10 SETI Technosignatures We May Not Want to See | Summary and Q&A

June 21, 2020
John Michael Godier
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10 SETI Technosignatures We May Not Want to See


The detection of alien civilizations may not involve direct contact, but rather the discovery of technological evidence called techno signatures. This article explores 10 potentially eerie techno signatures that we may detect in the future.

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Key Insights

  • 👽 Techno signatures offer the potential for unequivocal detection of alien civilizations.
  • 🕵️ Necro signatures, though unlikely to be detected, would provide evidence of civilizations on the brink of extinction.
  • 😁 Advanced weaponry, such as a nickel Dyson beam, could be a devastating techno signature.
  • 💀 Messages from dead universes or simulated realities could offer profound insights or warnings.
  • 👽 DNA and microbial life could contain encoded messages or evidence of past manipulation by alien civilizations.
  • ❓ The discovery of galactic tombstones could indicate the demise of civilizations rather than thriving empires.
  • 👽 Advanced alien civilizations may be incomprehensible to us, and their communication could remain undetectable or unintelligible.
  • 👽 Malicious alien probes or berserkers could pose a threat to biological civilizations.
  • 👽 Vanishing artifacts or phenomena could hint at the activities of alien civilizations.
  • 🤩 Unusual radioactive elements in stars, like the peculiar star "Tabby's Star," could be signs of techno signatures or warnings.


the general sense within the pop culture of what the detection of an alien civilization would be like usually falls within two groups peaceful and enlightening or a war starts but in reality that may not be how the first detection goes at all indeed there may be no real contact at all just clues that something is out there followed by questions abo... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What is a techno signature and how does it differ from a bio signature?

A techno signature refers to the technological evidence of an alien civilization, such as radio signals or artificial lighting. A bio signature, on the other hand, simply indicates the presence of life itself. Techno signatures offer a more definitive detection of a true civilization.

Q: What are some potential examples of techno signatures apart from radio signals?

Apart from radio signals, potential techno signatures could include the detection of Dyson swarms emitting infrared or artificial lighting on exoplanets. These technological clues could indicate the presence of advanced civilizations.

Q: What is a necro signature, and why is it unlikely to be detected?

A necro signature refers to the detection of an alien civilization at or near its moment of extinction. This could involve gamma-ray flashes, the presence of dangerous chemicals, or evidence of a mass die-off. Necro signatures are challenging to detect due to their brief and unpredictable nature.

Q: How could DNA be used as a techno signature?

It has been suggested that an alien civilization could alter the DNA of early or even current life on Earth to leave a message or marker encoded in the genetic material. This could serve as a kind of postcard or encyclopedia regarding their visit or existence.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Techno signatures offer the chance to detect technological evidence of alien civilizations, such as radio signals or artificial lighting on exoplanets.

  • Necro signatures, the detection of alien civilizations at or near extinction, could involve flashes of gamma rays or the presence of dangerous chemicals in exoplanet atmospheres.

  • A nickel Dyson beam could potentially be used as a weapon to destroy entire planets from a distance.

  • Messages from dead universes or simulated realities and encoded messages in DNA or microbial life are other intriguing techno signatures worth considering.

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