The Impact of Mobile News Reading and Incorporating Generative AI into Tech Product Strategy


Hatched by Glasp

Jul 29, 2023

3 min read


The Impact of Mobile News Reading and Incorporating Generative AI into Tech Product Strategy


In today's digital age, the way people consume news and interact with technology has undergone significant changes. Recent research suggests that individuals tend to read news differently on mobile devices compared to desktops. This article explores the implications of this finding and delves into the integration of generative AI into tech product strategies. By connecting these seemingly disparate topics, we can gain insights into how technology influences our news consumption habits and the potential of AI in revolutionizing customer experiences.

Mobile News Reading vs. Desktop Experience:

The study reveals that people pay better attention to news presented on desktops than on mobile devices. On average, individuals spend less time on news story content and are less likely to notice links when reading on tablets and smartphones. This finding aligns with the personal experience of many, as reading on desktops is often considered faster and more efficient. While mobile devices increase access to news, they don't necessarily enhance attention to news. Therefore, it is essential to prioritize desktop platforms when delivering news content to ensure deep understanding and information retention.

Monetizing Mobile News and Its Democratic Value:

The rush to monetize mobile news delivery may inadvertently decrease its democratic value. As the economic value of mobile news increases, the costs of information processing on mobile devices may escalate. By focusing primarily on generating revenue from mobile platforms, there is a risk of neglecting the democratic nature of news dissemination. It is crucial to strike a balance between economic value and democratic value to ensure the accessibility and quality of news for all users.

Incorporating Generative AI into Tech Product Strategy:

To effectively integrate generative AI into tech product strategies, there are several key considerations to keep in mind.

1. Deep Dive into Customers' Jobs to be Done:

Understanding customers' needs and preferences is vital for leveraging generative AI effectively. By employing the Jobs to be Done framework, companies can identify critical insights that can reshape long-standing approaches. For example, can generative AI suggest the most effective ad creative for different platforms? Can it set appropriate budgets and model the ROI of ad campaigns? By applying a deep and rigorous analysis of customers' Jobs to be Done, companies can uncover revolutionary possibilities and generate highly-tailored digital content.

2. Anticipate Shifts in Customer Preferences:

Generative AI is poised to transform the way humans interact with machines, which will inevitably lead to shifts in customer preferences. To stay ahead of the curve, businesses must consider how changing preferences will affect their operations. Jobs to be Done analysis can provide valuable direction in this regard. By understanding the core Jobs that customers need to be fulfilled, companies can anticipate shifts in preferences and adapt their strategies accordingly. Additionally, companies should explore how their systems can enhance generative AI capabilities by obtaining proprietary data and personalizing experiences.

3. Transforming Customer Interactions:

The potential of generative AI lies not just in improving customer interactions with software but in transforming them entirely. By utilizing a rigorous view of Jobs to be Done, including triggers and obstacles to adopting new solutions, detailed design criteria for AI-powered solutions can be determined. This approach ensures that generative AI is not just a superficial enhancement but a transformative force in customer experiences.


As the way we consume news evolves, it is crucial to understand the differences between mobile and desktop reading habits. By prioritizing desktop platforms, we can ensure better attention and comprehension of news content. Simultaneously, the integration of generative AI into tech product strategies presents exciting opportunities for businesses. By delving into customers' Jobs to be Done, anticipating shifts in preferences, and transforming customer interactions, companies can harness the full potential of AI to revolutionize their industries.

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