The Hooked Model and Lifelong Learning: Building Better Products and International Success


Hatched by Kazuki

Sep 21, 2023

3 min read


The Hooked Model and Lifelong Learning: Building Better Products and International Success

In today's fast-paced world, building habit-forming products and embracing lifelong learning have become crucial for success. The Hooked model, developed by Alin Mateescu, offers a how-to guide for creating products that keep users coming back, without relying on expensive advertising or aggressive messaging. On the other hand, the concept of lifelong learning emphasizes the need for individuals to continuously acquire new knowledge and skills throughout their lives. While these two concepts may seem unrelated, they share common points and can be integrated to create a more holistic approach to personal and professional growth.

At the core of the Hooked model lies the understanding of human behavior and motivation. The model consists of four components: triggers, action, variable reward, and investment. Triggers can be external, such as a notification, or internal, driven by the user's desires. The action is the simplest behavior a user can take in anticipation of a reward. The variable reward is designed to be fulfilling yet leave the user wanting more. Lastly, the investment is the effort the user puts into the product, increasing the likelihood of their return. However, it's important to note that behavior only occurs when there is motivation, ability, and a trigger. Without these three elements, the desired action will not take place.

Similarly, the concept of lifelong learning recognizes the need for continuous personal and professional development. Traditionally, universities and educational institutions have followed the three unities of French classical tragedy: time, action, and place. Students gather at a specific campus (unity of place) to attend classes (unity of action) during their 20s (unity of time). However, this traditional approach falls short in the face of rapid technological advancements and evolving job markets. In order to keep up with the pace of change, individuals must embrace lifelong learning and constantly refresh their skills.

Universities play a critical role in preparing students for lifelong learning. Instead of solely focusing on job readiness, they should prioritize teaching foundational knowledge and up-to-date skills. By doing so, they equip students with the ability to adapt and learn throughout their lives, rather than simply obtaining a diploma. In fact, the idea of revalidating diplomas periodically, much like passports, could become a reality. This time-determined revalidation would not only ensure that individuals maintain relevant skills but also streamline administrative processes for everyone involved.

Combining the Hooked model and lifelong learning can yield powerful results. By applying the principles of the Hooked model to educational platforms and products, universities can create engaging and habit-forming learning experiences. This can be achieved by leveraging triggers, designing simple actions that lead to valuable rewards, and encouraging users to invest in their learning journey. In turn, this will foster a culture of lifelong learning, where individuals are motivated to continuously acquire new knowledge and skills.

In conclusion, the Hooked model and the concept of lifelong learning are interconnected in their focus on human behavior, motivation, and continuous growth. By incorporating the principles of the Hooked model into educational platforms, universities can cultivate a culture of lifelong learning that prepares individuals for success in an ever-changing world. To embrace this approach, here are three actionable advice:

  • 1. Implement triggers and rewards in educational platforms to create engaging learning experiences that prompt users to return and continue their learning journey.
  • 2. Prioritize teaching foundational knowledge and up-to-date skills, rather than solely focusing on job readiness, to equip individuals with the ability to adapt and learn throughout their lives.
  • 3. Explore the idea of periodically revalidating diplomas, similar to passport renewals, to ensure that individuals maintain relevant skills and streamline administrative processes.

By combining the Hooked model and lifelong learning, we can build better products and pave the way for international success through continuous personal and professional growth.

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