Plutonium in a Star? An Alien Nuclear Waste Dump? Przybylski’s Star Update 03/28/17 | Summary and Q&A

March 29, 2017
John Michael Godier
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Plutonium in a Star? An Alien Nuclear Waste Dump? Przybylski’s Star Update 03/28/17


HD 101065, also known as Przybylski's Star or Plutonium Star, contains highly unstable and rare elements that are difficult to explain. This could either challenge our understanding of natural element production or suggest the possibility of artificial creation by aliens.

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Key Insights

  • 🥳 HD 101065, also known as Przybylski's Star, displays abnormal levels of heavy and rare elements like thorium, uranium, and praseodymium.
  • 🤩 The star's composition challenges conventional understanding of element production in nature and raises the possibility of artificial creation by aliens.
  • ❣️ The presence of heavy elements contradicts current knowledge of their stability and availability in the universe.
  • 🏝️ One proposed explanation is the decay of stable, yet radioactive, elements located in the hypothetical "island of stability" in the periodic table.
  • 🗑️ The hypothesis of nuclear waste disposal by an advanced civilization is deemed unlikely, as an advanced civilization would likely utilize fusion instead of fission as an energy source.
  • 🤩 Alternatively, the presence of artificial elements in stars has been suggested as a method for alien civilizations to signal their existence.


I often give updates on strange stars on this channel that have no ready explanation, such as Boyajian's star and the possibility that it might indicate alien activity. But there is another star that also may be an indicator of an alien civilization that's currently making the rounds on several science blogs, links in the description below. And it ... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: Why is HD 101065 considered a potential indicator of alien life?

HD 101065's composition includes ultra-heavy elements that are not expected in nature, leading to speculation that they may have been artificially created by aliens and dumped into the star to announce their presence.

Q: What is the significance of the detection of heavy elements in HD 101065?

The presence of heavy elements like actinides, specifically in higher abundance than iron, challenges current scientific knowledge of element production in nature. It raises questions about the possibility of a new mechanism for producing heavy elements or the intervention of alien civilizations.

Q: What is the "island of stability" in the periodic table?

The "island of stability" is a theoretical region in the periodic table where extremely heavy atoms could exist with increased stability. While these elements have not been observed yet, the notion that elements in this region could be responsible for the strange composition of HD 101065 is being explored.

Q: Could HD 101065's element composition be explained by a nearby neutron star?

Initially, it was hypothesized that a nearby neutron star might be responsible for the production of heavy elements in HD 101065. However, further observations indicate the absence of a nearby neutron star, ruling out this explanation.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • HD 101065, a star with various names, including Przybylski's Star and the Plutonium Star, contains ultra-heavy elements that are highly unstable and short-lived.

  • These elements, such as actinides heavier than uranium and rare elements like praseodymium, are not typically found in nature, making their presence in HD 101065 unusual and possibly artificial.

  • The star's composition challenges current scientific understanding and raises questions about the mechanisms of element production in nature.

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