Is Planet Nine a Primordial Black Hole? | Summary and Q&A

October 30, 2019
John Michael Godier
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Is Planet Nine a Primordial Black Hole?


Primordial black holes are potential candidates for dark matter, and recent discoveries in the outer solar system suggest that one may be responsible for the anomalies observed.

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Key Insights

  • πŸ•ΆοΈ Dark matter, which has a significant gravitational impact on the universe, is still not fully understood.
  • πŸ–€ Primordial black holes, formed shortly after the Big Bang, are one of the potential explanations for dark matter.
  • πŸ˜“ Recent studies have cast doubt on the role of primordial black holes as a major component of dark matter, but they cannot be entirely ruled out.
  • πŸ–€ Anomalies observed in the outer solar system, such as the gravitational effect on transneptunian objects and microlensing events, suggest a possible link to primordial black holes.
  • πŸ‘¨β€πŸ”¬ The search for Planet 9 continues, but its existence is still uncertain.
  • πŸ“€ If primordial black holes exist, they could be surrounded by accumulated dark matter, leading to detectable emissions of x-rays and gamma rays.


Two of the greatest mysteries of astrophysics today is dark matter and black holes. Regarding dark matter, It’s simply not known what this material is, other than that it has a profound effect gravitationally on the rest of the universe. Candidates for what it could be include things like undetected subatomic particles that only interact with other... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What is dark matter and why is it a mystery?

Dark matter refers to a type of matter that cannot be directly observed, but its presence is inferred from its gravitational effects on the universe. Its true nature and composition remain unknown.

Q: What are primordial black holes, and how are they related to dark matter?

Primordial black holes are black holes that formed shortly after the Big Bang. They have been proposed as a potential explanation for dark matter, as they could contribute to the missing mass in the universe.

Q: How have recent studies impacted the possibility of primordial black holes as dark matter candidates?

Recent studies focusing on microlensing events in the Andromeda galaxy have suggested that primordial black holes may exist but are significantly rarer than previously estimated, casting doubt on their role as a major component of dark matter.

Q: How are primordial black holes potentially linked to the anomalies in the outer solar system?

There are two gravitational anomalies in the outer solar system: the presence of a ninth planet and unexplained microlensing events. The predicted mass of planet 9 is similar to that of a primordial black hole, suggesting a possible connection.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Dark matter, which has a gravitational impact on the universe, is still a mystery, and potential explanations include undetected subatomic particles or primordial black holes.

  • Primordial black holes, formed shortly after the Big Bang, could have served as the seed cores for supermassive black holes and may still exist today.

  • Recent studies indicate that primordial black holes may be rarer than previously thought, but they cannot be ruled out as a candidate for dark matter.

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