10 Things About the Universe That we may Never Understand | Summary and Q&A

March 18, 2019
John Michael Godier
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10 Things About the Universe That we may Never Understand


Scientists may never fully understand the nature of gravity, the infinity of the universe, the double slit experiment, the universe's eventual fate, the origins of the big bang, quantum entanglement, other dimensions, time travel, the future invisibility of the universe, and the concept of parallel universes.

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Key Insights

  • โ“ The nature of gravity remains a mystery, and although we understand its behaviors, we do not know what it is.
  • ๐ŸŒ The infinity of the universe introduces the possibility of multiple parallel earths and alternate realities.
  • โซ Quantum entanglement and the double-slit experiment challenge our understanding of particle behavior and the connection between observation and outcomes.
  • ๐Ÿงก The fate of the universe is uncertain, with potential scenarios ranging from infinite existence to decay or a transition to a true vacuum state.
  • ๐Ÿ˜ƒ The origins of the big bang and the events during the Planck Epoch remain unknown and may never be fully understood.
  • ๐Ÿ‘พ Other dimensions, such as the suggested 11 dimensions of space and time, are still hypothetical and may never be confirmed.
  • โŒ› Time travel to the future is possible through time dilation, but backward time travel remains speculative and unlikely.
  • ๐Ÿซฅ In the far future, the expansion of the universe will render most galaxies invisible, isolating future civilizations in their local group.
  • ๐Ÿฆพ The concept of parallel universes, although unproven and likely undetectable, provides a framework for understanding the probabilistic nature of quantum mechanics and the possibility of multiple timelines.


The universe is a very strange place full of mysteries and odd possibilities that, while scientists ceaselessly try to figure them out, may remain complete unknowns forever no matter how advanced our civilization and our science becomes. So here are ten bizarre possibilities regarding the universe that we may never understand. 10. We May Never Know... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What is the nature of gravity and why is it so weak?

Despite our understanding of how gravity behaves, we still don't know what exactly it is. The existence of the hypothetical graviton particle has not been confirmed, and Einstein's description of gravity as a warp in space-time is incomplete. The weakness of gravity compared to other forces remains a mystery.

Q: Will we ever know the true extent of the universe beyond what is observable?

It's uncertain whether we will ever be able to observe the entirety of the universe due to the expansion of space. The possibility of the universe being infinite introduces the idea of multiple parallel earths and realities, but it may remain an open question forever.

Q: How does the double slit experiment challenge our understanding of particles?

The double slit experiment demonstrates the dual nature of particles, acting as waves when unobserved and collapsing into particles when observed. The act of observation itself affects the outcome, leading to a counterintuitive understanding of particle behavior.

Q: What are the potential fates of the universe?

One possibility is that the universe will continue indefinitely until all stars burn out and black holes evaporate. Alternatively, the decay of protons could lead to the dissolution of all matter. Another possibility is that the universe is unstable and could transition to the true vacuum state, causing catastrophic changes.

Q: Can we ever fully understand the origins of the big bang?

The earliest moments of the big bang, known as the Planck Epoch, are not fully understood due to the limitations of current theories. Various explanations, such as collisions of membranes or quantum fluctuations, have been proposed, but we may never fully understand what exactly happened.

Q: How does quantum entanglement work?

Quantum entanglement allows particles to be connected over large distances, with changes in one particle instantly influencing the other, regardless of the separation. The exact mechanism behind this phenomenon is unknown and may remain a mystery.

Q: Do other dimensions exist, and how many are there?

The existence of other dimensions, particularly the suggested 11 dimensions of space and time, is still a topic of debate. String theory proposes the existence of these dimensions, curled up and imperceptible to us. However, the true existence and number of dimensions may never be confirmed.

Q: Is time travel possible?

Traveling to the future is possible through time dilation caused by high accelerations. However, traveling to the past remains uncertain due to the violation of causality. Hypothetical scenarios involving rotating cylinders or traversing black holes or wormholes might allow backward time travel in theory, but it is unlikely to be practical or achievable.

Q: What will happen in the far future when the universe expands?

As the universe continues to expand, galaxies beyond our local group will become so distant that their light cannot reach us. This means that future civilizations may be isolated and unaware of the larger universe, potentially not even knowing that other galaxies exist or that a big bang occurred.

Q: Are parallel universes a plausible concept?

The concept of parallel universes suggests that every possible outcome branches off into separate universes at every quantum event. While unproven and likely impossible to detect or measure, this interpretation explains the probabilistic nature of quantum mechanics. Whether parallel universes truly exist may forever be a matter of speculation.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Scientists still do not fully understand the nature of gravity, despite advancements in space-time understanding and accurate predictions of its behavior.

  • The universe may be infinite, leading to the possibility of multiple parallel earths and alternate realities.

  • The double slit experiment demonstrates the dual nature of particles, acting as waves or particles depending on observation.

  • The fate of the universe is uncertain, with possibilities of infinite existence or eventual decay through the decay of protons or a transition to the true vacuum state.

  • The origins of the big bang are not fully understood, with various hypotheses ranging from collisions of membranes to quantum fluctuations.

  • Quantum entanglement allows separated particles to instantly influence each other's behavior, but the mechanism behind it remains unknown.

  • The existence of other dimensions, particularly 11 dimensions of space and time, is still uncertain and may remain unproven.

  • Traveling to the future is possible through relativistic speeds and time dilation, but traveling to the past remains uncertain and may violate causality.

  • In the far future, the expansion of the universe will lead to most galaxies becoming invisible, leaving civilizations isolated and unaware of the larger universe.

  • The concept of parallel universes suggests that every possible outcome exists in alternate universes, branching off from each other at every quantum event.

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