Exploring the Changing Trends Among Smartphone Users in 2019

Hatched by Glasp
Aug 28, 2023
4 min read
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Exploring the Changing Trends Among Smartphone Users in 2019
The rapid advancement of technology, particularly smartphones, has significantly transformed the way people think and behave. In this article, we will delve into nine key trends among smartphone users in 2019, highlighting the emergence of "Ima Thinking" and "Decision Fatigue," the rise of audio content and "Ear Leisure," the impact of Instagrammable and TikTok-worthy aesthetics, the fragmentation of consumption on platforms like Mercari, and the increasing role of users in shaping brand identities.
1. The Rise of "Ima Thinking" and the Decline of Planning:
One notable trend among smartphone users is the shift towards living in the present moment, commonly referred to as "Ima Thinking." Rather than meticulously planning every aspect of their lives, individuals are increasingly embracing a more spontaneous approach. This change in mindset can be attributed to the convenience and accessibility offered by smartphones, which enable users to adapt their plans according to their current situation and mood.
2. "Ear Leisure" and the Growing Popularity of Audio Content:
In an era where time is perceived as a scarce resource, smartphone users are finding innovative ways to make the most of their leisure time. "Ear Leisure" has emerged as a trend, referring to the practice of using audio content to fill idle moments. Podcasts, audiobooks, and music streaming platforms have gained immense popularity, providing users with a diverse range of options to engage their minds while on the go.
3. The Evolution of Aesthetics: Instagrammable vs. TikTok-worthy:
The advent of social media platforms like Instagram and TikTok has revolutionized the way people curate and share visual content. While both platforms emphasize the visual appeal of content, there are subtle differences in the desired aesthetics. Instagram focuses on "Instagrammable" moments, where users strive to capture the perfect image that reflects their desired lifestyle. On the other hand, TikTok places greater importance on the entertainment value of videos and the enjoyment derived from the creative process.
4. The Overwhelming Paradox of Choice and Decision Fatigue:
Smartphones have become a hub of information, offering users an overwhelming amount of choices. This abundance of options often leads to decision fatigue, where individuals find it challenging to navigate through numerous alternatives. To combat this, users are increasingly relying on AI-driven recommendations and seeking out trusted individuals who share similar tastes and values. This shift allows users to streamline their decision-making process and alleviate the burden of choice.
5. The Changing Perception of Content Consumption:
The concept of time as a valuable resource has impacted the way users consume content. Rather than investing hours in a single activity, individuals now seek shorter, more gratifying experiences. For instance, instead of dedicating two hours to a potentially mediocre movie, users prefer to spend their time watching a series of curated videos on YouTube. This change in mindset reflects a desire for higher satisfaction and a greater return on investment in terms of time spent.
6. The Role of Storytelling in the Smartphone Era:
Smartphones have transformed the way people engage with narratives. The ability to easily connect and share stories has given rise to the joy of discussing and dissecting content with others. Whether it be through social media platforms, online forums, or real-life conversations, users now actively participate in discussions, enhancing their overall experience and creating a sense of community.
7. The Fragmentation of Consumption on Mercari:
Online marketplaces like Mercari have revolutionized the way users consume products. The platform's unique feature of allowing users to buy and sell second-hand items has given rise to a trend known as "Fragmented Consumption." Rather than purchasing new products, users are increasingly opting for pre-owned items, contributing to a more sustainable and cost-effective approach to shopping.
8. Users as the Architects of Branding:
In the smartphone era, users have taken on an active role in shaping brand identities. Social media platforms have provided individuals with a platform to express their preferences and showcase their personal brand. Users align themselves with brands that resonate with their values and actively participate in discussions and feedback, ultimately influencing the perception and success of these brands.
As smartphone usage continues to evolve, it is essential to understand and adapt to the changing trends among users. To make the most of these trends, here are three actionable pieces of advice:
- 1. Embrace spontaneity while maintaining a balance between planning and living in the present moment. Use your smartphone as a tool to customize your experiences based on your current circumstances.
- 2. Explore the world of audio content to optimize your leisure time. Engage with podcasts, audiobooks, and music streaming platforms to make the most of idle moments.
- 3. Be mindful of decision fatigue and overwhelm. Utilize AI-driven recommendations and seek out individuals with similar tastes and values to streamline your decision-making process.
By staying attuned to these trends and incorporating them into our daily lives, we can navigate the smartphone era with greater ease and satisfaction.
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