Unveiling the Path to Success: Finding Aims and Embracing Growth Decay


Hatched by Glasp

Sep 25, 2023

3 min read


Unveiling the Path to Success: Finding Aims and Embracing Growth Decay


In our pursuit of success, we often focus solely on the end goal, neglecting the importance of the process and the aim that guides us. Just like in the Japanese martial art of Kyūdō, where aims matter more than goals, success lies in the journey itself. Furthermore, we often fall into the trap of believing in exponential hypergrowth, failing to recognize the natural decline in growth as companies scale. In this article, we explore the significance of aims and how embracing growth decay can lead us to true success.

The Power of Aims:

In Kyūdō, the aim is the course we set to reach our target. It is not merely about hitting the goal but rather about the way we approach it. Similarly, in life, we must become fully aware of our aims to increase our chances of reaching our goals. A good archer is not known by their arrows but by their aim. By shifting our mindset and focusing on our aims, we can break free from the arrival fallacy and find joy in the process of success.

Embracing Growth Decay:

The myth of exponential hypergrowth often leads us astray, as growth naturally declines with scale. This phenomenon, known as Growth Decay or Growth Persistence, is a law of nature that affects companies regardless of their success. Even if a product experiences exponential growth initially, it will eventually hit market saturation and enter linear growth. This logistic curve, similar to the spread of biological viruses, reaches its carrying capacity, the fully-saturated market. To sustain growth, companies must seek new markets or develop significant updates to address changing demands.

The Elephant Curve:

When plotting growth as market share, we can observe the Elephant Curve, which represents the carrying capacity of the market as a moving target. Initially, companies should focus on winning market share in a specific space, creating the first Elephant Curve. However, as the product matures, more drastic measures are necessary, such as introducing new products or updates to tap into new markets. This highlights the significance of word-of-mouth-driven growth, which surpasses traditional marketing efforts in terms of cost-effectiveness and automatic scalability.

Incorporating Aims and Growth Decay:

To achieve sustainable success, it is crucial to incorporate aims and embrace growth decay. Here are three actionable pieces of advice:

  • 1. Shift your focus from the end goal to the process: Embrace the philosophy of Kyūdō and prioritize the way you approach your goals. Find joy in the journey, and success will naturally follow.
  • 2. Recognize the limitations of exponential hypergrowth: Understand that growth decay is a natural occurrence. Instead of chasing exponential growth, focus on finding new markets or developing significant updates to sustain growth.
  • 3. Harness the power of word-of-mouth: Invest time and effort into building word-of-mouth-driven growth into your product. Create a product that encourages sharing and provides value to users, allowing your customer base to expand organically.


In our pursuit of success, we must remember that everything is aiming. By shifting our focus from the end goal to the process, we can find fulfillment and joy in the journey. Additionally, embracing growth decay and recognizing its limitations can help us sustain success in a world that often chases exponential hypergrowth. Incorporate aims into your mindset and leverage word-of-mouth-driven growth to create a successful and fulfilling path to your goals. Remember, success is not solely defined by the destination but by the way you aim.

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