An Interstellar Asteroid on Earth and the Coming Age of Interstellar Geology | Summary and Q&A

April 14, 2022
John Michael Godier
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An Interstellar Asteroid on Earth and the Coming Age of Interstellar Geology


Scientists have discovered interstellar objects, such as meteorites and comets, that provide opportunities to study material from other star systems, potentially shedding light on the origins of life and geology in different celestial bodies.

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Key Insights

  • 🤩 Interstellar objects offer opportunities to study material from other star systems and gain insights into their composition and geology.
  • 🤩 The detection of interstellar meteorites on Earth opens up possibilities for analyzing their isotope ratios and potentially identifying objects originating from distant star systems.
  • 🛟 Discovering fossils or traces of life on interstellar objects or interstellar meteorites could provide valuable information about the origins of life in the universe.


Thinking about space exploration can sometimes seem disheartening in that everything is so far away. While we can visit any place in the solar system, we’ve only ever set foot on the moon and while Mars is within our grasp, humans have not yet been there. Any further is currently only a dream, but to actually head out into the galaxy and explore ot... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What are interstellar objects and why are they significant for scientific study?

Interstellar objects, such as Oumuamua and comet Borisov, are objects that originate from outside our solar system. They provide scientists with the opportunity to study material from other star systems, offering insights into the composition and geology of distant celestial bodies.

Q: How do scientists identify interstellar meteorites on Earth?

Interstellar meteorites can be detected entering Earth's atmosphere by analyzing their high entry speeds. By studying isotope ratios in meteorites, scientists can determine their interstellar origin and potentially identify objects that originated halfway across the galaxy.

Q: Is there a potential to find fossils or traces of life on interstellar objects?

While finding fossils from Earth traveling in the interstellar medium is unlikely, there is a possibility of finding sedimentary rocks or even fossils originating from exoplanets that have been blasted off and left their star system. This could open up a new field of science called astropaleontology.

Q: What can the study of interstellar objects reveal about geology and the origins of life?

Interstellar objects with different origins, such as comets, asteroids, and fragments of planets, may have different geology and can provide insights into the conditions of formation and the presence of elements like water and oxygen on their respective planets of origin.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Scientists have observed the first confirmed interstellar object, Oumuamua, followed by comet Borisov, providing the opportunity to study material from other star systems.

  • Interstellar meteors can be detected entering Earth's atmosphere, opening up the possibility of finding interstellar meteorites on Earth's surface.

  • An interstellar meteorite that entered Earth's atmosphere in 2014 has been identified, suggesting the presence of material from another star system on the ocean floor near Papua New Guinea.

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