George Hotz | Programming | tinygrad refactoring (and maybe some JAX) | | tinybox | Summary and Q&A

December 3, 2023
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George Hotz | Programming | tinygrad refactoring (and maybe some JAX) | | tinybox


Streamer discusses various topics including refactoring, comments, wokeism, and Ivy League institutions.

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Key Insights

  • 🙈 The streamer values comments and sees them as a way to receive honest feedback.
  • 👪 There is a distinction between overbearing parents and tyranny.
  • ⚧️ Wokeism and being transgender are separate issues, and should not be conflated.


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Questions & Answers

Q: Why does the streamer prioritize reading comments?

The streamer values feedback and sees comments as an honest way for people to express their thoughts and opinions.

Q: What is the streamer's stance on wokeism and trans people?

The streamer believes that wokeism and being transgender are unrelated topics, and warns against conflating the two.

Q: Who does the streamer believe is responsible for the rise of woke ideology?

The streamer believes that Ivy League educational institutions, rather than trans people, are at the root of the woke movement.

Q: Why does the streamer criticize the Ivy League?

The streamer believes that these institutions contribute to the creation of the professional managerial class, which they view as a failing regime.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The streamer begins by discussing refactoring and reading comments, emphasizing the importance of feedback.

  • They share a CS Lewis quote and discuss the difference between overbearing parents and tyranny.

  • The streamer addresses the connection between transhumanism, tech optimism, and wokeism, emphasizing the role of Ivy League institutions.

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