"The Evolution of Human Connections and the Impact of AI on Media"


Hatched by Kazuki

Aug 10, 2023

4 min read


"The Evolution of Human Connections and the Impact of AI on Media"


In today's fast-paced world, maintaining close friendships has become a challenge. Research suggests that as we age, our social networks tend to shrink. Additionally, forming meaningful relationships requires a significant investment of time and effort. However, these insights are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to understanding the complexities of human connections. On a larger scale, the rise of artificial intelligence (AI) has been transforming the media industry, reshaping the way we consume and create content. In this article, we will explore the limits of human friendships and the profound impact of AI on the media landscape.

The Dunbar's Number: The Limit of Meaningful Relationships:

Robin Dunbar, a renowned anthropologist, introduced the concept of Dunbar's Number, which represents the maximum number of stable and meaningful relationships an individual can maintain. This number includes not only close friends but also extended family members. The range of Dunbar's Number varies between 100 and 250, highlighting the finite capacity of our social networks. Interestingly, Dunbar's research also revealed that people tend to have a structured network, wherein they do not interact with everyone equally. Instead, relationships are clumpy, with each layer being three times the size of the preceding layer.

AI and De-risking Strategies in Media:

In the realm of media, the creative process is often unpredictable, making it challenging for companies to monetize their content. To address this, media companies employ de-risking strategies that reduce the uncertainties associated with creativity. One such strategy is summarizing other people's work, which is often easier than creating something from scratch. By leveraging existing content, media outlets can provide valuable information to their audience while minimizing risks. Additionally, content arbitrage, where successful content from one platform is reformatted for a different audience, has been a popular approach. For instance, early Buzzfeed found success by rewriting popular Reddit posts as listicles.

Creating Formats and Sequels:

Another de-risking technique in media is creating formats. Formats provide structure to creativity and make the process more predictable. By following a set format, creators can focus on filling in the blanks rather than starting from scratch. Furthermore, making content shorter and shallower decreases complexity, making it easier to produce. This explains the rise of shorter media pieces, such as listicles and bite-sized articles. Additionally, sequels have become a popular strategy for content creators. Rather than coming up with entirely new ideas, remixing and expanding upon familiar content reduces the risk of failure. This is evident in the film industry's reliance on sequels.

The Impact of AI on Media Creation:

As the media landscape evolves, AI is playing an increasingly significant role in content creation. AI algorithms excel at automating tasks that align with de-risking strategies, such as summarizing content, creating shorter pieces, and exploiting content arbitrages. This automation empowers individual writers to produce more content independently, shifting the cost structure from traditional media models to a software-like approach. Writers can allocate more time to research and gather new facts, enabling them to produce longer and more engaging articles that are less susceptible to automation.

Actionable Advice for Writers:

  • 1. Embrace AI Tools: Writers can leverage AI tools to enhance their productivity and create high-quality work. By familiarizing themselves with these tools early on, writers can gain a competitive edge and produce content more efficiently.
  • 2. Focus on Research and Long-form Content: In a world where AI excels at shorter pieces, writers can differentiate themselves by dedicating more time to in-depth research and crafting longer, thought-provoking articles. This approach allows writers to showcase their unique insights and perspectives.
  • 3. Adaptability and Continuous Learning: As AI continues to advance, the media industry will undergo further transformations. Therefore, writers must stay adaptable and continuously update their skills to effectively navigate the changing landscape.


The dynamics of human friendships and the evolution of media are intertwined in fascinating ways. While maintaining close friendships has its limits, AI is reshaping the media landscape by automating certain aspects of content creation. By understanding the nuances of both these realms, individuals can navigate personal relationships and leverage AI tools to enhance their creative output. As we move forward, it is crucial for writers to embrace the opportunities presented by AI while remaining adaptable and focused on delivering unique and valuable content.

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