Supernova SETI and Detecting Alien Blast Shields | Summary and Q&A

January 1, 2018
John Michael Godier
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Supernova SETI and Detecting Alien Blast Shields


Finding alien signals is challenging due to the unknown locations of advanced civilizations and the energy required for beacon signals. However, supernovas and alien blast shields offer potential focal points for detecting extraterrestrial communication.

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Key Insights

  • πŸ‘½ Determining where to search for alien signals is a challenge due to unknown civilization locations and energy requirements.
  • πŸ˜₯ Supernovas serve as natural focal points for attention in the galaxy, making them potential carriers for communication signals.
  • πŸ›‘οΈ Alien civilizations could create blast shields to protect themselves from supernovas, and these shields might be detectable through observations like star transits.
  • πŸ‘½ The detection of an alien civilization through their supernova shield would be an intriguing scenario for scientists.
  • 🀞 Ongoing advancements in astronomy and technology offer hope in the search for extraterrestrial communication.
  • πŸ‘½ The study of astronomical events, such as supernovas and their effects, can provide valuable insights into the possibilities of alien civilizations.
  • πŸ‘¨β€πŸ”¬ Collaboration and information-sharing among astronomers and scientists are crucial in expanding the search for extraterrestrial intelligence.


Knowing just where to point your radio telescope to search for alien signals is one of the most vexing problems within the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence. The reason for this is two fold, first, we have no idea where aliens might be. Astronomers can guess based on a star’s habitability and look for planets around those stars, and then poi... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: Why is it challenging to determine where to search for alien signals?

The unknown locations of advanced civilizations and the energy required for beacon signals pose challenges in pointing radio telescopes in the right direction.

Q: How do supernovas play a role in the search for alien signals?

Supernovas are highly visible events in galaxies, attracting the attention of astronomers. Any civilization detecting or predicting a supernova might transmit a contact signal in the opposite direction, increasing the chances of detection by other civilizations.

Q: How can alien blast shields be detected?

Alien civilizations could create blast shields to protect themselves from deadly supernovas. Instruments like Kepler might be able to detect these shields when they transit their stars.

Q: How might the first detection of an alien civilization occur?

It is possible that the first detection of an alien civilization could be through observing their supernova shield in a light curve. This could lead to concerns about the safety of the aliens and potential communication.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • It is difficult to determine where to search for alien signals due to the unknown locations of advanced civilizations.

  • Advanced civilizations might be able to change their star systems to make them suitable for colonization, further complicating the search.

  • Supernovas can serve as natural carriers for communication signals, and recent supernova remnants could be potential places to look for signals.

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