Healing your co-founder relationship: Building an antilibrary


Hatched by Glasp

Sep 18, 2023

3 min read


Healing your co-founder relationship: Building an antilibrary


When co-founder relationships go awry, it's essential to address the underlying issues. However, before delving into the problems between co-founders, it is crucial to consider what is going on personally. We all have the ability to perceive both outward and inward signals. Understanding our own feelings expands our choices and reduces thoughtless reactivity.

Interpersonal Issues:

Interpersonal issues can stem from various sources, such as a perceived power differential that complicates decision-making processes. The challenge lies in raising these issues without causing animosity or disrupting the company. It's important to remember that co-founders often have different perspectives, and being curious about each other's feelings can lead to more productive conversations.

Generating Solutions:

When seeking solutions, it can be helpful to address three questions simultaneously: "What do I need?", "What do you/others need?", and "What is best for the organization?" By fostering genuine curiosity, defensiveness can be lowered, and relationships can be built. Soft skills, or interpersonal skills, are vital for professional success, yet they can be the most challenging to develop.

The Power of Unread Books:

In the realm of personal growth and knowledge acquisition, building an antilibrary can be a powerful tool. The concept of an antilibrary was introduced by Nassim Nicholas Taleb in his book, "The Black Swan." It refers to a collection of unread books that hold immense value. Unread books can be as influential as the ones we have read, provided we approach them with the right mindset.

Curating an Antilibrary:

The goal of an antilibrary is not to display books we have read but to curate a collection of unread books that align with our curiosity and interests. It serves as a reminder of everything we don't know and a celebration of the vast knowledge yet to be explored. Surrounding ourselves with books we haven't read humbles us and encourages lifelong learning.

Improving our Relationship with Knowledge:

In a world that demands nuanced thinking, an antilibrary can be a valuable tool for thought. To make the most of this concept, we can take several actionable steps:

  • 1. Make notes of relevant references: Whenever we come across references or recommendations, it's essential to jot them down. These notes can serve as a roadmap for future exploration.
  • 2. Seek recommendations from others: Engaging with fellow readers and asking for book recommendations can lead to fruitful discoveries. By sharing knowledge and recommendations, we can expand our antilibrary.
  • 3. Embrace serendipity: While it's crucial to curate our antilibrary, we should also leave room for serendipity. Discovering books by chance can open doors to unexpected insights and perspectives.


Healing a co-founder relationship requires self-reflection, curiosity, and effective communication. By understanding our own feelings and being genuinely interested in the perspectives of others, we can navigate interpersonal challenges more successfully. Additionally, building an antilibrary can enhance our relationship with knowledge, fostering lifelong learning and humble curiosity. So, let's strive to heal our co-founder relationships while embracing the power of unread books in our antilibraries.

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