Abandoning Earth: The Galactic Technological Zone | Summary and Q&A

January 3, 2018
John Michael Godier
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Abandoning Earth: The Galactic Technological Zone


Intelligent life in the universe may evolve beyond biological forms, leading to post-biological civilizations that prioritize efficient computation and require cold environments for optimal functioning.

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Key Insights

  • 🏣 Astrobiology typically focuses on studying life as we know it on Earth, but there is a need to consider post-biological civilizations that may evolve beyond biology.
  • 😘 Efficient computation is likely a priority for post-biological civilizations, which would require lower temperatures for optimal functioning.
  • 🍓 The outer reaches of the galaxy might be more attractive to post-biological civilizations due to colder temperatures, but there may be a scarcity of raw materials.
  • 🍓 Post-biological civilizations may need to mine or manufacture their own raw materials to ensure their continued growth and development.
  • 🏣 Human evolution towards post-biological forms might require the abandonment of the solar system and migration to a post-biological galactic habitable zone.
  • 🐎 Migration to the post-biological galactic habitable zone could involve sublight speed travel or artificially ejecting Earth from the solar system.
  • 🏣 The transition to a post-biological civilization would require immense amounts of time.


On this channel, I typically approach the topic of astrobiology from the standpoint of, well, biology. We know what life on earth is like, what forms it takes and from that we can do our best to chew over what life on other worlds might be like. Often we can hypothesize about how it might be similar, but much harder is hypothesizing about how it mi... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What is a post-biological civilization?

A post-biological civilization is one that has evolved beyond biological forms and relies on advanced technology, such as artificial intelligence and machine-based consciousness.

Q: How might post-biological civilizations differ from biological life in terms of physiology?

Post-biological civilizations may have physiologies specifically adapted to their environment, such as aquatic or extraterrestrial conditions, or they might not have physical bodies at all and exist solely as digital entities.

Q: What are the potential implications of post-biological guided evolution?

Post-biological guided evolution could lead to significant changes in culture and paradigms, potentially rendering a civilization's home planet obsolete and necessitating the exploration and colonization of new environments.

Q: How might post-biological civilizations obtain the materials they need for repair and construction?

Post-biological civilizations might rely on mining raw materials from asteroids or stars, or they could develop advanced fusion technology to manufacture their own materials from hydrogen.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Astrobiology explores the possibilities of life on other worlds and how it might differ from life on Earth.

  • There is a possibility that the majority of intelligent life in the universe may be post-biological, evolving beyond biological forms.

  • Post-biological civilizations prioritize efficient computation and would require cold environments for optimal functioning.

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