The Power of Rare and Valuable Skills: Insights from Innovators and Investors


Hatched by Glasp

Sep 08, 2023

4 min read


The Power of Rare and Valuable Skills: Insights from Innovators and Investors


In a world where most individuals strive to acquire "in-demand" skills, there is a growing realization among the smartest and most successful individuals that learning rare and valuable skills is the key to standing out and achieving long-term success. This article explores the mindset of these individuals, drawing insights from renowned innovators and investors who have demonstrated the power of thinking differently and focusing on unique areas of expertise.

Uncover the Cycles of History:

One of the distinguishing characteristics of successful individuals is their ability to look beyond the present and delve into the cycles of history. For instance, Bill Gates, when seeking to grow Microsoft in the early 1990s, studied science rather than solely focusing on industry news and business books. By examining cycles that spanned hundreds of years, Gates gained a unique perspective that few others possess.

Devote Mental Cycles to Unconventional Thinking:

Contrary to popular belief, business thinking is not the sole focus of the smartest individuals. In fact, many successful entrepreneurs and investors allocate only a fraction of their mental capacity to business-related matters. Recognizing that business is not overly complicated, they dedicate their mental energy to exploring unconventional fields and acquiring knowledge that sets them apart from the crowd.

The Path to Success through Engineering and Design:

Steve Jobs, the visionary behind Apple, once famously stated that the path to the CEO's office should not be through the CFO's office or the marketing department. Instead, he emphasized the importance of engineering and design. By prioritizing these areas, Jobs revolutionized the technology industry and created products that continue to shape our world today.

Quirks that Differentiate the Top Innovators and Investors:

To be considered a quirk, an attribute must possess both uniqueness and inconsequentiality. Remarkably, the top innovators and investors in the world share a common thinking pattern. They prioritize material over method, understanding that the value of an investment lies not in the process but in the unique qualities it possesses. This mindset enables them to identify rare and valuable opportunities that others may overlook.

The Outlier Algorithm:

To achieve outlier success, one must adopt a different approach than the majority. By going against the consensus view and embracing independent thinking, individuals can uncover investment opportunities that have not yet been fully recognized. However, this requires humility, as betting against the consensus inherently carries the risk of being wrong. The path to success lies in thinking differently and being right.

Applying the Outlier Algorithm to Personal Growth:

The Outlier Algorithm is not limited to financial investments; it can also be applied to personal growth and skill acquisition. By learning from the world's top investors and adopting their mental models, individuals can enhance their own lives. Additionally, recognizing the role of luck in success and seeking out mentors who have extensively shared their lessons can significantly impact one's personal journey.

The Value of Rarity and Uniqueness:

Successful individuals understand the significance of investing in rare and valuable skills. They prioritize learning that goes beyond the popular and mainstream, enabling them to bring fresh perspectives and ideas to their respective fields. By stepping away from the tried and true path of their culture, they embark on a journey of reinvention that ultimately benefits their entire industry.

Actionable Advice:

  • 1. Embrace Contrarian Thinking: Challenge the consensus and seek out contrarian ideas. This will enable you to identify unique opportunities and differentiate yourself from the crowd.
  • 2. Invest in Valuable and Difficult Skills: Focus on acquiring skills that are both valuable and challenging. These skills have the potential to set you apart and provide long-term benefits.
  • 3. Redefine Value: Develop a higher standard for value by judging quality based on your own ideals and not solely by comparing yourself to competitors. This will enable you to create something truly unique and exceptional.


In a world where conformity often reigns, acquiring rare and valuable skills is the key to achieving extraordinary success. By learning from the mindset of top innovators and investors, it becomes clear that thinking differently, embracing uniqueness, and investing in the extraordinary are the paths to standing out. By applying the actionable advice shared in this article, individuals can embark on a journey of personal growth and professional success that transcends the limitations of the ordinary.

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