Undiscovered Stars and Close Exoplanets | Summary and Q&A

September 19, 2017
John Michael Godier
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Undiscovered Stars and Close Exoplanets


Astronomers study a close star system, A0620-00, which is a candidate for a black hole, while also searching for undiscovered star systems and rogue planets in our local area.

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Key Insights

  • ✴️ The nearest known black hole candidate, A0620-00, is about 3,000 light years away and exhibits unique behavior, causing the star it orbits to distort into an elliptical shape.
  • 📪 Many close star systems, particularly Class M red dwarfs and brown dwarfs, are yet to be discovered due to their dimness.
  • 🤩 There is a possibility of finding undiscovered star systems and planets, including potentially habitable ones, in our local area.
  • 🤩 Rogue planets, which have been ejected from their original star systems, may contain subsurface oceans and the potential for life.
  • 👶 The Large Synoptic Survey Telescope, with its wide-field sky survey capabilities, is expected to make significant discoveries and potentially unveil new mysteries in astronomy.
  • 👻 The LSST will allow for real-time monitoring of a large portion of the night sky, promising unforeseen findings similar to the chance discoveries made by Kepler.
  • 👶 Exciting upcoming projects in astronomy, such as the LSST, will revolutionize our understanding of the universe and present us with new mysteries to explore.


It often seems like the most mysterious astronomical objects in the Milky Way have a tendency to be hopelessly distant. The nearest known black hole for example, and perhaps this is a good thing, is still three thousand light years away. And even then, this mysterious object known as A0620-00 is only a candidate for a black hole. This black hole ca... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What makes A0620-00 a candidate for a black hole?

A0620-00 is a candidate for a black hole due to its close orbit with a K type star, which causes the star to distort into an elliptical shape as the black hole steals its material.

Q: Why have astronomers not found many close star systems yet?

Close star systems, especially Class M red dwarfs, are very dim and have not been noticed in photographic plates. Additionally, brown dwarfs, which are even harder to spot, are still being discovered.

Q: What are rogue planets?

Rogue planets are planets that have been ejected from their parent star systems and now wander in deep space. Some of these rogue planets may have subsurface oceans and the potential for life.

Q: How will the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope revolutionize our understanding of the universe?

The Large Synoptic Survey Telescope, set for first light in 2019, will image the entire available night sky once every few days, allowing for the discovery of nearby objects and potentially unpredictable findings.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The closest known black hole candidate, A0620-00, is still 3,000 light years away and is observed as a K type star behaving oddly.

  • Astronomers have calculated the mass of this candidate object and concluded it is likely a black hole due to its close proximity to the star.

  • Nearby star systems, particularly Class M red dwarfs, and rogue planets are still being discovered, offering the possibility of finding new celestial mysteries.

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