What Would an Alien Species Look Like? | Summary and Q&A

June 30, 2022
John Michael Godier
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What Would an Alien Species Look Like?


Astrobiology explores the potential appearance of intelligent biological alien life, with hints from evolutionary biology on Earth indicating that simple microbial life may be common throughout the universe.

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Key Insights

  • 💦 Simple microbial life is likely to be common throughout the universe, with water and organics being essential for its emergence.
  • 🥺 The RNA world hypothesis suggests that the chemistry leading to life may be similar on exoplanets.
  • 🛟 The development of photosynthesis and the prokaryotic to eukaryotic leap could indicate the potential for complex life on exoplanets.
  • 👽 Intelligent alien life is likely to be complex and may have appendages, sensory organs, and potentially, advanced brains.
  • 👽 The environment, atmospheric composition, and gravity of exoplanets will influence the appearance and evolution of alien life.
  • 🥰 Nature loves throwing curve balls, and alien life could be vastly different from what we anticipate.


When exploring the topic of astrobiology one of the hardest things to do, in fact probably the hardest, is to envision just what intelligent biological alien life would actually look like. This is distinct from a technological intelligent alien -- the appearance of a member of a post-biological machine civilization is utterly unpredictable and subj... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What is the starting point for life in the universe?

The starting point for life in the universe is likely to be simple organic chemistry on a microscopic scale, similar to microbial life.

Q: What role does water play in the emergence of life?

Water is considered the universal solvent in the universe, making it a likely medium for abiogenesis. While other solvents are possible, water's abundance and favorable chemical properties make it more likely for life to arise in water-based environments.

Q: What are the potential markers for the presence of life on exoplanets?

The presence of RNA and the ability to undergo photosynthesis are potential markers for the presence of life on exoplanets. Detecting oxygen in exoplanet atmospheres, indicating the presence of photosynthesizing organisms, would suggest the existence of complex life.

Q: Can we predict what intelligent alien life might look like?

Predicting the appearance of intelligent alien life is challenging, but based on evolutionary biology principles, aliens may have appendages like arms and legs, sensory organs, and possibly complex brains. However, there is great variability in lifeforms on Earth, and aliens could look vastly different from what we currently envision.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Astrobiology struggles to envision the appearance of intelligent biological alien life, but there are some aspects based on evolutionary biology principles that can provide insights.

  • Simple organic chemistry on a microscopic scale, similar to microbial life, is the starting point for life in the universe.

  • Water is likely to be a common solvent for life, and organic chemistry in conjunction with water provides potential scenarios for the emergence of life.

  • The discovery of the RNA world hypothesis and the potential for the development of photosynthesis and complex life on exoplanets suggests that microbial and complex life may be widespread in the universe.

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