The Future of Generative AI and the Importance of Evoked Set in Branding


Hatched by Kazuki

Sep 28, 2023

4 min read


The Future of Generative AI and the Importance of Evoked Set in Branding


In the rapidly evolving field of generative AI, the question of who owns the platform and how to build a sustainable business model is of utmost importance. While infrastructure vendors seem to be the biggest winners in terms of revenue, application companies face challenges such as retention, differentiation, and gross margins. On the other hand, model providers are responsible for the existence of this market but have yet to achieve large-scale commercial success. Despite these dynamics, the growth of generative AI applications has been staggering, with several product categories already generating over $100 million in annualized revenue. In this article, we will explore the different players in the generative AI ecosystem, the importance of evoked set in branding, and actionable advice for success in this field.

The Landscape of Generative AI:

Generative AI applications have gained popularity due to their novelty and a wide range of use cases. However, without strong technical differentiation, both B2B and B2C apps drive long-term customer value through network effects, data retention, and complex workflows. While selling end-user apps may seem like the best path to building a sustainable business, there is a growing demand for proprietary APIs and hosting services for open-source models. The promise of generative AI comes with potential harm, leading many model providers to adopt a public benefit approach without hindering their fundraising efforts.

The Role of Infrastructure Companies:

In the generative AI market, a significant portion of revenue flows through to infrastructure companies, particularly cloud providers. On average, app companies spend a significant percentage of their revenue on inference and fine-tuning, either through cloud providers or third-party model providers who, in turn, spend a significant portion of their revenue on cloud infrastructure. Nvidia, a leading data center GPU provider, has emerged as a major winner in this space, highlighting the lucrative and durable nature of the infrastructure layer.

The Need for Brand Differentiation:

In the context of a highly competitive marketplace, the concept of evoked set becomes crucial for brand success. Evoked set refers to the collection of favorable choices that come to mind when consumers consider making a purchase. In today's world, where differentiation based on physical products or services is challenging, the ability to be the first brand that comes to mind determines whether consumers choose or continue to choose a brand. Brands that achieve this top-of-mind position have a significant advantage.

Understanding Evoked Set and Brand Positioning:

Evoked set is defined as a subset of brands that consumers recognize and consider purchasing in a specific product category. According to Miller's research, individuals can accurately order a maximum of seven plus or minus two stimuli, which translates to a range of five to nine choices. Within the evoked set, being the first brand that comes to mind holds a competitive advantage. This first-choice position becomes a shortcut for many consumers when making purchasing decisions.

The Power of Market Leaders:

The double jeopardy law states that market leaders, with high market share, also attract a larger customer base with higher behavioral and attitudinal loyalty. To maintain their position, market leaders should aim to minimize the number of brands in the evoked set or invest heavily in advertising to maintain the first-choice position. These strategies, exemplified by brands like Kiwi and their focused approach or sustained advertising efforts, are effective for market leaders.

The Zero Moment of Truth (ZMOT):

Consumers make their purchasing decisions even before entering a store, with approximately 70-80% of their brand choices already determined. This phenomenon, known as the Zero Moment of Truth (ZMOT), highlights the importance of evoked set and the first-choice position in consumers' minds. By the time consumers reach the physical store, the battle for positioning within their mental evoked set has already concluded.

Actionable Advice for Generative AI Businesses:

  • 1. Focus on strong technical differentiation: While technical differentiation might not be apparent in the current generative AI landscape, investing in research and development to create unique and innovative models can set businesses apart from competitors.
  • 2. Build strategic partnerships: Collaborating with infrastructure companies, hosting services, and other stakeholders in the generative AI ecosystem can create mutually beneficial relationships and open new avenues for growth.
  • 3. Prioritize branding and market positioning: Understanding the concept of evoked set and striving to be the first brand that comes to mind can significantly impact customer acquisition and retention. Invest in targeted marketing campaigns and consistent brand messaging to reinforce your position.


The generative AI landscape is evolving rapidly, with various players vying for their share of the market. Infrastructure companies, such as cloud providers, have emerged as significant winners, while the importance of evoked set in branding cannot be underestimated. By understanding the dynamics of the generative AI ecosystem and leveraging the power of evoked set, businesses can position themselves for success. Through strong technical differentiation, strategic partnerships, and a focus on branding, generative AI companies can navigate this evolving landscape and thrive in the long term.

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