Searching for Alien Probes in the Solar System | Summary and Q&A

March 6, 2023
John Michael Godier
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Searching for Alien Probes in the Solar System


Close examination of probes and potential evidence of alien presence in the solar system suggests the need for expanded search methods and the exploration of tritium as a technosignature.

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Key Insights

  • 😚 Close SETI targets, such as alien probes or artifacts, have long been part of the debate about the potential existence of extraterrestrial life.
  • 👾 Machines, rather than biological beings, may be more suited for interstellar space travel due to their ability to be constructed robustly and self-repair.
  • 👾 Detecting alien probes in the solar system is challenging due to the vastness of space and the difficulty of pinpointing their exact location.
  • 👽 The presence of tritium emissions can serve as a potential technosignature, indicating the activity of an alien probe in the solar system.
  • 🛰️ Studying photographic plates from before the space age and searching for transients and potential satellite tracks can provide further evidence of alien probes or objects near or in orbit of Earth.
  • 👽 The taboo in mainstream science regarding UFOs and potential alien probes in the atmosphere is gradually diminishing, as SETI has considered the possibility of von Neumann probes and alien presence in the solar system.


One somewhat neglected until recently potential area for SETI searches was within the solar system itself. Much more favored has been searching the various sun-like stars in the Sun’s local area, within about 100 light years. This is mainly because the further out you go, in general the fainter the signal is likely to be unless someone is really pu... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: Why has SETI primarily focused on studying stars within the Sun's local area?

SETI has focused on stars within the Sun's local area because signals from more distant stars are likely to be fainter and require significant energy to transmit. Additionally, the exact location of potential alien probes within the solar system is unknown.

Q: What is the possibility of alien probes being present in the solar system?

Although it is unlikely that biological beings could travel between stars, the concept of machine probes exploring the universe is more feasible. It is possible that alien probes may be silently studying Earth or that the solar system is littered with past and functioning probes.

Q: How can tritium serve as a detectable technosignature of an active alien probe?

Tritium, a by-product of hydrogen fusion, is rare in nature. If an active alien probe were using a fusion reactor as its energy source, it would release tritium as exhaust. Detecting tritium emissions in space would indicate the presence of an artificial probe in the solar system.

Q: What are some methods to search for evidence of alien presence in the solar system?

One method is to search for defunct technology or artifacts captured as interstellar objects passing through the solar system. Another approach is to look for tritium emissions, which could indicate the presence of active alien probes. Space-based telescopes and ground-based telescopes, such as those utilized in the EXOPROBE project, can be used to search for non-human objects near or in orbit of Earth.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The search for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI) has primarily focused on studying stars within the local area of the Sun. However, there is potential for searching for alien signals within the solar system itself.

  • The existence of close SETI targets, such as probes or artifacts from other civilizations, remains a topic of debate. It is unlikely that biological beings could travel between stars, but machines could potentially explore the universe.

  • One approach to finding evidence of alien presence is to search for defunct technology or artifacts captured as interstellar objects within the solar system.

  • Another method is to look for tritium, a by-product of hydrogen fusion, which could serve as a detectable technosignature of an active alien probe.

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