"The Evaporative Cooling Effect: Understanding Social Dynamics in Online Communities"

Hatched by Glasp
Sep 25, 2023
3 min read
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"The Evaporative Cooling Effect: Understanding Social Dynamics in Online Communities"
Online communities have become an integral part of our lives, providing platforms for connection, collaboration, and sharing. However, there is a phenomenon known as the Evaporative Cooling Effect that often plagues these communities, leading to a decline in quality over time. This article explores the concept of Evaporative Cooling, its impact on online communities, and offers actionable advice on how to mitigate its effects.
Understanding the Evaporative Cooling Effect:
The Evaporative Cooling Effect refers to the gradual decline in the average quality of a community as higher value contributors leave. It is driven by various factors, including social gating and the lack of mechanisms to preserve the recognition and reputation of high-value members. Openness can also contribute to Evaporative Cooling, as it allows individuals below the average quality to join and potentially harm the community in the long run.
Social Gating as a Solution:
One way to combat Evaporative Cooling is through the implementation of social gating mechanisms. By creating unequal roles of participation, communities can shift the power gradient and prevent the loss of high-value members. In smaller communities, social mechanisms can be effective in managing this, as high-value participants receive recognition and reputation. However, as communities scale, these mechanisms often break down, leading to further acceleration of Evaporative Cooling.
The Plaza and Warren Design:
To understand how communities can scale while maintaining quality, we can look at the plaza and warren design patterns. In the plaza design, all interactions are visible to every participant, creating a central space where everyone's contributions are seen. On the other hand, the warren design involves breaking up the space into smaller segments, limiting visibility to the current warren. Plazas grow by becoming larger, while warrens grow by adding more warrens.
Tradeoffs and Benefits:
Both plazas and warrens have their unique tradeoffs. Warrens can be challenging to get started, as new users may struggle to connect with hubs of activity. However, once established, warrens allow communities to scale without sacrificing quality. Plazas, on the other hand, are more visible and easier to understand, but may suffer from the effects of Evaporative Cooling if not managed effectively.
Applying Lessons from Facebook:
Facebook stands out as a successful example of scaling while maintaining quality. The platform utilizes both plaza and warren design patterns. Profiles, friends, and newsfeeds operate as warrens, where users have control over their own experiences. Fan pages, groups, and events, on the other hand, function as plazas, enabling users to participate in a larger community. This combination allows Facebook to provide a scalable yet high-quality experience for its users.
Actionable Advice:
- 1. Implement social gating mechanisms to retain high-value members and prevent their departure from the community. Recognize and reward their contributions to maintain their engagement and satisfaction.
- 2. Consider a combination of plaza and warren design patterns to create a scalable yet quality-focused community. Allow users to have control over their experiences while also providing opportunities for engagement in larger community spaces.
- 3. Pay attention to the onboarding process for new users. Help them connect with active areas of the community to prevent them from feeling isolated in empty warrens. This will increase their chances of becoming active and engaged members.
Understanding the Evaporative Cooling Effect and its impact on online communities is crucial for their long-term health and success. By implementing social gating mechanisms, utilizing plaza and warren design patterns, and focusing on effective onboarding processes, communities can mitigate the effects of Evaporative Cooling and create vibrant, high-quality spaces for connection and collaboration.
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