Summaries of Essentia Foundation Videos 📚

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Consciousness beyond brain function, with neurosurgeon Dr. Eben Alexander thumbnail
Consciousness beyond brain function, with neurosurgeon Dr. Eben Alexander
Essentia Foundation
Spacetime is just a headset: An interview with Donald Hoffman thumbnail
Spacetime is just a headset: An interview with Donald Hoffman
Essentia Foundation
A word from our founder thumbnail
A word from our founder
Essentia Foundation
The role of consciousness in nature: An interview with Dr. Iain McGilchrist, Part 1 thumbnail
The role of consciousness in nature: An interview with Dr. Iain McGilchrist, Part 1
Essentia Foundation
Time and Mind Conference | Bernard Carr, Opening Talks (1/8) thumbnail
Time and Mind Conference | Bernard Carr, Opening Talks (1/8)
Essentia Foundation
The role of mind in nature thumbnail
The role of mind in nature
Essentia Foundation
The physics of first-person perspective: an introduction by Dr. Markus Müller thumbnail
The physics of first-person perspective: an introduction by Dr. Markus Müller
Essentia Foundation
Prof. dr. Heleen Slagter: The predictive mind thumbnail
Prof. dr. Heleen Slagter: The predictive mind
Essentia Foundation
Quantum Bayesianism and the embodied agent thumbnail
Quantum Bayesianism and the embodied agent
Essentia Foundation
The Science of Consciousness: Panel discussion, first day thumbnail
The Science of Consciousness: Panel discussion, first day
Essentia Foundation
Implications of Analytic Idealism on everyday life thumbnail
Implications of Analytic Idealism on everyday life
Essentia Foundation
Responding to objections (PART VII, Analytic Idealism Course w/ Bernardo Kastrup) thumbnail
Responding to objections (PART VII, Analytic Idealism Course w/ Bernardo Kastrup)
Essentia Foundation
The incoherence of mainstream physicalism (Part 2) | Analytic Idealism with Bernardo Kastrup thumbnail
The incoherence of mainstream physicalism (Part 2) | Analytic Idealism with Bernardo Kastrup
Essentia Foundation
10K subscribers! A Q&A with Bernardo Kastrup thumbnail
10K subscribers! A Q&A with Bernardo Kastrup
Essentia Foundation
A child's sense of Self thumbnail
A child's sense of Self
Essentia Foundation
Does science need intersubjectivity? By Dr. Emily Adlam thumbnail
Does science need intersubjectivity? By Dr. Emily Adlam
Essentia Foundation
AI and producing consciousness thumbnail
AI and producing consciousness
Essentia Foundation
Dr. Steve Taylor on the ontology of panspiritism thumbnail
Dr. Steve Taylor on the ontology of panspiritism
Essentia Foundation
Panel discussion, the physics of first-person perspective (day 2) thumbnail
Panel discussion, the physics of first-person perspective (day 2)
Essentia Foundation
There are no physical laws in the world, with Dr. Daniele Oriti thumbnail
There are no physical laws in the world, with Dr. Daniele Oriti
Essentia Foundation
Consciousness unbound thumbnail
Consciousness unbound
Essentia Foundation
Universal Consciousness thumbnail
Universal Consciousness
Essentia Foundation
Deep Dive Into The Philosophy of Psychedelics thumbnail
Deep Dive Into The Philosophy of Psychedelics
Essentia Foundation
Making space and time for matter and mind | Bernard Carr | 2020 Work Conference thumbnail
Making space and time for matter and mind | Bernard Carr | 2020 Work Conference
Essentia Foundation
Why Materialism is Baloney thumbnail
Why Materialism is Baloney
Essentia Foundation
The role of mind in neuroscience thumbnail
The role of mind in neuroscience
Essentia Foundation
When we die and the meaning of life thumbnail
When we die and the meaning of life
Essentia Foundation
Analytic Idealism on free will thumbnail
Analytic Idealism on free will
Essentia Foundation
Can brain anatomy and function account for psychiatric conditions? thumbnail
Can brain anatomy and function account for psychiatric conditions?
Essentia Foundation
Does the Renaissance have roots in Islamic philosophy? thumbnail
Does the Renaissance have roots in Islamic philosophy?
Essentia Foundation
Kabbalistic panpsychism: The enigma of consciousness in Jewish mystical thought thumbnail
Kabbalistic panpsychism: The enigma of consciousness in Jewish mystical thought
Essentia Foundation
Consciousness cannot be reduced to brain activity: Doctor Raymond Tallis on the mind-body problem thumbnail
Consciousness cannot be reduced to brain activity: Doctor Raymond Tallis on the mind-body problem
Essentia Foundation
Analytic Idealism Explained thumbnail
Analytic Idealism Explained
Essentia Foundation
Analytic Idealism: A superior hypothesis (Part 4) | Analytic Idealism with Bernardo Kastrup thumbnail
Analytic Idealism: A superior hypothesis (Part 4) | Analytic Idealism with Bernardo Kastrup
Essentia Foundation
Bernard Carr, cosmologist and friend of Hawking, on consciousness and parapsychology thumbnail
Bernard Carr, cosmologist and friend of Hawking, on consciousness and parapsychology
Essentia Foundation
Interview with idealist physicist and inventor of the microprocessor, Federico Faggin thumbnail
Interview with idealist physicist and inventor of the microprocessor, Federico Faggin
Essentia Foundation
Dr. Jacob Jolij: Extra dimensions of consciousness? thumbnail
Dr. Jacob Jolij: Extra dimensions of consciousness?
Essentia Foundation
Conscious realism | Donald Hoffman | 2020 Work Conference thumbnail
Conscious realism | Donald Hoffman | 2020 Work Conference
Essentia Foundation
Experimental metaphysics with first-person perspectives, by Dr. Eric Cavalcanti thumbnail
Experimental metaphysics with first-person perspectives, by Dr. Eric Cavalcanti
Essentia Foundation
Alternative philosophical views thumbnail
Alternative philosophical views
Essentia Foundation
dr. Bernardo Kastrup: what neuroscience actually shows about consciousness thumbnail
dr. Bernardo Kastrup: what neuroscience actually shows about consciousness
Essentia Foundation
Why interference phenomena do not capture the essence of quantum theory, with Dr. Lorenzo Catani thumbnail
Why interference phenomena do not capture the essence of quantum theory, with Dr. Lorenzo Catani
Essentia Foundation
What Carl Jung's Most Important Book Tells Us thumbnail
What Carl Jung's Most Important Book Tells Us
Essentia Foundation
What you think about the world is wrong thumbnail
What you think about the world is wrong
Essentia Foundation
New Science About the Nature of Consciousness thumbnail
New Science About the Nature of Consciousness
Essentia Foundation
Find MORE Meaning WITHOUT Free Will! | Bernardo Kastrup Explains thumbnail
Find MORE Meaning WITHOUT Free Will! | Bernardo Kastrup Explains
Essentia Foundation
Quantum physics and the first-person perspective, an introduction to the conference thumbnail
Quantum physics and the first-person perspective, an introduction to the conference
Essentia Foundation
Kabbalah & Physics: The Amazing Parallels! thumbnail
Kabbalah & Physics: The Amazing Parallels!
Essentia Foundation
What about the unconscious? (Part VI, Analytic Idealism Course w/ Bernardo Kastrup) thumbnail
What about the unconscious? (Part VI, Analytic Idealism Course w/ Bernardo Kastrup)
Essentia Foundation
Imagination as the ground of reality, with Patrick Harpur thumbnail
Imagination as the ground of reality, with Patrick Harpur
Essentia Foundation
The Flip: Recalibrating the humanities and the sciences around extraordinary experiences thumbnail
The Flip: Recalibrating the humanities and the sciences around extraordinary experiences
Essentia Foundation
Dr. Iain McGilchrist: Consciousness as relational thumbnail
Dr. Iain McGilchrist: Consciousness as relational
Essentia Foundation
Thought experiments on a quantum computer, with Nuriya Nurgalieva thumbnail
Thought experiments on a quantum computer, with Nuriya Nurgalieva
Essentia Foundation
The role of consciousness in nature: An interview with Dr. Iain McGilchrist, Part 2 thumbnail
The role of consciousness in nature: An interview with Dr. Iain McGilchrist, Part 2
Essentia Foundation
Essentia Foundation's Origin Story thumbnail
Essentia Foundation's Origin Story
Essentia Foundation
From enigmas in physics to a structural version of idealism thumbnail
From enigmas in physics to a structural version of idealism
Essentia Foundation
Prof. dr. Henk Barendrecht on Consciousness: flexibility, risk factor, wisdom thumbnail
Prof. dr. Henk Barendrecht on Consciousness: flexibility, risk factor, wisdom
Essentia Foundation
Empirical evidence for Analytic Idealism (Part 5) | Analytic Idealism with Bernardo Kastrup thumbnail
Empirical evidence for Analytic Idealism (Part 5) | Analytic Idealism with Bernardo Kastrup
Essentia Foundation
The dizzying free fall of QBism thumbnail
The dizzying free fall of QBism
Essentia Foundation
Panel discussion, the physics of first-person perspective (day 1) thumbnail
Panel discussion, the physics of first-person perspective (day 1)
Essentia Foundation
The incoherence of our ordinary intuitions (Part 1) | Analytic Idealism with Bernardo Kastrup thumbnail
The incoherence of our ordinary intuitions (Part 1) | Analytic Idealism with Bernardo Kastrup
Essentia Foundation
The incoherence of constitutive panpsychism (Part 3) | Analytic Idealism with Bernardo Kastrup thumbnail
The incoherence of constitutive panpsychism (Part 3) | Analytic Idealism with Bernardo Kastrup
Essentia Foundation
Summary and closing thumbnail
Summary and closing
Essentia Foundation
10 ESSENTIAL reads with Bernardo Kastrup thumbnail
10 ESSENTIAL reads with Bernardo Kastrup
Essentia Foundation
The Science of Consciousness: Panel discussion, second day thumbnail
The Science of Consciousness: Panel discussion, second day
Essentia Foundation
Perception vs Reality thumbnail
Perception vs Reality
Essentia Foundation
The mind-body problem: An anti-solution thumbnail
The mind-body problem: An anti-solution
Essentia Foundation
The NEW Worldview to explain it all | Q&A with Bernardo Kastrup thumbnail
The NEW Worldview to explain it all | Q&A with Bernardo Kastrup
Essentia Foundation
Consciousness beyond death, with Dr. Pim van Lommel thumbnail
Consciousness beyond death, with Dr. Pim van Lommel
Essentia Foundation
Why Our Reality Is Not What It Seems... thumbnail
Why Our Reality Is Not What It Seems...
Essentia Foundation

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