Moving Worlds and Earth as a Rogue Planet | Summary and Q&A

August 23, 2022
John Michael Godier
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Moving Worlds and Earth as a Rogue Planet


Earth may survive the sun's red giant phase by either becoming a molten cinder world orbiting the sun or a frozen world orbiting a dead white dwarf. Migration to follow the sun or colonizing other star systems are possible alternatives.

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Key Insights

  • πŸ˜ͺ Uncertainty surrounds Earth's fate during the sun's red giant phase, allowing for possibilities of survival or becoming a frozen or molten world.
  • 🀩 Colonizing other star systems or creating habitats in space may be more feasible than migrating Earth to survive the sun's transformation.
  • 🦻 Terraforming Mars poses challenges due to limited carbon dioxide, but alternative means like bombarding it with comets could aid in creating a habitable environment.
  • 😚 Migration of Earth or Mars requires careful planning to avoid potential risks such as encountering large asteroids or losing the moon.
  • 🀩 Capturing Earth by another star system after being ejected from the solar system is a highly unlikely but intriguing scenario.
  • 🌟 Despite low odds, considering the vast number of stars in the observable universe, similar ejection and capture scenarios may have occurred somewhere.


We often think of the end of Earth as a matter of it getting engulfed by the sun during its red giant phase. But that’s not the only possible end for earth, there are three other ways that Earth might either come to an end, or survive a fiery death. First and foremost is the uncertainty surrounding the red giant phase itself. There are uncertaintie... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: Can Earth survive the sun's red giant phase?

There is uncertainty, but Earth may either become a molten cinder world orbiting the sun or a frozen world orbiting a dead white dwarf.

Q: How can Earth migrate to follow the sun's habitable zone?

Earth's migration would require nudging its orbit through repeated passes of gravitational sources like asteroids to compensate for the sun's increasing luminosity.

Q: Is colonizing other star systems a potential solution?

Yes, colonizing nearby star systems using raw materials from asteroids or hollowing out an asteroid to create a generational ship may be simpler than migrating Earth.

Q: Could terraforming Mars be an alternative?

Terraforming Mars is challenging due to its limited carbon dioxide; however, bombarding Mars with comets or utilizing subsurface deposits of carbon dioxide might aid in long-term terraforming.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Earth's fate during the sun's red giant phase is uncertain, with possibilities of survival as a molten cinder world close to the sun or a frozen world orbiting a dead white dwarf.

  • Migration of Earth to follow the sun's expanding habitable zone before the red giant phase is physically possible by nudging Earth's orbit with gravitational sources.

  • Colonizing other star systems or creating habitats like O'Neill cylinders using raw materials from asteroids may be a solution to the Fermi Paradox, where alien civilizations opt for space over planets.

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