Growth Loops: From linear growth to circular growth. Why You Should Strive for a Meaningful Life, Not a Happy One.


Hatched by Glasp

Sep 08, 2023

3 min read


Growth Loops: From linear growth to circular growth. Why You Should Strive for a Meaningful Life, Not a Happy One.

In our society, we are often encouraged to pursue a linear model of personal growth. This model suggests that we must follow a specific path, from point A to point B to point C, in order to achieve success. However, this linear model can be limiting, as it implies that there are people who are more advanced or successful than others. It creates a sense of competition and comparison, which can be detrimental to one's personal growth.

On the other hand, the circular model of growth offers a different perspective. In this model, there is no "up" or "down." Each individual is at a particular point in their own unique growth loop. There is no hierarchy or comparison between individuals. Instead, everyone is competing against themselves, striving to continuously improve and learn.

To fully embrace the circular model of growth, one must fall in love with the process. Success becomes a by-product of the learning journey, rather than the ultimate goal. It's about celebrating the small wins and recognizing that growth is a continuous process. By designing feedback mechanisms and constantly adjusting our mental models, we can ensure that we are always learning and evolving.

But why should we strive for a meaningful life rather than a happy one? The pursuit of happiness has long been ingrained in our society, with many believing that it is the ultimate goal of life. However, happiness is often fleeting and temporary. It is like an unquenchable thirst that can never be fully satisfied.

Instead, the search for meaning offers a more fulfilling and sustainable path. Meaning gives our lives purpose and direction. It allows us to transcend the mundane and find deeper fulfillment. While happiness may come and go, meaning provides a constant sense of fulfillment and satisfaction.

So how do we cultivate meaning in our lives? One approach is to focus on the cultivation of our character. By striving to become more integrated and complete individuals, we increase our chances of finding meaning. This approach is an antidote to stagnation and passivity, which often lead to a meaningless existence.

Setting goals can also play a crucial role in the pursuit of meaning. While goals are important, it is the continual struggle towards them that matters most. It is in the process of striving towards our goals that we find meaning and purpose. The attainment of goals is secondary; it is the functioning towards them that truly matters.

In this pursuit of meaning, it is important to remember that goals should contribute to the growth of our character. We must strive to be ourselves and continuously modify our goals to facilitate our personal development. It is in this process of self-improvement that we find fulfillment and meaning.

In conclusion, the linear model of growth may be prevalent in our society, but it is limiting and often leads to comparison and competition. Embracing the circular model of growth allows us to focus on our own unique journey and continuously improve ourselves. Similarly, the pursuit of a meaningful life offers more fulfillment than the pursuit of happiness alone. By focusing on the cultivation of our character and continually striving towards meaningful goals, we can find true fulfillment and purpose in our lives.

Actionable advice:

  • 1. Embrace the circular model of growth: Instead of comparing yourself to others, focus on your own unique journey of personal growth. Celebrate the small wins and continuously strive to improve.
  • 2. Cultivate your character: Focus on becoming a more integrated and complete individual. This will increase your chances of finding meaning and purpose in your life.
  • 3. Continuously strive towards meaningful goals: Remember that the process of striving towards your goals is more important than the attainment of the goals themselves. Modify your goals to facilitate your personal development and growth.

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