The Law of Shitty Clickthroughs and Accessible Design: Insights for Effective Marketing in a Remote World


Hatched by Glasp

Sep 13, 2023

4 min read


The Law of Shitty Clickthroughs and Accessible Design: Insights for Effective Marketing in a Remote World


In the world of marketing, finding a strategy that works is often a grueling process. However, as we scale our efforts, we often encounter a phenomenon known as the Law of Shitty Clickthroughs. This law states that over time, all marketing strategies result in declining clickthrough rates. While this may seem disheartening, understanding the factors behind this phenomenon can help us navigate the challenges and find new opportunities for success. Additionally, in a remote world where accessibility and connection are vital, incorporating the principles of accessible design can further enhance our marketing efforts. Let's explore these concepts and uncover actionable advice for effective marketing.

The Power of Novelty in Marketing:

One of the key drivers of engagement in marketing is novelty. Humans are inherently drawn to new and exciting things. However, our brains are also wired to recognize patterns. This means that keeping the same ad creative for an extended period can lead to declining clickthrough rates. As Retargeter's analysis on the Importance of Rotating Creatives revealed, maintaining novelty in your marketing materials is crucial to sustaining high performance.

The Impact of Competition and Market Dynamics:

Being the first to market with a product or service can provide a significant advantage. The early adopters actively seek out novelty, and marketing efforts tend to yield fruitful results. However, as competition enters the scene, the effectiveness of marketing for everyone diminishes. This is a natural consequence of the mainstream market needing more convincing before embracing a new solution. Recognizing the limited window of high marketing performance and adapting accordingly is essential for sustained success.

Finding Untapped Marketing Channels:

To overcome the Law of Shitty Clickthroughs, it is crucial to discover the next untapped marketing channel. While traditional forms of online advertising like banners, search, and email remain effective, exploring new avenues can provide a competitive edge. By staying ahead of the curve and identifying emerging marketing channels while they are still uncontested, marketers can tap into fresh audiences and maximize their reach. This requires a continuous effort to develop new creative, test new publishers, and adapt to evolving trends.

Accessible Design in a Remote World:

In a conversation with Dylan Field, the co-founder of Figma, the importance of accessible design in a remote world became evident. Figma, a collaborative design tool, recognized the need for web-based creative tools early on. They realized that WebGL would be the future of creative tools and embarked on a journey to explore its potential. Despite initial skepticism from others in the industry, Figma persevered and sought feedback from designers to refine their product.

The Power of Early Launches and User Feedback:

Field emphasized the value of launching a product earlier than expected. By doing so, businesses can generate excitement about their vision and gather invaluable early feedback from users. This feedback can help shape the product, improve its user experience, and build a loyal user base. However, it is essential to strike a balance between launching early and ensuring that the product satisfies users' needs. Launching prematurely can lead to disappointment and hinder long-term success.

Creating Communities and Spaces for Gathering:

During the pandemic, the need for virtual spaces to gather and connect has become increasingly evident. Figma witnessed users playing virtual games on their platform, highlighting the desire for interactive and collaborative experiences. Recognizing this trend, marketers can leverage the power of community-building to foster engagement and loyalty. By creating spaces where users can interact, share ideas, and find support, businesses can strengthen their brand and forge meaningful connections.

Actionable Advice for Effective Marketing:

  • 1. Embrace novelty and avoid stagnation: Continuously evolve your marketing materials to maintain engagement and prevent the Law of Shitty Clickthroughs from taking hold. Rotate creatives, experiment with new formats, and stay ahead of your competition.
  • 2. Explore untapped marketing channels: While traditional advertising methods remain effective, actively seek out emerging marketing channels while they are still uncontested. This can provide a significant advantage in reaching new audiences and maximizing your marketing efforts.
  • 3. Prioritize accessibility and community-building: In a remote world, accessibility and community are paramount. Ensure your products and services are designed with inclusivity in mind, and create spaces for your audience to gather, interact, and share experiences. This will foster loyalty and deepen connections with your brand.


Navigating the challenges of declining clickthrough rates and remote marketing requires a proactive and adaptable approach. By understanding the Law of Shitty Clickthroughs, embracing novelty, exploring untapped marketing channels, prioritizing accessibility, and fostering community, businesses can overcome obstacles and thrive in today's digital landscape. Remember, success lies in continuously evolving, connecting with your audience, and staying one step ahead of the competition.

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