate exoplanets with living examples of alien species. This could be useful for colonization or interstellar diplomacy without humans having to physically travel.

Q: What are the implications of virtual reality becoming indistinguishable from reality?

If virtual reality technology becomes seamless to the point where it is indistinguishable from reality, it raises questions about the purpose of existence and the potential for individuals to live their entire lives in a virtual world.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Evolution has created incredible biodiversity on Earth, but different exoplanet environments could lead to even more diverse bioforms.

  • Technological advancements may allow for genetic manipulation and the recreation of extinct animals like the mammoth and potentially even dinosaurs.

  • Custom genetic design could bring mythical creatures to life and raise ethical questions. Meanwhile, 3D printing and virtual reality could revolutionize space colonization and create indistinguishable virtual experiences.

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