The Path to Calm: Finding Success in Aims


Hatched by Glasp

Aug 03, 2023

3 min read


The Path to Calm: Finding Success in Aims


In today's fast-paced world, finding inner peace and clarity has become a challenge for many. Fortunately, there are platforms like Calm that strive to make the world happier and healthier by providing unique audio content that strengthens mental fitness. But what exactly is Calm, and how can we incorporate its principles into our lives? In this article, we will explore the essence of Calm and its mission, while also delving into the philosophy of aims and how it can lead us to success.

The Heart of Calm:

At its core, Calm is a digital platform that addresses some of the biggest mental health challenges of our time, such as stress, anxiety, insomnia, and depression. However, Calm's impact extends beyond the digital realm. It is expanding offline, offering various ways to bring peace, clarity, and perspective into people's busy lives. By combining digital accessibility with offline experiences, Calm aims to create a holistic approach to mental well-being.

Everything is Aiming:

The concept of aiming in life reminds us of the Japanese martial art of archery, known as Kyūdō. This ancient practice emphasizes that aims matter more than goals and that success lies in the process itself. A story is often shared within the Kyūdō community, where a student sought to master the art of archery solely for hitting the target. However, the master advised the student to focus on the way they were aiming, rather than fixating on the goal. The student learned that true success comes from being fully aware of the aim, from how they hold the bow to their breathing while releasing the arrow.

Breaking Free of the Arrival Fallacy:

Letting go of outcomes does not mean abandoning our ambitions; instead, it involves a mindset shift towards focusing on our aims. The arrival fallacy, the belief that reaching a particular goal will bring lasting happiness, often leads to disappointment and a constant chase for the next milestone. By shifting our focus to the aim, we can embrace the process and find fulfillment in the journey itself. Success is not solely defined by achieving a specific goal; it is derived from enjoying the process and the growth it brings.

The AIMS Approach:

To incorporate the concept of aims into our lives, we can adopt the AIMS framework: Aspiration, Implementation, Metacognition, and Success.

1. Aspiration:

First, we need to define our aspirations, the targets we want to achieve. Setting clear aims allows us to have a direction and purpose in our lives. By identifying what truly matters to us, we can align our actions with our values and find a sense of fulfillment.

2. Implementation:

Once we have established our aspirations, it is crucial to focus on the implementation. This involves breaking down our aims into actionable steps and creating a plan to achieve them. Taking consistent and deliberate action towards our aims ensures progress and keeps us motivated along the way.

3. Metacognition:

Metacognition refers to becoming aware of our own thinking processes and understanding how our thoughts influence our actions. By practicing mindfulness and self-reflection, we can identify any limiting beliefs or negative thought patterns that hinder our progress. Cultivating a positive and growth-oriented mindset allows us to overcome obstacles and stay focused on our aims.


In a world that often prioritizes outcomes over the journey, Calm and the philosophy of aims offer us a valuable perspective. By embracing the process, letting go of the arrival fallacy, and focusing on our aims, we can find true success and inner peace. Remember, success lies not solely in hitting the target but in the way we aim. So, aspire, implement, engage in metacognition, and discover the joy of enjoying the process on the path to calm.

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