10 Strange Incidents Regarding Spacecraft | Summary and Q&A

May 24, 2021
John Michael Godier
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10 Strange Incidents Regarding Spacecraft


Mysterious incidents involving spacecraft, including the reactivation of a zombie satellite and the detection of an apparent nuclear detonation, are explored.

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Key Insights

  • 🤫 Zombie satellites, like IMAGE and LES-1, can unexpectedly reactivate and start transmitting again after long periods of silence.
  • 🔦 The Vela Incident remains a mysterious event with a double flash of light consistent with a nuclear detonation, but no responsible party has been identified.
  • 🙂 The flyby anomaly, observed in spacecraft after Earth flybys, indicates a slight but unexplained acceleration that requires further investigation.
  • 🌸 Exposure to cosmic rays in space can lead to peculiar effects in plants, as demonstrated by the mutant cherry trees that blossomed six years early and with fewer petals after being taken to the International Space Station.
  • 🎟️ Safety concerns and technological limitations have caused numerous failures in spacecraft missions to Mars, earning it the nickname "the Martian curse."
  • 🎟️ The Soviet Venera missions contributed valuable data on Venus, including strange elongated particles in the atmosphere and the detection of potential sulfur-coated bacteria.
  • 👽 The possibility of alien life on Venus is still uncertain, but the presence of atmospheric sulfur compounds suggests the potential survival of bacteria at certain altitudes.


since the dawn of space flight in the mid 20th century humanity has stretched its wings and began the exploration of space in doing so many odd mysteries and interesting incidents have accumulated regarding our spacecraft and no doubt many more await us as we continue to explore the solar system so here are 10 strange incidents regarding spacecraft... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How did the zombie satellite, IMAGE, start transmitting again in 2018?

The exact reason for its reactivation is unknown, but NASA suspects that intermittent contact and failed batteries may be responsible.

Q: Who was responsible for the Vela Incident nuclear detonation detection?

No one has claimed responsibility for the event, and although it was initially speculated to be a meteoroid strike, the characteristics were consistent with nuclear tests.

Q: What caused the LES-1 satellite to fail in its initial mission in 1965?

The solid propellant motor did not ignite, stranding the satellite in the wrong orbit. It started transmitting again in 2012, possibly due to current flowing directly to its transmitter.

Q: What is the possible origin of the object 1991 VG?

It is now believed to be a small asteroid, possibly a fragment from a protoplanet, related to other trojan asteroids, or a piece of the Moon.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • A satellite mission called IMAGE, which was thought to be dead, unexpectedly started transmitting again in 2018.

  • The Vela Incident involved the detection of a nuclear detonation near the Prince Edward Islands, with no one claiming responsibility.

  • The LES-1 satellite, which had been silent since 1967, began transmitting again in 2012, possibly due to failed batteries.

  • The object 1991 VG, initially thought to be an alien probe, was later identified as a small asteroid.

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