"Relentlessly Resourceful: Healing Your Co-Founder Relationship"

Hatched by Glasp
Aug 28, 2023
3 min read
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"Relentlessly Resourceful: Healing Your Co-Founder Relationship"
Starting a startup requires a certain type of person - someone who is relentlessly resourceful. This quality is what sets successful founders apart from the rest. But what does it mean to be relentlessly resourceful? It means being proactive, creative, and always finding a way to overcome obstacles.
Being relentlessly resourceful is not something that comes naturally to everyone. Some people are constitutionally passive, but they have the potential to develop this quality with the right mindset and approach. It's all about tapping into that latent ability and bringing it out.
When it comes to starting a startup, the pool of potential founders is the limiting factor. Not everyone has what it takes to be a good founder. So how do you know if you're the right sort of person to embark on this journey? Ask yourself if you are relentlessly resourceful. This quality will be the driving force behind your success.
But it's not just about being relentlessly resourceful as an individual. When considering whether to recruit someone as a co-founder, you should also ask if they possess this quality. A co-founder who is relentlessly resourceful will be a valuable asset to your startup.
Now, let's shift gears and talk about healing your co-founder relationship. It's not uncommon for relationships to go awry in the startup world. When this happens, it's important to take a step back and consider what is going on for you personally.
We all have personal antennae - one that looks outward and picks up signals from the other person, and one that looks inward and registers what is going on for us. Understanding our own feelings is crucial in resolving interpersonal issues.
One tool that can help us understand our feelings more fully is a Vocabulary of Feelings. This tool allows us to expand our choices and be less reactive in challenging situations. By understanding our own emotions, we can navigate difficult conversations with our co-founder more effectively.
Interpersonal issues can arise from various sources, such as power differentials or communication breakdowns. The key is to raise these issues in a way that fosters productive conversation without causing more animosity.
Remember, your co-founder is likely experiencing some version of what you are going through. Curiosity is key in resolving conflicts and building strong relationships. Approach discussions with a genuine curiosity about the other person's feelings and intentions.
When working towards a solution, it's important to answer three questions simultaneously - "What do I need?", "What do you/others need?", and "What is best for the organization?". By considering all perspectives, you can find a solution that benefits everyone involved.
Developing interpersonal skills and competencies is vital for success as an entrepreneur and co-founder. The so-called soft skills are often the greatest determinants of professional success, yet they can be the hardest to develop. Remember, people do business with people, not just ideas or products.
In conclusion, being relentlessly resourceful is essential for success in the startup world. It sets founders apart and drives them towards making something people want. Additionally, healing your co-founder relationship requires self-reflection and curiosity about the other person's feelings and intentions. By developing interpersonal skills, you can navigate the challenges of entrepreneurship more effectively.
Actionable advice:
- 1. Cultivate a mindset of relentless resourcefulness. Seek creative solutions, be proactive, and never give up.
- 2. Practice active listening and genuine curiosity in your co-founder discussions. Seek to understand their perspective and emotions.
- 3. Invest in developing your interpersonal skills. Attend workshops, read books, and seek feedback to improve your ability to build strong relationships.
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